For a list of all members of this type, see UltraFormUIRoleName members.
Name | Description | |
Menu | Base role for menus. | |
UltraFormArea | Role for the caption area of an UltraForm. | |
UltraFormBorder | Role for the border of the form when the UltraFormManager's FormStyleSettings FormDisplayStyle is set to something other than Standard. | |
UltraFormCaptionArea | Role for the caption area of the UltraForm. | |
UltraFormCaptionButton | Role for the caption buttons of the UltraForm. | |
UltraFormCaptionButtonBase | Base role for the caption buttons of the UltraForm. | |
UltraFormCaptionCloseButton | Role for the close button on the UltraForm caption. | |
UltraFormCaptionContextHelpButton | Role for the context help button on the UltraForm caption. | |
UltraFormCaptionMaximizeButton | Role for the maximize button on the UltraForm caption. | |
UltraFormCaptionMinimizeButton | Role for the minimize button on the UltraForm caption. | |
UltraFormCaptionRestoreButton | Role for the restore button on the UltraForm caption. | |
UltraFormDockArea | Base role for toolbar dock areas. | |
UltraFormDockAreaBottom | Role for a toolbar dock area that is docked on the bottom. | |
UltraFormDockAreaHorizontal | Role for a horizontal toolbar dock area. | |
UltraFormDockAreaLeft | Role for a toolbar dock area that is docked left. | |
UltraFormDockAreaRight | Role for a toolbar dock area that is docked right. | |
UltraFormDockAreaTop | Role for a toolbar dock area that is docked on the top. | |
UltraFormDockAreaVertical | Role for vertical a toolbar dock area. | |
UltraFormItemSystemAction | Base role for system action buttons on a toolbar. | |
UltraFormItemSystemActionClose | Role for the close button on a toolbar. | |
UltraFormItemSystemActionMinimize | Role for the minimize window button on a toolbar. | |
UltraFormItemSystemActionRestore | Role for the restore window button on a toolbar. | |
UltraFormItemSystemMenu | Role for the system menu button on a toolbar. | |
UltraFormMaximizedMdiChildCaptionButton | Role for the caption buttons of a maximized Mdi Child Form with an Mdi parent UltraForm. | |
UltraFormMaximizedMdiChildCaptionCloseButton | Role for the close button on a maximized Mdi Child Form with an Mdi parent UltraForm. | |
UltraFormMaximizedMdiChildCaptionContextHelpButton | Role for the context help button on a maximized Mdi Child Form with an Mdi parent UltraForm. | |
UltraFormMaximizedMdiChildCaptionMaximizeButton | Role for the maximize button on a maximized Mdi Child Form with an Mdi parent UltraForm. | |
UltraFormMaximizedMdiChildCaptionMinimizeButton | Role for the minimize button on a maximized Mdi Child Form with an Mdi parent UltraForm. | |
UltraFormMaximizedMdiChildCaptionRestoreButton | Role for the restore button on a maximized Mdi Child Form with an Mdi parent UltraForm. | |
UltraFormMaximizedMdiChildMenuBar | Role for the border of the form when the UltraFormManager's Mdi Parent Menu bar. | |
UltraFormSystemMenu | Role for the system menu. |