For a list of all members of this type, see ToolbarUIRoleName members.
Name | Description | |
AddRemoveToolsMenu | Role for a menu that allows adding/removing of tools from a toolbar. | |
ApplicationMenu2010ContentArea | Role for the Office 2010 Application Menu's Content Area | |
ApplicationMenu2010Header | Role for the header strip on the Office 2010 Application Menu | |
ApplicationMenu2010NavigationMenu | Role for the Office 2010 Application Menu's Navigation Menu | |
ApplicationMenuBackButton | Role for the Back button on the Application Menu (Office2013) | |
ApplicationMenuButton | Role for the application menu button on the ribbon. | |
ApplicationMenuFooterToolbar | Role for the Office 2007 footer toolbar in the application menu. | |
ApplicationMenuHeader | Role for the header strip on the Office 2007 and Scenic Ribbon Application Menu | |
ApplicationMenuLeft | Role for the Office 2007 application menu left side | |
ApplicationMenuRight | Role for the Office 2007 application menu right side | |
MainMenubar | Base role for the main menu bar. | |
MainMenubarHorizontal | Role for the main menu bar when it is docked on the top or bottom or floating. | |
MainMenubarVertical | Role for the main menu bar when it is docked on the left or right. | |
MdiParentMenuBar | Role for the menu bar provided by the UltraToolbarsManager when using a rounded form and neither the Ribbon nor an UltraToolbar with its UltraToolbar.IsMainMenuBar set to true is present. | |
Menu | Base role for menus. | |
MenuCheckMark | Role for the check mark of an item in a menu. | |
MenuExpander | Role for element that expands a menu | |
MenuIconArea | Base role for the icon area in a menu. | |
MenuIconAreaNonRecentlyUsed | Role for the icon area in a menu that has not been recently used. | |
MenuIconAreaRecentlyUsed | Role for the icon area in a menu that has been recently used. | |
MenuItem | Base role for items that appear on a menu. | |
MenuItemAddRemoveTool | Role for tools in the add/remove tools menu. | |
MenuItemAddRemoveToolPopup | Role for a tool that pops up a menu for adding and removing tools from a toolbar. | |
MenuItemButton | Role for a button tool on a menu. | |
MenuItemComboBox | Role for a tool that contains a combo box on a menu. | |
MenuItemControlContainer | Role for a tool that contains a control container on a menu. | |
MenuItemCustomize | Role for the 'Customize...' item in the toolbar list menu. | |
MenuItemCustomizeQAT | Role for the minimize button on the Ribbon context menu | |
MenuItemCustomizeRibbon | Role for the minimize button on the Ribbon context menu | |
MenuItemEditor | Base role for a tool that contains an editor on a menu. | |
MenuItemFontList | Role for a tool that contains a combo box loaded with fonts on a menu. | |
MenuItemHeaderBase | Base role for a header style items in menus. | |
MenuItemLabel | Role for a tool that just has a label on a menu. | |
MenuItemLabelHeader | Role for a tool that just has a label and displays as a header on a menu. | |
MenuItemListItem | Role for an item in a ListTool on a menu. | |
MenuItemLockToolbars | Role for the 'Lock Toolbars' item in the toolbar list menu. | |
MenuItemMaskedEdit | Role for a tool that contains an editor with mask on a menu. | |
MenuItemMdiWindowListItem | Role for a window in an MdiWindowListTool on a menu. | |
MenuItemMinimizeRibbon | Role for the minimize button on the Ribbon context menu | |
MenuItemNewToolPlaceHolder | Role for a new tool placeholder used at design time on a menu. | |
MenuItemPopup | Base role for popup tools on a menu. | |
MenuItemPopupColorPicker | Role for a popup tool that contains a color picker on a menu. | |
MenuItemPopupControlContainer | Role for a popup tool that contains a control on a menu. | |
MenuItemPopupGallery | Role for a popup gallery on a menu. | |
MenuItemPopupGalleryFilterList | Role for a filter in a popup gallery filter list menu. | |
MenuItemPopupMenu | Role for a tool that pops up menu on a menu. | |
MenuItemProgressBar | Role for a tool that contains a progress bar on a menu. | |
MenuItemQatAddRemove | Role for the add remove button on the Quick Access Toolbar customize menu | |
MenuItemQatCustomizeHeader | Role for the header area on the Quick Access Toolbar customize menu | |
MenuItemQatCustomizeTool | Role for a tool button on the Quick Access Toolbar customize menu | |
MenuItemQatPosition | Role for the position button on the Quick Access Toolbar customize menu | |
MenuItemResetToolbar | Role for the 'Reset Toolbar' item in the add/remove tools menu. | |
MenuItemStateButton | Role for a tool that is a state button on a menu. | |
MenuItemSystemAction | Base role for system actions on a menu. | |
MenuItemTaskPane | Role for tools in the task pane menu. | |
MenuItemTextBox | Role for a tool that contains a text box on a menu. | |
MenuItemTextEditor | Base role for a tool that contains a editor with text on a menu. | |
MenuItemToolbarList | Role for toolbars in the toolbar list menu. | |
MenuItemToolbarPicker | Role for toolbars in the toolbar picker menu. | |
MenuScrollButton | Base role for elements that scroll a menu | |
MenuScrollButtonDown | Role for element that scrolls a menu down | |
MenuScrollButtonUp | Role for element that scrolls a menu up | |
MenuSideStrip | Role for the side strip in a menu | |
MenuTearAwayStrip | Role for the strip at the top of a menu to tear it away. | |
MiniToolbar | Role for the Office 2007 mini toolbar. | |
NavigationToolbar | Role for the navigation toolbar provided by the UltraToolbarsManager. | |
NavigationToolbarBackButton | Role for the back button on the navigation toolbar. | |
NavigationToolbarButton | Role for the navigation-related buttons on the navigation toolbar. | |
NavigationToolbarButtonArea | Role for the button area containing the back and forward buttons on the navigation toolbar. | |
NavigationToolbarForwardButton | Role for the forward button on the navigation toolbar. | |
NavigationToolbarRecentHistoryButton | Role for the recent history drop-down button on the navigation toolbar. | |
NavigationToolbarRecentHistoryMenu | Role for the recent history menu of the navigation toolbar. | |
NavigationToolbarRecentHistoryMenuItemIconArea | Role for the icon area of a menu item of the recent history dropdown on the Navigation Toolbar. | |
Pager | Role for a pager. | |
PagerContentArea | Role for a pager content area. | |
PagerScrollButton | Base role for a pager scroll button used in a task pane. | |
PagerScrollButtonDown | Role for a pager scroll button used in a task pane to scroll down. | |
PagerScrollButtonUp | Role for a pager scroll button used in a task pane to scroll up. | |
PopupControlContainer | Role for a popup that contains a control. | |
PopupGallery | Role for a popup gallery. | |
PopupGalleryFilterBar | Role for the Office 2007 gallery filter bar. | |
PopupGalleryFilterListMenu | Role for a menu that contains a list of filters within a gallery. | |
PopupGalleryGroupArea | Role for the Office 2007 gallery group area. | |
PopupGalleryHeader | Role for the Office 2007 gallery header. | |
PopupGalleryItem | Role for the Office 2007 gallery item. | |
PopupGalleryItemArea | Role for the Office 2007 gallery item area. | |
PopupGalleryItemImageHighlight | Role for the Office 2007 gallery item image highlight. | |
PopupGalleryItemPreview | Role for the Office 2007 gallery item preview. | |
PopupGalleryPreviewArea | Role for the Office 2007 gallery preview area. | |
PopupGalleryPreviewButton | Base role for the Office 2007 gallery preview buttons. | |
PopupGalleryPreviewDropDownButton | Role for the Office 2007 gallery preview drop down button. | |
PopupGalleryPreviewScrollDownButton | Role for the Office 2007 gallery preview scroll down button. | |
PopupGalleryPreviewScrollUpButton | Role for the Office 2007 gallery preview scroll up button. | |
PopupMenu | Role for a popup menu. | |
PopupMenuResizeHandle | Role for the resize handle of a popup menu tool | |
QatCustomizeMenu | Role for the customize menu for the Quick Access Toolbar. | |
QatItemQuickCustomize | Role for the quick customize button in the Quick Access Toolbar. | |
QatQuickCustomizeToolbar | Role for the quick customize toolbar in the Quick Access Toolbar. | |
QuickAccessToolbar | Base role for the Office 2007 Quick Access Toolbar. | |
QuickAccessToolbarBottom | Role for the Quick Access Toolbar when it is below the ribbon. | |
QuickAccessToolbarTop | Role for the Quick Access Toolbar when it is above the ribbon. | |
QuickCustomizeToolbar | Role for the quick customize toolbar. | |
Ribbon | Role for the Office 2007 ribbon. | |
RibbonCaptionArea | Role for the caption area of the ribbon. | |
RibbonCaptionButton | Base role for the caption buttons of the ribbon. | |
RibbonCaptionCloseButton | Role for the close button on the ribbon caption. | |
RibbonCaptionContextHelpButton | Role for the context help button on the ribbon caption. | |
RibbonCaptionDisplayOptionsButton | Role for the ribbon display options button on the ribbon caption. | |
RibbonCaptionMaximizeButton | Role for the maximize button on the ribbon caption. | |
RibbonCaptionMinimizeButton | Role for the minimize button on the ribbon caption. | |
RibbonCaptionRestoreButton | Role for the restore button on the ribbon caption. | |
RibbonContextualTabGroupCaption | Role for the caption area of a contextual tab group in a ribbon. | |
RibbonDisplayOptionsMenuItem | Role for the menu items in the ribbon display options menu. | |
RibbonGroup | Role for a group on a ribbon tab. | |
RibbonGroupCaption | Role for the caption of a ribbon group. | |
RibbonGroupCollapsed | Role for the collapsed ribbon group button. | |
RibbonGroupDialogBoxLauncher | Role for the dialog box launcher in a ribbon group. | |
RibbonGroupDropDown | Role for a group dropped down from a collapsed group button. | |
RibbonGroupItem | Base role for the items that appear on a ribbon group. | |
RibbonGroupItemButton | Role for a button tool on a ribbon group. | |
RibbonGroupItemButtonGroup | Role for a button group on a ribbon group. | |
RibbonGroupItemComboBox | Role for a tool that contains a combo box on a ribbon group. | |
RibbonGroupItemControlContainer | Role for a control container on a ribbon group. | |
RibbonGroupItemEditor | Base role for a tool that contains an editor on a ribbon group. | |
RibbonGroupItemFontList | Role for a tool that contains a combo box loaded with fonts on a ribbon group. | |
RibbonGroupItemGalleryPreview | Role for a gallery tool displaying a preview on a ribbon group. | |
RibbonGroupItemLabel | Role for a label on a ribbon group. | |
RibbonGroupItemMaskedEdit | Role for a tool that contains an editor with mask on a ribbon group. | |
RibbonGroupItemNewToolPlaceHolder | Role for a new tool placeholder used at design time on a ribbon group. | |
RibbonGroupItemPopup | Base role for popup tools on a ribbon group. | |
RibbonGroupItemPopupColorPicker | Role for a popup tool that contains a color picker on a ribbon group. | |
RibbonGroupItemPopupControlContainer | Role for a popup tool that contains a control on a ribbon group. | |
RibbonGroupItemPopupGallery | Role for a popup gallery on a ribbon group. | |
RibbonGroupItemPopupMenu | Role for a tool that pops up menu on a ribbon group. | |
RibbonGroupItemProgressBar | Role for a tool that contains a progress bar on a ribbon group. | |
RibbonGroupItemStateButton | Role for a tool that is a state button on a ribbon group. | |
RibbonGroupItemTextBox | Role for a tool that contains a text box on a ribbon group. | |
RibbonGroupItemTextEditor | Base role for a tool that contains a editor with text on a ribbon group. | |
RibbonGroupSeperator | Role for the Ribbon group seperator | |
RibbonPagerButton | Base role for the pager buttons in the ribbon. | |
RibbonPagerButtonLeft | Role for the left pager button of the ribbon. | |
RibbonPagerButtonRight | Role for the right pager button of the ribbon. | |
RibbonTabItem | Role for a ribbon tab. | |
RibbonTabItemArea | Role for the tab area of the ribbon. | |
RibbonTabItemToolbar | Role for the toolbar containing buttons in the tab item area of the ribbon. | |
RibbonTabPage | Role for the content area of a ribbon tab. | |
RibbonTabPageDropDown | Role for the content area of a tab dropped down from a minimized ribbon. | |
SystemMenu | Role for the system menu. | |
TaskPane | Role for a task pane. | |
TaskPaneNavigationButtonArea | Role for the task pane navigation button area. | |
TaskPaneToolbar | Role for the task pane toolbar. | |
TaskPaneToolbarMenu | Role for the menu that contains a list of task panes. | |
Toolbar | Base role for a dockable toolbar. | |
ToolbarBase | Base role for toolbars. | |
ToolbarCloseButton | Role for the close button on a floating toolbar. | |
ToolbarDockArea | Base role for toolbar dock areas. | |
ToolbarDockAreaBottom | Role for a toolbar dock area that is docked on the bottom. | |
ToolbarDockAreaFloating | Role for a floating toolbar dock area. | |
ToolbarDockAreaHorizontal | Role for a horizontal toolbar dock area. | |
ToolbarDockAreaLeft | Role for a toolbar dock area that is docked left. | |
ToolbarDockAreaPopup | Role for a toolbar dock area that is used in a popup window. | |
ToolbarDockAreaRight | Role for a toolbar dock area that is docked right. | |
ToolbarDockAreaTop | Role for a toolbar dock area that is docked on the top. | |
ToolbarDockAreaVertical | Role for vertical a toolbar dock area. | |
ToolbarEditArea | Base role for the edit area of tools that contain editors. | |
ToolbarEditAreaComboBox | Role for the edit area of a ComboBoxTool. | |
ToolbarEditAreaFontList | Role for the edit area of a FontListTool. | |
ToolbarEditAreaMaskedEdit | Role for the edit area of a MaskedEditTool. | |
ToolbarEditAreaProgressBar | Role for the edit area of a ProgressBarTool. | |
ToolbarEditAreaTextBase | Base role for the edit area of tools that contain editors with a text area. | |
ToolbarEditAreaTextBox | Role for the edit area of a TextBoxTool. | |
ToolbarFloatingCaption | Role for the caption area of a floating toolbar. | |
ToolbarFormBorder | Role for the border of the form when the UltraToolbarsManager's UltraToolbarsManager.FormDisplayStyle is set to something other than Standard. | |
ToolbarGrabHandle | Base role for the toolbar grab handles. | |
ToolbarGrabHandleHorizontal | Role for the toolbar grab handle on a horizontally docked toolbar. | |
ToolbarGrabHandleVertical | Role for the toolbar grab handle on a vertically docked toolbar. | |
ToolbarHorizontal | Role for a toolbar when it is docked on the top or bottom or is floating. | |
ToolbarItem | Base role for items that appear on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemButton | Role for a button tool on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemButtonVertical | Role for a vertical button tool on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemComboBox | Role for a tool that contains a combo box on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemControlContainer | Role for a tool that contains a control on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemEditor | Base role for a tool that contains an editor on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemFontList | Role for a tool that contains a combo box loaded with fonts on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemLabel | Role for a label on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemLabelVertical | Role for a vertical label on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemMaskedEdit | Role for a tool that contains an editor with mask on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemNavigationRecentHistoryMenu | Role for a menu item within the recent history drop-down on the navigation toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemNewToolPlaceHolder | Role for a new tool placeholder used at design time on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemPopup | Base role for popup tools on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemPopupColorPicker | Role for a popup tool that contains a color picker on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemPopupControlContainer | Role for a popup tool that contains a control on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemPopupGallery | Role for a popup gallery on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemPopupGalleryVertical | Role for a vertical popup gallery on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemPopupMenu | Role for a tool that pops up menu on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemPopupMenuVertical | Role for a vertical tool that pops up menu on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemPopupRibbonGroup | Role for a popup ribbon group on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemProgressBar | Role for a tool that contains a progress bar on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemProgressBarVertical | Role for a tool that contains a progress bar on a toolbar that is displayed vertically. | |
ToolbarItemQuickCustomize | Role for the quick customize button on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemStateButton | Role for a tool that is a state button on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemStateButtonVertical | Role for a tool that is a state button on a toolbar that is displayed vertically. | |
ToolbarItemSystemAction | Base role for system action buttons on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemSystemActionClose | Role for the close button on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemSystemActionMinimize | Role for the minimize window button on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemSystemActionRestore | Role for the restore window button on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemSystemMenu | Role for the system menu button on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemTaskPaneLabel | Role for task pane label on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemTaskPaneMenu | Base role for task pane menu tool on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemTaskPaneMenuDropDownOnly | Role for task pane menu tool on a toolbar with only a drop down indicator. | |
ToolbarItemTaskPaneMenuWithLabel | Role for task pane menu tool on a toolbar that contains a label. | |
ToolbarItemTaskPaneNavigation | Base role for navigation buttons on a task pane toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemTaskPaneNavigationBack | Role for back navigation button on a task pane toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemTaskPaneNavigationForward | Role for forward navigation button on a task pane toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemTaskPaneNavigationHome | Role for home navigation button on a task pane toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemTextBox | Role for a tool that contains a text box on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarItemTextEditor | Base role for a tool that contains a editor with text on a toolbar. | |
ToolbarListMenu | Role for a menu that contains a list of toolbars. | |
ToolbarPickerMenu | Role for a menu that contains a list of toolbars of the quick customize toolbar. | |
ToolbarVertical | Role for a toolbar when it is docked on the left or right. | |
ToolNotificationBadge | Role for the Tool Notification Badge |