For a list of all members of this type, see UltraTreeNode members.
Name | Description | |
AccessibilityObject | Returns the accesible object representing the data area of the grid. | |
AllowAutoDragExpandResolved | The resolved Override.AllowAutoDragExpand of the node. If a Override.AllowAutoDragExpand has been specified, it is returned. Otherwise the default is returned. | |
AllowCellEdit | Gets/sets whether cells contained by this UltraTreeNode can be edited by the end user. | |
AllowCopyResolved | The resolved Override.AllowCopy of the node. If a Override.AllowCopy has been specified, it is returned. Otherwise the default is returned. | |
AllowCutResolved | The resolved Override.AllowCut of the node. If a Override.AllowCut has been specified, it is returned. Otherwise the default is returned. | |
AllowDeleteResolved | The resolved Override.AllowDelete of the node. If a Override.AllowDelete has been specified, it is returned. Otherwise the default is returned. | |
AllowPasteResolved | The resolved Override.AllowPaste of the node. If a Override.AllowPaste has been specified, it is returned. Otherwise the default is returned. | |
BandName | Gets the name of the band in the underlying data source to which node belongs. | |
BorderStyleNodeResolved | The resolved Override.BorderStyleNode of the node. If a Override.BorderStyleNode has been specified, it is returned. Otherwise the default is returned. | |
Bounds | Returns the bounding rectangle of the UltraTreeNode. | |
Cells | Returns the TreeNodeCellsCollection which contains the cells for this UltraTreeNode. | |
CheckedState | Gets/sets a value indicating the checked state of the UltraTreeNode. | |
Control | Returns the control that the UltraTreeNode is owned by (read-only) | |
DataColumnSetResolved | Returns the UltraTreeColumnSet instance which defines the cell data for this node. | |
DataKey | Gets/sets a value that is used to store a dataset key or other information. | |
DisplayColumnSetResolved | Returns the UltraTreeColumnSet instance which defines the column structure for this node. | |
Disposed | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.DisposableObject) | |
DrawImageBackgroundResolved | The resolved value of the DrawImageBackground property. Otherwise the default is returned. | |
EditorResolved | Returns the resolved value of the associated Override object's Editor property. | |
Enabled | Gets/sets a value indicating whether the tree node responds to activation, selection, etc. | |
EnabledResolved | (Read-only) Returns true only if this UltraTreeNode, all of its ancestor nodes, and the UltraTree control to which it belongs, is Enabled. | |
Expanded | Gets/Sets whether or not the node is Expanded. | |
FullPath | Returns a string describing the path from the root UltraTreeNode to the current UltraTreeNode. | |
GlyphPaddingResolved | Returns the resolved value of the GlyphPadding property. | |
Handle | Gets the handle of the tree node. If a handle is not already assigned when the Handle property is referenced, it is assigned at that time. | |
HasExpansionIndicator | Returns whether the node is displaying an expansion indicator. | |
HasLeftImages | Indicates if there are any images in the LeftImages collection. | |
HasNodes | Returns true if there is a least 1 child node in this node's Nodes collection. Please see the remarks below for important details regarding data binding situations. | |
HasOverride | Returns true if an Override object has been created. | |
HasRightImages | Indicates if there are any images in the RightImages collection. | |
HasVisibleNodes | Returns true if there is a least 1 visible child node in this node's Nodes collection. | |
HotTrackingResolved | The resolved Override.HotTracking of the node. If a Override.HotTracking has been specified, it is returned. Otherwise the default is returned. | |
ImageSizeResolved | Gets the resolved image size | |
Index | Returns the ordinal position of this node in its TreeNodesCollection. | |
IsActive | Returns whether or not this is the ActiveNode. | |
IsBandNode | Returns whether or not this node is a band node. | |
IsDraggable | Returns true only if the node it draggable | |
IsEditing | Returns whether or not the UltraTreeNode it in Override.LabelEdit mode. | |
IsHotTracking | Returns whether or not the node is the UltraTree.HotTrackingNode node. | |
IsInView | Returns whether or not the UltraTreeNode is in view. | |
IsRootLevelNode | Returns whether the node is a root level node. | |
IsSelectable | Returns whether the node is selectable. | |
ItemHeightResolved | The resolved item height. | |
Key | Overridden. The Key of the node. | |
LabelEditResolved | The resolved Override.LabelEdit of the node. If a Override.LabelEdit has been specified, it is returned. Otherwise the default is returned. | |
LeftImages | Returns the LeftImages collection. | |
LeftImagesAlignment | Gets/sets the vertical alignment for the LeftImages. | |
Level | Gets the node level. | |
ListIndex | Returns the index corresponding to this row from the IList that the control is bound to. Return value of -1 indicates that a row has been deleted or doesn't exist anymore. | |
ListObject | Returns the object corresponding to this row from the IList that the control is bound to. Returns Null if this is an UltraGridGroupByRow. | |
MaxLabelHeightResolved | Returns the resolved value of the associated Override object's MaxLabelHeight property. | |
MaxLabelWidthResolved | Returns the resolved value of the associated Override object's MaxLabelWidth property. | |
MultilineResolved | Returns the resolved value of the associated Override object's Multiline property. | |
NextVisibleNode | Gets the next visible tree node. | |
NodeDoubleClickActionResolved | The resolved Override.NodeDoubleClickAction of the node. If a Override.NodeDoubleClickAction has been specified, it is returned. Otherwise the default is returned. | |
Nodes | Collection of child nodes. This could be the children of a parent node or the children of the UltraTree (root nodes). | |
NodeSpacingAfterResolved | Returns the resolved value of the associated Override object's NodeSpacingAfter property. | |
NodeSpacingBeforeResolved | Returns the resolved value of the associated Override object's NodeSpacingBefore property. | |
NodeStyleResolved | The resolved NodeStyle of the node. If a NodeStyle has been specified, it is returned. Otherwise the default is 'Standard'. | |
NotificationBadgeText | Gets or sets the notification badge text. | |
Override | The Override of a node has properties which can be overriden on different levels of the tree. | |
Parent | Gets the parent UltraTreeNode of the node. | |
ParentNodesCollection | Gets the TreeNodesCollection of the nodes parent. | |
PrevVisibleNode | Gets the previous visible UltraTreeNode. | |
ReserveCheckBoxSpaceResolved | The resolved ReserveCheckBoxSpace value. If none is specified, defaults to false. | |
ReserveImageSpaceResolved | The resolved ReserveImageSpace value. If none is specified, defaults to false. | |
RightImages | Returns the RightImages collection. | |
RightImagesAlignment | Gets/sets the Vertical alignment for the RightImages. | |
RootNode | Returns the root node of this node. | |
Selected | Gets/sets a value indicating whether the tree node is in the selected state. | |
ShowColumnsResolved | Returns the resolved value of the associated Override object's ShowColumns property. | |
ShowEditorButtonsResolved | Returns the resolved value of the associated Override object's ShowEditorButtons property. | |
ShowExpansionIndicatorResolved | The resolved Override.ShowExpansionIndicator of the node. If a Override.ShowExpansionIndicator has been specified, it is returned. Otherwise the default is returned. | |
Tag | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase) | |
Text | Gets/sets the caption text for this UltraTreeNode. | |
TextWidth | Returns the width of the node's Text. | |
TipStyleNodeResolved | The resolved TipStyleNode of the node. If a TipStyleNode has been specified, it is returned. Otherwise the default is returned. | |
UIElement | Returns the TreeNodeUIElement associated with this UltraTreeNode, or null if the node is not currently in view. | |
UseEditorResolved | Returns the resolved value of the associated Override object's UseEditor property. | |
Visible | Gets/sets whether the node is visible. |
Name | Description | |
KeyLowercaseInterned | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.KeyedSubObjectBase) | |
PrimaryCollection | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.KeyedSubObjectBase) | |
SubObjectPropChangeHandler | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase) |