Gets / sets whether tooltips are displayed by the component.
The following code demonstrates initializing the basic properties of the ToolTipManager. These properties will apply to all tooltips unless explicitly overridden on the ToolTipInfo. The code then sets ToolTipText on a few TextBox controls.
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolTip
Private Sub InitializeToolTips()
' Set the InitialDelay to 1 second.
Me.UltraToolTipManager1.InitialDelay = 1000
' Set the AutoPopDelay to 10 seconds.
Me.UltraToolTipManager1.AutoPopDelay = 10000
' Set the DisplayStyle to BalloonTip.
Me.UltraToolTipManager1.DisplayStyle = ToolTipDisplayStyle.BalloonTip
' Enable the ToolTipManager
Me.UltraToolTipManager1.Enabled = True
' Assign an Image to all tooltips.
Me.UltraToolTipManager1.ToolTipImage = ToolTipImage.Info
' Apply a title to all tooltips.
Me.UltraToolTipManager1.ToolTipTitle = "This is the title of the tooltip."
' Apply an appearance
Me.UltraToolTipManager1.Appearance.BackColor = Color.White
Me.UltraToolTipManager1.Appearance.BackColor2 = Color.Chartreuse
Me.UltraToolTipManager1.Appearance.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.Circular
Me.UltraToolTipManager1.Appearance.ForeColor = Color.Black
' Apply an appearance to the Title.
Me.UltraToolTipManager1.ToolTipTitleAppearance.ForeColor = Color.Red
' Get the ToolTipInfo for TextBox1
Dim toolTipInfo As UltraToolTipInfo = Me.UltraToolTipManager1.GetUltraToolTip(Me.TextBox1)
' Set the ToolTipText
toolTipInfo.ToolTipText = "This is textBox1."
' Get the ToolTipInfo for TextBox2
toolTipInfo = Me.UltraToolTipManager1.GetUltraToolTip(Me.TextBox2)
' Set the ToolTipText
toolTipInfo.ToolTipText = "This is textBox2."
' Get the ToolTipInfo for TextBox3
toolTipInfo = Me.UltraToolTipManager1.GetUltraToolTip(Me.TextBox3)
' Set the ToolTipText
toolTipInfo.ToolTipText = "This is textBox3."
End Sub
Public Property Enabled As Boolean
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolTip;
private void InitializeToolTips()
// Set the InitialDelay to 1 second.
this.ultraToolTipManager1.InitialDelay = 1000;
// Set the AutoPopDelay to 10 seconds.
this.ultraToolTipManager1.AutoPopDelay = 10000;
// Set the DisplayStyle to BalloonTip.
this.ultraToolTipManager1.DisplayStyle = ToolTipDisplayStyle.BalloonTip;
// Enable the ToolTipManager
this.ultraToolTipManager1.Enabled = true;
// Assign an Image to all tooltips.
this.ultraToolTipManager1.ToolTipImage = ToolTipImage.Info;
// Apply a title to all tooltips.
this.ultraToolTipManager1.ToolTipTitle = "This is the title of the tooltip.";
// Apply an appearance
this.ultraToolTipManager1.Appearance.BackColor = Color.White;
this.ultraToolTipManager1.Appearance.BackColor2 = Color.Chartreuse;
this.ultraToolTipManager1.Appearance.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.Circular;
this.ultraToolTipManager1.Appearance.ForeColor = Color.Black;
// Apply an appearance to the Title.
this.ultraToolTipManager1.ToolTipTitleAppearance.ForeColor = Color.Red;
// Get the ToolTipInfo for TextBox1
UltraToolTipInfo toolTipInfo = this.ultraToolTipManager1.GetUltraToolTip(this.textBox1);
// Set the ToolTipText
toolTipInfo.ToolTipText = "This is textBox1.";
// Get the ToolTipInfo for TextBox2
toolTipInfo = this.ultraToolTipManager1.GetUltraToolTip(this.textBox2);
// Set the ToolTipText
toolTipInfo.ToolTipText = "This is textBox2.";
// Get the ToolTipInfo for TextBox3
toolTipInfo = this.ultraToolTipManager1.GetUltraToolTip(this.textBox3);
// Set the ToolTipText
toolTipInfo.ToolTipText = "This is textBox3.";
Public Property Enabled As Boolean
Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2