
ToolbarUIRoleName Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ToolbarUIRoleName.

Public Fields
Public FieldAddRemoveToolsMenuRole for a menu that allows adding/removing of tools from a toolbar.  
Public FieldApplicationMenu2010ContentAreaRole for the Office 2010 Application Menu's Content Area  
Public FieldApplicationMenu2010HeaderRole for the header strip on the Office 2010 Application Menu  
Public FieldApplicationMenu2010NavigationMenuRole for the Office 2010 Application Menu's Navigation Menu  
Public FieldApplicationMenuBackButtonRole for the Back button on the Application Menu (Office2013)  
Public FieldApplicationMenuButtonRole for the application menu button on the ribbon.  
Public FieldApplicationMenuFooterToolbarRole for the Office 2007 footer toolbar in the application menu.  
Public FieldApplicationMenuHeaderRole for the header strip on the Office 2007 and Scenic Ribbon Application Menu  
Public FieldApplicationMenuLeftRole for the Office 2007 application menu left side  
Public FieldApplicationMenuRightRole for the Office 2007 application menu right side  
Public FieldMainMenubarBase role for the main menu bar.  
Public FieldMainMenubarHorizontalRole for the main menu bar when it is docked on the top or bottom or floating.  
Public FieldMainMenubarVerticalRole for the main menu bar when it is docked on the left or right.  
Public FieldMdiParentMenuBarRole for the menu bar provided by the UltraToolbarsManager when using a rounded form and neither the Ribbon nor an UltraToolbar with its UltraToolbar.IsMainMenuBar set to true is present.  
Public FieldMenuBase role for menus.  
Public FieldMenuCheckMarkRole for the check mark of an item in a menu.  
Public FieldMenuExpanderRole for element that expands a menu  
Public FieldMenuIconAreaBase role for the icon area in a menu.  
Public FieldMenuIconAreaNonRecentlyUsedRole for the icon area in a menu that has not been recently used.  
Public FieldMenuIconAreaRecentlyUsedRole for the icon area in a menu that has been recently used.  
Public FieldMenuItemBase role for items that appear on a menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemAddRemoveToolRole for tools in the add/remove tools menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemAddRemoveToolPopupRole for a tool that pops up a menu for adding and removing tools from a toolbar.  
Public FieldMenuItemButtonRole for a button tool on a menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemComboBoxRole for a tool that contains a combo box on a menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemControlContainerRole for a tool that contains a control container on a menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemCustomizeRole for the 'Customize...' item in the toolbar list menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemCustomizeQATRole for the minimize button on the Ribbon context menu  
Public FieldMenuItemCustomizeRibbonRole for the minimize button on the Ribbon context menu  
Public FieldMenuItemEditorBase role for a tool that contains an editor on a menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemFontListRole for a tool that contains a combo box loaded with fonts on a menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemHeaderBaseBase role for a header style items in menus.  
Public FieldMenuItemLabelRole for a tool that just has a label on a menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemLabelHeaderRole for a tool that just has a label and displays as a header on a menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemListItemRole for an item in a ListTool on a menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemLockToolbarsRole for the 'Lock Toolbars' item in the toolbar list menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemMaskedEditRole for a tool that contains an editor with mask on a menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemMdiWindowListItemRole for a window in an MdiWindowListTool on a menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemMinimizeRibbonRole for the minimize button on the Ribbon context menu  
Public FieldMenuItemNewToolPlaceHolderRole for a new tool placeholder used at design time on a menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemPopupBase role for popup tools on a menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemPopupColorPickerRole for a popup tool that contains a color picker on a menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemPopupControlContainerRole for a popup tool that contains a control on a menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemPopupGalleryRole for a popup gallery on a menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemPopupGalleryFilterListRole for a filter in a popup gallery filter list menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemPopupMenuRole for a tool that pops up menu on a menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemProgressBarRole for a tool that contains a progress bar on a menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemQatAddRemoveRole for the add remove button on the Quick Access Toolbar customize menu  
Public FieldMenuItemQatCustomizeHeaderRole for the header area on the Quick Access Toolbar customize menu  
Public FieldMenuItemQatCustomizeToolRole for a tool button on the Quick Access Toolbar customize menu  
Public FieldMenuItemQatPositionRole for the position button on the Quick Access Toolbar customize menu  
Public FieldMenuItemResetToolbarRole for the 'Reset Toolbar' item in the add/remove tools menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemStateButtonRole for a tool that is a state button on a menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemSystemActionBase role for system actions on a menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemTaskPaneRole for tools in the task pane menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemTextBoxRole for a tool that contains a text box on a menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemTextEditorBase role for a tool that contains a editor with text on a menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemToolbarListRole for toolbars in the toolbar list menu.  
Public FieldMenuItemToolbarPickerRole for toolbars in the toolbar picker menu.  
Public FieldMenuScrollButtonBase role for elements that scroll a menu  
Public FieldMenuScrollButtonDownRole for element that scrolls a menu down  
Public FieldMenuScrollButtonUpRole for element that scrolls a menu up  
Public FieldMenuSideStripRole for the side strip in a menu  
Public FieldMenuTearAwayStripRole for the strip at the top of a menu to tear it away.  
Public FieldMiniToolbarRole for the Office 2007 mini toolbar.  
Public FieldNavigationToolbarRole for the navigation toolbar provided by the UltraToolbarsManager.  
Public FieldNavigationToolbarBackButtonRole for the back button on the navigation toolbar.  
Public FieldNavigationToolbarButtonRole for the navigation-related buttons on the navigation toolbar.  
Public FieldNavigationToolbarButtonAreaRole for the button area containing the back and forward buttons on the navigation toolbar.  
Public FieldNavigationToolbarForwardButtonRole for the forward button on the navigation toolbar.  
Public FieldNavigationToolbarRecentHistoryButtonRole for the recent history drop-down button on the navigation toolbar.  
Public FieldNavigationToolbarRecentHistoryMenuRole for the recent history menu of the navigation toolbar.  
Public FieldNavigationToolbarRecentHistoryMenuItemIconAreaRole for the icon area of a menu item of the recent history dropdown on the Navigation Toolbar.  
Public FieldPagerRole for a pager.  
Public FieldPagerContentAreaRole for a pager content area.  
Public FieldPagerScrollButtonBase role for a pager scroll button used in a task pane.  
Public FieldPagerScrollButtonDownRole for a pager scroll button used in a task pane to scroll down.  
Public FieldPagerScrollButtonUpRole for a pager scroll button used in a task pane to scroll up.  
Public FieldPopupControlContainerRole for a popup that contains a control.  
Public FieldPopupGalleryRole for a popup gallery.  
Public FieldPopupGalleryFilterBarRole for the Office 2007 gallery filter bar.  
Public FieldPopupGalleryFilterListMenuRole for a menu that contains a list of filters within a gallery.  
Public FieldPopupGalleryGroupAreaRole for the Office 2007 gallery group area.  
Public FieldPopupGalleryHeaderRole for the Office 2007 gallery header.  
Public FieldPopupGalleryItemRole for the Office 2007 gallery item.  
Public FieldPopupGalleryItemAreaRole for the Office 2007 gallery item area.  
Public FieldPopupGalleryItemImageHighlightRole for the Office 2007 gallery item image highlight.  
Public FieldPopupGalleryItemPreviewRole for the Office 2007 gallery item preview.  
Public FieldPopupGalleryPreviewAreaRole for the Office 2007 gallery preview area.  
Public FieldPopupGalleryPreviewButtonBase role for the Office 2007 gallery preview buttons.  
Public FieldPopupGalleryPreviewDropDownButtonRole for the Office 2007 gallery preview drop down button.  
Public FieldPopupGalleryPreviewScrollDownButtonRole for the Office 2007 gallery preview scroll down button.  
Public FieldPopupGalleryPreviewScrollUpButtonRole for the Office 2007 gallery preview scroll up button.  
Public FieldPopupMenuRole for a popup menu.  
Public FieldPopupMenuResizeHandleRole for the resize handle of a popup menu tool  
Public FieldQatCustomizeMenuRole for the customize menu for the Quick Access Toolbar.  
Public FieldQatItemQuickCustomizeRole for the quick customize button in the Quick Access Toolbar.  
Public FieldQatQuickCustomizeToolbarRole for the quick customize toolbar in the Quick Access Toolbar.  
Public FieldQuickAccessToolbarBase role for the Office 2007 Quick Access Toolbar.  
Public FieldQuickAccessToolbarBottomRole for the Quick Access Toolbar when it is below the ribbon.  
Public FieldQuickAccessToolbarTopRole for the Quick Access Toolbar when it is above the ribbon.  
Public FieldQuickCustomizeToolbarRole for the quick customize toolbar.  
Public FieldRibbonRole for the Office 2007 ribbon.  
Public FieldRibbonCaptionAreaRole for the caption area of the ribbon.  
Public FieldRibbonCaptionButtonBase role for the caption buttons of the ribbon.  
Public FieldRibbonCaptionCloseButtonRole for the close button on the ribbon caption.  
Public FieldRibbonCaptionContextHelpButtonRole for the context help button on the ribbon caption.  
Public FieldRibbonCaptionDisplayOptionsButtonRole for the ribbon display options button on the ribbon caption.  
Public FieldRibbonCaptionMaximizeButtonRole for the maximize button on the ribbon caption.  
Public FieldRibbonCaptionMinimizeButtonRole for the minimize button on the ribbon caption.  
Public FieldRibbonCaptionRestoreButtonRole for the restore button on the ribbon caption.  
Public FieldRibbonContextualTabGroupCaptionRole for the caption area of a contextual tab group in a ribbon.  
Public FieldRibbonDisplayOptionsMenuItemRole for the menu items in the ribbon display options menu.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupRole for a group on a ribbon tab.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupCaptionRole for the caption of a ribbon group.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupCollapsedRole for the collapsed ribbon group button.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupDialogBoxLauncherRole for the dialog box launcher in a ribbon group.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupDropDownRole for a group dropped down from a collapsed group button.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupItemBase role for the items that appear on a ribbon group.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupItemButtonRole for a button tool on a ribbon group.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupItemButtonGroupRole for a button group on a ribbon group.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupItemComboBoxRole for a tool that contains a combo box on a ribbon group.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupItemControlContainerRole for a control container on a ribbon group.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupItemEditorBase role for a tool that contains an editor on a ribbon group.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupItemFontListRole for a tool that contains a combo box loaded with fonts on a ribbon group.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupItemGalleryPreviewRole for a gallery tool displaying a preview on a ribbon group.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupItemLabelRole for a label on a ribbon group.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupItemMaskedEditRole for a tool that contains an editor with mask on a ribbon group.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupItemNewToolPlaceHolderRole for a new tool placeholder used at design time on a ribbon group.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupItemPopupBase role for popup tools on a ribbon group.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupItemPopupColorPickerRole for a popup tool that contains a color picker on a ribbon group.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupItemPopupControlContainerRole for a popup tool that contains a control on a ribbon group.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupItemPopupGalleryRole for a popup gallery on a ribbon group.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupItemPopupMenuRole for a tool that pops up menu on a ribbon group.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupItemProgressBarRole for a tool that contains a progress bar on a ribbon group.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupItemStateButtonRole for a tool that is a state button on a ribbon group.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupItemTextBoxRole for a tool that contains a text box on a ribbon group.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupItemTextEditorBase role for a tool that contains a editor with text on a ribbon group.  
Public FieldRibbonGroupSeperatorRole for the Ribbon group seperator  
Public FieldRibbonPagerButtonBase role for the pager buttons in the ribbon.  
Public FieldRibbonPagerButtonLeftRole for the left pager button of the ribbon.  
Public FieldRibbonPagerButtonRightRole for the right pager button of the ribbon.  
Public FieldRibbonTabItemRole for a ribbon tab.  
Public FieldRibbonTabItemAreaRole for the tab area of the ribbon.  
Public FieldRibbonTabItemToolbarRole for the toolbar containing buttons in the tab item area of the ribbon.  
Public FieldRibbonTabPageRole for the content area of a ribbon tab.  
Public FieldRibbonTabPageDropDownRole for the content area of a tab dropped down from a minimized ribbon.  
Public FieldSystemMenuRole for the system menu.  
Public FieldTaskPaneRole for a task pane.  
Public FieldTaskPaneNavigationButtonAreaRole for the task pane navigation button area.  
Public FieldTaskPaneToolbarRole for the task pane toolbar.  
Public FieldTaskPaneToolbarMenuRole for the menu that contains a list of task panes.  
Public FieldToolbarBase role for a dockable toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarBaseBase role for toolbars.  
Public FieldToolbarCloseButtonRole for the close button on a floating toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarDockAreaBase role for toolbar dock areas.  
Public FieldToolbarDockAreaBottomRole for a toolbar dock area that is docked on the bottom.  
Public FieldToolbarDockAreaFloatingRole for a floating toolbar dock area.  
Public FieldToolbarDockAreaHorizontalRole for a horizontal toolbar dock area.  
Public FieldToolbarDockAreaLeftRole for a toolbar dock area that is docked left.  
Public FieldToolbarDockAreaPopupRole for a toolbar dock area that is used in a popup window.  
Public FieldToolbarDockAreaRightRole for a toolbar dock area that is docked right.  
Public FieldToolbarDockAreaTopRole for a toolbar dock area that is docked on the top.  
Public FieldToolbarDockAreaVerticalRole for vertical a toolbar dock area.  
Public FieldToolbarEditAreaBase role for the edit area of tools that contain editors.  
Public FieldToolbarEditAreaComboBoxRole for the edit area of a ComboBoxTool.  
Public FieldToolbarEditAreaFontListRole for the edit area of a FontListTool.  
Public FieldToolbarEditAreaMaskedEditRole for the edit area of a MaskedEditTool.  
Public FieldToolbarEditAreaProgressBarRole for the edit area of a ProgressBarTool.  
Public FieldToolbarEditAreaTextBaseBase role for the edit area of tools that contain editors with a text area.  
Public FieldToolbarEditAreaTextBoxRole for the edit area of a TextBoxTool.  
Public FieldToolbarFloatingCaptionRole for the caption area of a floating toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarFormBorderRole for the border of the form when the UltraToolbarsManager's UltraToolbarsManager.FormDisplayStyle is set to something other than Standard.  
Public FieldToolbarGrabHandleBase role for the toolbar grab handles.  
Public FieldToolbarGrabHandleHorizontalRole for the toolbar grab handle on a horizontally docked toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarGrabHandleVerticalRole for the toolbar grab handle on a vertically docked toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarHorizontalRole for a toolbar when it is docked on the top or bottom or is floating.  
Public FieldToolbarItemBase role for items that appear on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemButtonRole for a button tool on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemButtonVerticalRole for a vertical button tool on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemComboBoxRole for a tool that contains a combo box on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemControlContainerRole for a tool that contains a control on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemEditorBase role for a tool that contains an editor on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemFontListRole for a tool that contains a combo box loaded with fonts on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemLabelRole for a label on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemLabelVerticalRole for a vertical label on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemMaskedEditRole for a tool that contains an editor with mask on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemNavigationRecentHistoryMenuRole for a menu item within the recent history drop-down on the navigation toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemNewToolPlaceHolderRole for a new tool placeholder used at design time on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemPopupBase role for popup tools on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemPopupColorPickerRole for a popup tool that contains a color picker on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemPopupControlContainerRole for a popup tool that contains a control on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemPopupGalleryRole for a popup gallery on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemPopupGalleryVerticalRole for a vertical popup gallery on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemPopupMenuRole for a tool that pops up menu on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemPopupMenuVerticalRole for a vertical tool that pops up menu on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemPopupRibbonGroupRole for a popup ribbon group on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemProgressBarRole for a tool that contains a progress bar on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemProgressBarVerticalRole for a tool that contains a progress bar on a toolbar that is displayed vertically.  
Public FieldToolbarItemQuickCustomizeRole for the quick customize button on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemStateButtonRole for a tool that is a state button on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemStateButtonVerticalRole for a tool that is a state button on a toolbar that is displayed vertically.  
Public FieldToolbarItemSystemActionBase role for system action buttons on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemSystemActionCloseRole for the close button on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemSystemActionMinimizeRole for the minimize window button on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemSystemActionRestoreRole for the restore window button on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemSystemMenuRole for the system menu button on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemTaskPaneLabelRole for task pane label on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemTaskPaneMenuBase role for task pane menu tool on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemTaskPaneMenuDropDownOnlyRole for task pane menu tool on a toolbar with only a drop down indicator.  
Public FieldToolbarItemTaskPaneMenuWithLabelRole for task pane menu tool on a toolbar that contains a label.  
Public FieldToolbarItemTaskPaneNavigationBase role for navigation buttons on a task pane toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemTaskPaneNavigationBackRole for back navigation button on a task pane toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemTaskPaneNavigationForwardRole for forward navigation button on a task pane toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemTaskPaneNavigationHomeRole for home navigation button on a task pane toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemTextBoxRole for a tool that contains a text box on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarItemTextEditorBase role for a tool that contains a editor with text on a toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarListMenuRole for a menu that contains a list of toolbars.  
Public FieldToolbarPickerMenuRole for a menu that contains a list of toolbars of the quick customize toolbar.  
Public FieldToolbarVerticalRole for a toolbar when it is docked on the left or right.  
Public FieldToolNotificationBadgeRole for the Tool Notification Badge  
See Also