
You Can Now Print WinGrid in CardView

Previously, you were only able to print WinGrid™ in tabular format; meaning, WinGrid would print out rows of data despite a band being in CardView . However, we’ve now added the functionality for WinGrid to print out the grid while in CardView mode. To enable this feature, all that’s required is to set the new AllowCardPrinting property to RootBandOnly (and, of course, a band’s CardView property to True).

All of the CardView Style options are honored. The MaxCardAreaCols and MaxCardAreaRows properties determine how many cards per page, while the AutoFit property will automatically stretch each card if they don’t take up the full space available on the page. We also added a new CompressedCardExpansionState value to the RowPropertyCategories enumeration which allows you to print cards while they are collapsed.