For a list of all members of this type, see EditorWithMask members.
Name | Description | |
AllowShiftingAcrossSections | Specifies whether to shift characters across section boundaries when deleting characters. | |
AutoFillDate | Specifies whether to auto-fill empty date components when the user attempts to leave the editor. The default is None. | |
AutoFillTime | Specifies whether to auto-fill empty time components when the user attempts to leave the editor. The default is None. | |
ButtonsLeft | Returns of a collection of Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.EditorButtonBase instances displayed on the left side of the editor. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.EmbeddableEditorButtonBase) | |
ButtonsRight | Returns of a collection of Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.EditorButtonBase instances displayed on the right side of the editor. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.EmbeddableEditorButtonBase) | |
CanFocus | Overridden. Returns true if the editor can take focus while in edit mode (read-only). | |
CurrentEditText | Overridden. Returns the current text being edited without doing any validation. This will return the text currently typed in. If the editor does not have an textbox-like control, it will return the current edit value in form of text. | |
CurrentState | Returns bit flags that signify the current editing state of the control. | |
DataFilter | If different than null, specifies custom data filter used by the editor. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.EmbeddableEditorBase) | |
DefaultOwner | Returns the default embeddable editor owner, which may provide default owner-specific values for an editor (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.EmbeddableEditorBase) | |
DisplayChars | A collection of the display characters used in the control. Only returns a valid collection if currently in edit mode and if mask has been parsed. | |
DisplayFormattedTextWhenNotFocused | Indicates whether the mask editor displays NullText if the value entered is null and the control doesn't have focus. | |
DisplayNullTextWhenNotFocused | Indicates whether the mask editor displays NullText if the value entered is null and the control doesn't have focus. | |
Disposed | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.DisposableObject) | |
EditorSharedObjectName | Specifies name of the shared object that was defined for this editor. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.EmbeddableEditorBase) | |
ElementBeingEdited | Returns the embeddable element that is currently in edit mode. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.EmbeddableEditorBase) | |
ExpectedType | Overridden. Default type used by the editor in the case of data filter. Null means that editor supports multiple data types and expects type to be set or provided by the owner. If EmbeddableEditorBase.DataFilter is used for conversions between Owner and Editor, this property should also be set. EditorWithMask will use specified type to set default mask in editor constructor (before first call to IEditorDataFilter.Convert). | |
Focused | Overridden. Returns true if the editor has focus (read-only). | |
HasButtonsLeft | Indicates if there are any buttons in the collection. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.EmbeddableEditorButtonBase) | |
HasButtonsRight | Indicates if there are any buttons in the collection. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.EmbeddableEditorButtonBase) | |
InsertMode | Returns or sets the editing mode (insert or overstrike) of the control. | |
IsDroppedDown | Returns true if in edit mode and dropped down (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.EmbeddableEditorBase) | |
IsInEditMode | Returns true if the editor is in edit mode (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.EmbeddableEditorBase) | |
IsValid | Overridden. Returns true if the edited value is valid (read-only). | |
KeyActionMappings | Gives you the ability to reconfigure the way the control responds to user keystrokes. | |
MaskDataModeRawSetValueSkipsLiterals | Gets or sets whether setting the Text property of a masked edit whose MaskDataMode is set to Raw will skip over the literals in the mask when the Value or Text property is set. | |
Sections | A collection of the sections used in the control. Only returns a valid collection if currently in edit mode and if mask has been parsed. | |
SelectAllBehavior | Specifies whether to select only the entered characters or all the characters (including prompt characters) when the editor performs the operation of select all text. The default value of the property is SelectAllCharacters. | |
SelectedText | Gets or sets the currently selected text in the editor. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.EmbeddableEditorBase) | |
SelectedTextBackColor | Returns or sets the background color of selected text. | |
SelectedTextForeColor | gets or sets the fore color of the selected text | |
SelectionLength | Gets or sets the number of characters selected in the editor. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.EmbeddableEditorBase) | |
SelectionStart | Gets or sets the starting point of text selected in the editor. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.EmbeddableEditorBase) | |
SpinButtonDisplayStyle | SpinButtonDisplay style dictates whether to show spin buttons and where to show them. | |
SpinButtonIntervalSettings | Contains properties pertaining to the intervals used by the built-in spin button (not a SpinEditorButton). | |
SpinIncrement | Returns or sets a value indicating the amount the control's Value will be incremented/decremented by when the control's spin functionality. | |
SpinWrap | Returns or sets a value indicating whether the control's spin buttons should wrap its value. | |
SpinWrapBehavior | Returns or sets a value determines the behavior of the control when spinng a section past the limits of it's value. | |
SpinWrapBehaviorDefault | Returns or sets a value determines the default behavior of all masked editors when spinning a section past the limits of it's value. | |
SupportsAutoSizeEdit | Specifies whether the editor supports AutoSizeEdit (read-only). (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.EmbeddableEditorBase) | |
SupportsDropDown | Returns true if this editor supports a dropdown. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.EmbeddableEditorBase) | |
SupportsSelectableText | Overridden. Returns true if this editor supports selecting text. | |
SupportsSpellChecking | Returns true if this editor supports spell checking. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.EmbeddableEditorBase) | |
SupportsValueList | Specifies whether the editor supports value list (read-only). (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.EmbeddableEditorBase) | |
TabNavigation | Determines whether the Tab key will tab between number sections in a masked editor control. | |
Tag | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase) | |
TextLength | Gets the length of the text in the editor. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.EmbeddableEditorBase) | |
Value | Overridden. The current value being edited. |
Name | Description | |
HasOwnDefaultContextMenu | Overridden. Indicates that this editor has its own default ContextMenu, so a ContextMenu from an ancestor control is ignored | |
SelectedTextInternal | Overridden. Gets or sets the currently selected text in the editor. | |
SelectionLengthInternal | Overridden. Gets or sets the number of characters selected in the editor. | |
SelectionStartInternal | Overridden. Gets or sets the starting point of text selected in the editor. | |
SubObjectPropChangeHandler | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase) | |
TextLengthInternal | Overridden. Gets the length of the text in the editor. | |
WantsOwnerKeyEvents | Specifies whether the editor wants to receive key events from the owner while in edit mode (read-only). (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.EmbeddableEditorBase) |