
ToolAppearances Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ToolAppearances.

Protected Constructors
Protected ConstructorToolAppearances ConstructorConstructor used for deserialization.  
Protected Fields
Protected FieldtagValue (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase)
Public Properties
Public PropertyAppearanceGets or sets the default appearance of the tool.  
Public PropertyAppearanceOnMenuGets or sets the default appearance of the tool on a PopupMenuTool.  
Public PropertyAppearanceOnRibbonGroupGets or sets the default appearance of the tool on an RibbonGroup.  
Public PropertyAppearanceOnToolbarGets or sets the default appearance of the tool on an UltraToolbar.  
Public PropertyDisposed (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.DisposableObject)
Public PropertyHasAppearanceReturns a Boolean value indicating whether an Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase object has been created.  
Public PropertyHasAppearanceOnMenuReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether an Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase object has been created.  
Public PropertyHasAppearanceOnRibbonGroupReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether an Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase object has been created.  
Public PropertyHasAppearanceOnToolbarReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether an Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase object has been created.  
Public PropertyHasHotTrackAppearanceReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether an Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase object has been created.  
Public PropertyHasHotTrackAppearanceOnMenuReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether an Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase object has been created.  
Public PropertyHasHotTrackAppearanceOnRibbonGroupReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether an Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase object has been created.  
Public PropertyHasHotTrackAppearanceOnToolbarReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether an Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase object has been created.  
Public PropertyHasHotTrackPressedAppearanceReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether an Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase object has been created.  
Public PropertyHasHotTrackPressedAppearanceOnMenuReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether an Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase object has been created.  
Public PropertyHasHotTrackPressedAppearanceOnRibbonGroupReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether an Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase object has been created.  
Public PropertyHasHotTrackPressedAppearanceOnToolbarReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether an Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase object has been created.  
Public PropertyHasPressedAppearanceReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether an Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase object has been created.  
Public PropertyHasPressedAppearanceOnMenuReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether an Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase object has been created.  
Public PropertyHasPressedAppearanceOnRibbonGroupReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether an Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase object has been created.  
Public PropertyHasPressedAppearanceOnToolbarReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether an Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase object has been created.  
Public PropertyHotTrackAppearanceGets or sets the appearance for the tool when the mouse cursor is over it.  
Public PropertyHotTrackAppearanceOnMenuGets or sets the appearance for the tool when the mouse cursor is over it and it is on a PopupMenuTool.  
Public PropertyHotTrackAppearanceOnRibbonGroupGets or sets the appearance for the tool when the mouse cursor is over it and it is on an RibbonGroup.  
Public PropertyHotTrackAppearanceOnToolbarGets or sets the appearance for the tool when the mouse cursor is over it and it is on an UltraToolbar.  
Public PropertyHotTrackPressedAppearanceGets or sets the appearance for the tool when the mouse cursor is over it with the mouse button depressed.  
Public PropertyHotTrackPressedAppearanceOnMenuGets or sets the appearance for the tool when the mouse cursor is over it with the mouse button depressed and it is on a PopupMenuTool.  
Public PropertyHotTrackPressedAppearanceOnRibbonGroupGets or sets the appearance for the tool when the mouse cursor is over it with the mouse button depressed and it is on an RibbonGroup.  
Public PropertyHotTrackPressedAppearanceOnToolbarGets or sets the appearance for the tool when the mouse cursor is over it with the mouse button depressed and it is on an UltraToolbar.  
Public PropertyPressedAppearanceGets or sets the appearance of the tool that is pressed.  
Public PropertyPressedAppearanceOnMenuGets or sets the appearance of the tool that is pressed on a PopupMenuTool.  
Public PropertyPressedAppearanceOnRibbonGroupGets or sets the appearance of the tool that is pressed on an RibbonGroup.  
Public PropertyPressedAppearanceOnToolbarGets or sets the appearance of the tool that is pressed on an UltraToolbar.  
Public PropertyTag (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase)
Protected Properties
Protected PropertySubObjectPropChangeHandler (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase)
Public Methods
Public MethodCreateObjRefCreates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodDispose (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.DisposableObject)
Public MethodGetLifetimeServiceRetrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodInitializeLifetimeServiceObtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodNotifyPropChangeOverloaded.  (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase)
Public MethodResetResets all properties of the ToolAppearances to their default values.  
Public MethodResetAppearanceResets the Appearance property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetAppearanceOnMenuResets the AppearanceOnMenu property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetAppearanceOnRibbonGroupResets the AppearanceOnRibbonGroup property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetAppearanceOnToolbarResets the AppearanceOnToolbar property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetHotTrackAppearanceResets the HotTrackAppearance property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetHotTrackAppearanceOnMenuResets the HotTrackAppearanceOnMenu property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetHotTrackAppearanceOnRibbonGroupResets the HotTrackAppearanceOnRibbonGroup property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetHotTrackAppearanceOnToolbarResets the HotTrackAppearanceOnToolbar property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetHotTrackPressedAppearanceResets the HotTrackPressedAppearance property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetHotTrackPressedAppearanceOnMenuResets the HotTrackPressedAppearanceOnMenu property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetHotTrackPressedAppearanceOnRibbonGroupResets the HotTrackPressedAppearanceOnRibbonGroup property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetHotTrackPressedAppearanceOnToolbarResets the HotTrackPressedAppearanceOnToolbar property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetPressedAppearanceResets the PressedAppearance property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetPressedAppearanceOnMenuResets the PressedAppearanceOnMenu property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetPressedAppearanceOnRibbonGroupResets the PressedAppearanceOnRibbonGroup property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetPressedAppearanceOnToolbarResets the PressedAppearanceOnToolbar property to its default value.  
Public MethodShouldSerializeTag (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase)
Public MethodToStringReturns an empty string so nothing shows up on the right side of the property grid.  
Public MethodVerifyNotDisposed (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.DisposableObject)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodDeserializeTagOverloaded.  (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase)
Protected MethodInitializeTag (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase)
Protected MethodMemberwiseCloneOverloaded. Creates a shallow copy of the current System.MarshalByRefObject object. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Protected MethodOnDisposeOverridden. Called when [dispose].  
Protected MethodOnObjectPropChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase)
Protected MethodOnSubObjectPropChangedOverridden. Called when a property has changed on a sub object.  
Protected MethodResetTag (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase)
Protected MethodSerializeTagOverloaded.  (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase)
Protected MethodShouldSerializeAppearanceDetermines whether the Appearance property is set to its default value.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeAppearanceOnMenuDetermines whether the AppearanceOnMenu property is set to its default value.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeAppearanceOnRibbonGroupDetermines whether the AppearanceOnRibbonGroup property is set to its default value.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeAppearanceOnToolbarDetermines whether the AppearanceOnToolbar property is set to its default value.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeHotTrackAppearanceDetermines whether the HotTrackAppearance property is set to its default value.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeHotTrackAppearanceOnMenuDetermines whether the HotTrackAppearanceOnMenu property is set to its default value.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeHotTrackAppearanceOnRibbonGroupDetermines whether the HotTrackAppearanceOnRibbonGroup property is set to its default value.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeHotTrackAppearanceOnToolbarDetermines whether the HotTrackAppearanceOnToolbar property is set to its default value.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeHotTrackPressedAppearanceDetermines whether the HotTrackPressedAppearance property is set to its default value.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeHotTrackPressedAppearanceOnMenuDetermines whether the HotTrackPressedAppearanceOnMenu property is set to its default value.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeHotTrackPressedAppearanceOnRibbonGroupDetermines whether the HotTrackPressedAppearanceOnRibbonGroup property is set to its default value.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeHotTrackPressedAppearanceOnToolbarDetermines whether the HotTrackPressedAppearanceOnToolbar property is set to its default value.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializePressedAppearanceDetermines whether the PressedAppearance property is set to its default value.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializePressedAppearanceOnMenuDetermines whether the PressedAppearanceOnMenu property is set to its default value.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializePressedAppearanceOnRibbonGroupDetermines whether the PressedAppearanceOnRibbonGroup property is set to its default value.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializePressedAppearanceOnToolbarDetermines whether the PressedAppearanceOnToolbar property is set to its default value.  
Public Events
Public EventSubObjectDisposed (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase)
Public EventSubObjectPropChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase)
See Also