
RadioButtonImageGlyphInfo Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see RadioButtonImageGlyphInfo members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyDescriptionA string description of the glyphs. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.GlyphInfoBase)
Public PropertyGlyphSizeReturns the size of the glyphs. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.GlyphInfoBase)
Public PropertyGlyphTypeReturns the type of glyph. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.GlyphInfoBase)
Public PropertyNotSelectedDisabledGets or sets the image drawn when the radio button is selected, but disabled.  
Public PropertyNotSelectedMouseOverGets or sets the image drawn when the radio button is not selected, the mouse button is not depressed, but the mouse is over the element.  
Public PropertyNotSelectedNormalGets or sets the image drawn when the radio button is selected, the mouse button is not depressed, and the mouse is not over the element.  
Public PropertyNotSelectedPressedGets or sets the image drawn when the radio button is not selected, the mouse button is depressed, but the mouse is not over the element.  
Public PropertyNotSelectedPressedAndOverGets or sets the image drawn when the radio button is not selected, the mouse button is depressed, and the mouse is over the element.  
Public PropertySelectedDisabledGets or sets the image drawn when the radio button is selected, but disbled.  
Public PropertySelectedMouseOverGets or sets the image drawn when the radio button is selected, the mouse button is not depressed, and the mouse is over the element.  
Public PropertySelectedNormalGets or sets the image drawn when the radio button is selected, the mouse button is not depressed, and the mouse is not over the element.  
Public PropertySelectedPressedGets or sets the image drawn when the radio button is selected, the mouse button is depressed, and the mouse is not over the element.  
Public PropertySelectedPressedAndOverGets or sets the image drawn when the radio button is selected, the mouse button is depressed, and the mouse is over the element.  
See Also