For a list of all members of this type, see FormattedTextEditInfo members.
Name | Description | |
ApplyStyle | Applies the specified style to the current selection. | |
BeginUndoTransaction | Begins a transaction for the undo stack that optionally takes a snapshot. | |
CanMakeSelectionIntoLink | Returns true if the current selection can be made into a link. | |
CanPerformAction | Returns true if the specified action can be performed based on the current state of the control. | |
ClearAllStyleAttributes | Clears all the style attributes on the selected contents. | |
ClearStyleAttributes | Overloaded. Clears the specified style attributes on the selected contents. | |
ClearUndoRedoHistory | Clears the Undo/Redo history of the editor | |
Copy | Copies the selected content. | |
Cut | Performs a Cut operation on the selected content. Cut operation involves copying the selected contents into the clipboard and then deleting them. | |
DecodeImage | Decodes the specified image data that was encoded using EncodeImage into an image. | |
Delete | Performs the 'Delete' edit operation. If some contents are selected then the selection is deleted. Otherwise the next item (character, image etc...) at current caret position is deleted. This method emulates Delete key press. | |
Dispose | Disposes the object. | |
EncodeImage | Encodes the specified image into a string that can be embedded inside the formatted text. The returned value can be assigned to the 'data' attribute of the 'img' tag to embedd the image directly inside the formatted text value. | |
EndUndoTransaction | Ends an undo transaction and optionally stores the undo snapshot in memory (if any). | |
FindText | Reports the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the specified string in the editor's current text. The search starts from the current selection. | |
FormatStringFromFontStyle | Returns a string which can be used by the ApplyStyle method to apply a font style, i.e., bold, italic, etc. | |
GetCaretLocation | Returns the location of the caret at the specified caret position. | |
GetCaretPositionFromMouseLocation | Gets the caret position closest to the specified mouse location. | |
GetCurrentStyle | Returns the current style. If some contents are selected, this will be the style attributes that are common to all of the selected contents. If nothing is selected, then gets the state style attributes. State style attributes are those state attributes that are maintained as a result of toggling bold, italic etc... when nothing is selected. These state style attributes are cleared when the caret is moved since when the caret is moved, the attributes of the content where the caret is moved into are assumed as the current state attributes. | |
GetFirstCharPositionFromLine | Returns the total number of lines in the control. This does account for word wrapping, but only accounts for inline objects. | |
GetLineCount | Returns the total number of lines in the control. This does account for word wrapping, but only accounts for inline objects. | |
GetLineNumber | Returns the 1-based index of the line to which the specified caret position belongs. This will work only if the caret position is associated with an inline object. If not then this method will return -1. | |
GetSelectedValueAsString | Gets the selected value as formatted text. If nothing is selected, returns empty string. | |
GetSubstring | Overloaded. Retrieves a substring from this controls text, similar to the System.String.Substring(System.Int32) method. The substring starts at a specified character position. | |
InsertValue | Inserts the specified value at the caret position. If the value cannot be inserted, an exception is thrown. | |
MakeSelectionIntoLink | Makes the current selection into a link. The specified value is the anchor tag that specifies link. | |
Paste | Pastes the contents of the clipboard at the caret position. | |
PerformAction | Performs the specified action and returns true if the action can be performed. | |
ResolveDefaultAppearance | Resolves the default appearance. This is the appearance as specified by the owner without any style information provided by the xml tags. | |
ResolveSelectedNodeAppearances | Resolves the appearance of each of the selected nodes. | |
SelectAll | Selects the entire contents of the editor. | |
ShowFontDialog | Displays the font dialog changing the font. | |
ShowImageDialog | Displays the image dialog. | |
ShowLinkDialog | Displays the link dialog. |