For a list of all members of this type, see ITabProvider members.
Name | Description | |
AllowTabMoving | Determines if the user can drag tabs around. | |
AutoSelect | Determines if a tab should be selected automatically when the mouse pauses over it for AutoSelectDelay milliseconds. | |
AutoSelectDelay | Returns the delay (in milliseconds) before a tab is automatically selected when the mouse is paused over it and AutoSelect is true. | |
HotkeyPrefix | Determines whether mnemonics will be displayed. | |
HotTrack | Determines whether the a tab's appearance changes when the mouse passes over it. | |
ImageList | Returns the image list to use. | |
ImageSize | Returns the size of images in the tab's text area. | |
ImageTransparentColor | Returns the transparent color used when drawing tool images. | |
InterRowSpacing | Determines the spacing between tab rows | |
InterTabSpacing | Determines the spacing between tabs | |
MaxAvailableTabAreaSize | Returns the maximum available size for the tab area. | |
MaxTabWidth | Returns the maximum width of a tab. | |
MaxVisibleTabRows | Returns the maximum number of tab rows to display. | |
MinTabWidth | Returns the minimum width of a tab. | |
MultiRowSelectionStyle | Determines if tab rows are re-arranged when a tab is selected. | |
ScaleImages | Determines if images will be scaled to ImageSize. | |
ScrollArrowStyle | Indicates the style of the arrows displayed by the scroll buttons. | |
ScrollButtons | Determines if scroll buttons will be shown. | |
ScrollButtonStyle | Determines the visual style of the scroll buttons. | |
ScrollButtonTypes | Determines which scroll buttons will be shown. | |
ScrollTrackExtent | Determines the size of the scroll thumb track. | |
ShowButtonSeparators | Determines whether separators are rendered between button style tabs. | |
ShowCloseButton | Determines whether a close button is displayed. | |
ShowFocus | Determines whether a focus rect will be drawn on the selected tab. | |
ShowToolTips | Determines whether tooltips will be shown over the tab area. | |
Style | Determines the style of the tabs. | |
TabButtonStyle | Determines the style of tab buttons. | |
TabLayoutStyle | Determines how the tabs will be laid out. | |
TabOrientation | Determines where the tabs are displayed in relation to the control. | |
TabPadding | Returns the amount of extra padding around the tab text and image. | |
Tabs | Returns a list of objects that implement the ITabItem interface. | |
TabSize | Returns the size of a tab. This is the functional equivalent of the inbox tab control’s ‘ItemSize’ property. | |
TabsPerRow | Returns the number of tabs on each row. | |
TextOrientation | Returns the orientation of the tab text. | |
VisibleTabsCount | Returns the total number of tabs whose ITabItem.Visible property is true. |