
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors Namespace

ClassAutoRepeatEditorButton Editor button class with auto-repeat functionality.
ClassBeforeCheckStateChangedEventArgs Event arguments class for the StateEditorButton.BeforeCheckStateChanged event.
ClassBeforeEditorButtonDropDownEventArgs An event argument class for the DropDownEditorButtonBase.BeforeDropDown event
ClassCancelableEditorButtonEventArgs Event arguments class for a cancelable event involving a single EditorButtonBase
ClassControlContainerEditorEditAreaUIElement UIElement that displays an image of the Infragistics.Win.ControlContainerEditor.RenderingControl control when its associated ControlContainerEmbeddableUIElement is not in edit mode.
ClassControlContainerEmbeddableUIElement The embeddable editor UIElement for the ControlContainerEditor class.
ClassDefaultEditorOwner Used to provide default owner information to an editor.
ClassDefaultEditorOwnerSettings Defaultable owner settings for an editor.
ClassDropDownEditorButton Editor button class for displaying a Control in a dropdown window.
ClassDropDownEditorButton.DropDownEditorButtonControlConverter Type converter used to determine which controls should appear in the type editor for a Control property.
ClassDropDownEditorButtonBase Abstract base class for an editor button that displays a dropdown.
ClassEditorButton Standard button style editor button.
ClassEditorButtonBase Abstract base class for editor buttons
ClassEditorButtonBase.DropDownEditorButtonUIAProviderStub UI Automation provider for the DropDownEditor button
ClassEditorButtonBase.EditorButtonBaseConverter Type converter for EditorButtonBase classes
ClassEditorButtonBase.EditorButtonBaseUIAProviderStub Base class for provider UI Automation information for an EditorButtonBase.
ClassEditorButtonBase.EditorButtonUIAProviderStub UI Automation provider for an EditorButton
ClassEditorButtonBase.StateEditorButtonUIAProviderStub UI Automation provider for a StateEditor button.
ClassEditorButtonControlBase Abstract base control class for a control that utilizes an EmbeddableEditorButtonBase type editor
ClassEditorButtonControlBase.EditorButtonOwnerInfo Embeddable editor owner class for an EditorButtonControlBase
ClassEditorButtonEventArgs Event arguments class for an event involving a single EditorButtonBase
ClassEditorButtonInfo Provides information to the editor button
ClassEditorButtonsCollection A collection of EditorButtonBase instances
ClassEditorButtonsCollection.EditorButtonBaseEnumerator Enumerator for the EditorButtonsCollection
ClassEditorButtonsCollection.EditorButtonsCollectionUIAProviderStub Base UIAutomation provider class for an EditorButtonsCollection
ClassEditorButtonSpinButtonUIElement UIElement class for the SpinEditorButton
ClassEditorButtonSpinScrollButtonUIElement Scroll button item for the EditorButtonSpinButtonUIElement
ClassEditorButtonSpinScrollButtonUIElementBase Scroll button item for the EditorButtonSpinButtonUIElement
ClassEditorButtonUIElement UIElement for an EditorButton
ClassEmbeddableEditorButtonBase Abstract base class for an embeddable editor class that displays a collection of buttons to the left and right of its edit area.
ClassEmbeddableEditorButtonBase.EmbeddableEditorButtonBaseUIAProviderStub Base UIAutomation provider class for an Embeddable editor
ClassEmbeddableEditorButtonUIElementBase Abstract base uielement class for a EmbeddableEditorButtonBase derived class.
ClassInitializeCheckStateEventArgs Event arguments class for the InitializeCheckState event.
ClassMidpointSettings A class providing options to control the appearance and position of the tickmark at the midpoint of the TrackBar.
ClassSelectionChangeCommittedEventArgs Event arguments class for the SelectionChangeCommitted event.
ClassSpinButtonClickEventArgs Event argument class for the the SpinEditorButton.SpinButtonClick
ClassSpinEditorButton Spin button style editor button.
ClassStateEditorButton Editor button class for a button that displays a checked state.
ClassTickmarkAreaUIElement A class for rendering tickmarks of a TrackBar.
ClassTickmarkSettings A class providing various options for controlling the positioning and appearance of major or minor tickmarks.
ClassTickmarkSettingsBase A base class for providing appearance and positioning options for tickmarks.
ClassTrackAreaUIElement A class that contains the track and surrounding clickable region of a TrackBar.
ClassTrackBarButtonSettings A class containing several different options for customizing the appearance and location of buttons on a TrackBar.
ClassTrackBarButtonUIElement A class used to represent the various buttons of a TrackBar.
ClassTrackBarEmbeddableUIElement The EmbeddableUIElementBase implementation for the TrackBarEditor.
ClassTrackBarKeyActionMapping The class mapping a keystroke to an action on a TrackBar.
ClassTrackBarKeyActionMappings A class representing a collection of TrackBarKeyActionMapping objects.
ClassTrackBarThumbUIElement The UIElement used to render the thumb of a TrackBar.
ClassTrackBarValueChangingEventArgs A class used to provide information through the Infragistics.Win.TrackBarEditor.ValueObjectChanging event.
ClassTrackUIElement The UIElement representing the area along which the thumb of a TrackBar moves.
ClassUltraControlContainerEditor Component which provides an embeddable ControlContainerEditor.
ClassValidationErrorEventArgs Event arguments class for the ValidationError event.
DelegateBeforeCheckStateChangedEventHandler Delegate for the StateEditorButton.BeforeCheckStateChanged event
DelegateBeforeEditorButtonDropDownEventHandler Delegate for the DropDownEditorButtonBase.BeforeDropDown event
DelegateCancelableEditorButtonEventHandler Delegate for a cancelable event involving a single EditorButtonBase
DelegateEditorButtonEventHandler Delegate for an event involving a single EditorButtonBase
DelegateInitializeCheckStateEventHandler Delegate for the StateEditorButton.InitializeCheckState event
DelegateSpinButtonClickEventHandler Delegate for the SpinEditorButton.SpinButtonClick event
DelegateTrackBarValueChangingEventHandler The event handler used for the ValueObjectChanging event.
EnumerationControlContainerPropertyIds Property Ids for the UltraControlContainerEditor component.
EnumerationEditorButtonPropertyId Enumeration of property ids for the EditorButtonBase properties
EnumerationEnterEditModeMouseBehavior Enumeration for the EnterEditModeMouseBehavior property.
EnumerationNumericType Specifies the data type that the UltraNumericEditor will use to display and edit its data
EnumerationPropertyID PropertyID
EnumerationSpinButtonItem Enumeration of spin button types
EnumerationSpinWrapBehavior Enumeration for the SpinWrapBehavior property.
EnumerationStateButtonDisplayStyle Enumeration of display styles for a StateEditorButton
EnumerationTickmarkLocation An enumeration for specifying where tickmarks should be displayed on a TrackBar.
EnumerationTickmarkType An enumeration for specifying the type of tickmark.
EnumerationTrackBarAction Enumerates the possible actions for the UltraTrackBar control.
EnumerationTrackBarActionSource An enumeration for specifying the cause of an action on the TrackBar.
EnumerationTrackBarButtonLocation An enumeration for specifying where buttons on a TrackBar are positioned, relative to the track area.
EnumerationTrackBarButtonType An enumeration that determines the behavior of a button of the TrackBar.
EnumerationTrackBarPropertyIds An enumeration of property IDs used with the TrackBarEditor and the associated UltraTrackBar.
EnumerationTrackBarState Bit flags that describe the state of the UltraTrackBar control.
EnumerationTrackBarViewStyle An enumeration for specifying the default appearance and behavior of a TrackBar.
EnumerationTrackClickAction An enumeration for specifying how the TrackBar should adjust the value when the user clicks on the track area outside of the Thumb.
See Also