
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSpellChecker Namespace

ClassIUltraSpellCheckerConverter Type converter used to provide a list of components on a form at design that implement the IUltraSpellChecker interface.
ClassScrolledEventArgs Event args for the ISpellCheckTarget.Scrolled event.
InterfaceIProvideTextBox Interface implemented by a class which supports spell checking by a component that implements the IUltraSpellChecker interface and uses a System.Windows.Forms.TextBoxBase-derived instance as its editor.
InterfaceISpellCheckTarget Interface implemented by a class which supports spell checking by a component that implements the IUltraSpellChecker interface.
InterfaceIUltraSpellChecker Interface for the UltraSpellChecker component
DelegateScrolledEventHandler Event handler for the ISpellCheckTarget.Scrolled event.
See Also