For a list of all members of this type, see UltraToolbarsManager members.
Name | Description | |
AfterApplicationMenu2010Closed | Occurs after the Office 2010 style application menu on the ribbon is closed. | |
AfterApplicationMenu2010Displayed | Occurs after the Office 2010 style application menu on the ribbon is displayed. | |
AfterApplicationMenuCloseUp | Occurs after the application menu on the ribbon closes up. | |
AfterApplicationMenuDropDown | Occurs after the application menu on the ribbon opens up. | |
AfterAutoHideRibbonCloseUp | Occurs after the auto-hidden ribbon is closed. | |
AfterAutoHideRibbonDropDown | Occurs after the auto-hide ribbon is displayed. | |
AfterComponentReset | Occurs after the component has been reset. | |
AfterCustomizeDialogClosed | Occurs after the run-time customizer dialog has been shown and is closed. | |
AfterMiniToolbarHidden | Occurs when the mini-toolbar is hidden from the user, either because the mouse has moved too far from it, or because some other item on screen was activated. | |
AfterMiniToolbarShown | Occurs after the mini-toolbar is shown to the user as a result of a context menu appearing. | |
AfterNavigation | Occurs after an item has been navigated to on the navigation toolbar. | |
AfterRibbonCustomizationDialogClosed | Occurs after the RibbonCustomizationProvider's dialog is closed. | |
AfterRibbonGroupCloseUp | Occurs after the dropdown for a collapsed ribbon group on the ribbon closes. | |
AfterRibbonGroupDropDown | Occurs after the dropdown for a collapsed ribbon group on the ribbon opens. | |
AfterRibbonTabCloseUp | Occurs after the dropdown for the minimized ribbon closes. | |
AfterRibbonTabDropDown | Occurs after the dropdown for the minimized ribbon opens. | |
AfterRibbonTabSelected | Occurs after the selected tab of the ribbon has been changed. | |
AfterTaskPaneToolSelected | Occurs after the SelectedTaskPaneTool has been changed. | |
AfterToolActivate | Occurs after a tool becomes the active tool. | |
AfterToolbarReset | Occurs after an UltraToolbar is reset to its original state. | |
AfterToolCloseup | Occurs after a tool closes up. | |
AfterToolDeactivate | Occurs after a tool ceases to be the active tool. | |
AfterToolDragEnd | Occurs after a tool drag operation has completed. | |
AfterToolDropdown | Occurs after a tool drops down. | |
AfterToolEnterEditMode | Occurs after an editor tool has entered edit mode. | |
AfterToolExitEditMode | Occurs after an editor tool has left edit mode. | |
BeforeApplicationMenu2010Closed | Occurs before the Office 2010 style application menu on the ribbon is Closed. | |
BeforeApplicationMenu2010Displayed | Occurs before the Office 2010 style application menu on the ribbon is displayed. | |
BeforeApplicationMenuDropDown | Cancelable event that occurs before the application menu on the ribbon opens up. | |
BeforeAutoHideRibbonDropDown | Occurs before auto-hide ribbon is displayed. | |
BeforeComponentReset | Occurs before the component has been reset. | |
BeforeDisplayCustomizeDialog | Occurs before the run-time customizer dialog is displayed to the user. | |
BeforeDisplayMoreItemsDialog | Occurs before the More Windows or More Items dialogs are displayed. | |
BeforeMiniToolbarShown | Occurs before the mini-toolbar is shown to the user as a result of a context menu appearing. | |
BeforeNavigation | Occurs before an item is navigated to on the navigation toolbar. | |
BeforeRibbonCustomizationDialogDisplayed | Occurs before the RibbonCustomizationProvider's dialog is displayed. | |
BeforeRibbonGroupDropDown | Cancelable event that occurs before the dropdown for a collapsed ribbon group on the ribbon opens. | |
BeforeRibbonTabDropDown | Cancelable event that occurs before the dropdown for minimized ribbon opens. | |
BeforeRibbonTabSelected | Cancelable event that occurs before the selected tab of the ribbon has been changed. | |
BeforeShortcutKeyProcessed | Occurs before the ToolClick is invoked when the end-user presses the Shortcut for a ToolBase. | |
BeforeTaskPaneToolSelected | Occurs before the SelectedTaskPaneTool has been changed. | |
BeforeToolActivate | Occurs before a tool becomes the active tool. | |
BeforeToolbarListDropdown | Occurs before the toolbar menu list is displayed. | |
BeforeToolbarReset | Occurs before a toolbar is reset to its baseline state. | |
BeforeToolDragBegin | Occurs before a tool drag operation has started. | |
BeforeToolDropdown | Occurs before a tool drops down. | |
BeforeToolEnterEditMode | Cancelable event that occurs after an editor tool has left edit mode. | |
BeforeToolExitEditMode | Cancelable event that occurs before an editor tool has left edit mode. | |
Disposed | (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component) | |
GalleryToolActiveItemChange | Occurs when an item in a gallery drop down or preview is activated for the length of the ActivationActionDelay. | |
GalleryToolFilterChange | Occurs when the selected group filter of a gallery tool has changed. | |
GalleryToolItemClick | Occurs when an item in a gallery drop down or preview is clicked. | |
MouseEnterElement | (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraComponentControlManagerBase) | |
MouseLeaveElement | (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraComponentControlManagerBase) | |
PropertyChanged | (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraComponentBase) | |
QuickAccessToolbarModified | Occurs when the state or location of the QuickAccessToolbar is changed. | |
TaskPaneToolResize | Occurs when the Control of the SelectedTaskPaneTool is being resized by the UltraToolbarsManager. | |
TearawayToolbarCreated | Occurs after a tearaway toolbar has been created. | |
ToolbarModified | Occurs when the state or location of an UltraToolbar is changed. | |
ToolClick | Occurs when a tool is clicked by the user. | |
ToolDoubleClick | Occurs when a tool is double-clicked by the user. | |
ToolEditError | Occurs after the BeforeToolExitEditMode event if the user has entered an invalid value. | |
ToolKeyDown | Occurs when a key is pressed when a tool has the input focus. | |
ToolKeyPress | Occurs when a key is pressed and released when a tool has the input focus. | |
ToolKeyUp | Occurs when a key is released when a tool has the input focus. | |
ToolValueChanged | Occurs when the value of a tool changes. |