
Misc Pane

The Misc pane determines the size of the blub at the start of the bar in a Linear gauge. An example of a blub in a Linear gauge is the blub part of a thermometer. For a Radial gauge, the Misc pane determines the start angle for the bar marker.

Bulb Span  — The value of the blub span can be set from 0 to 100 using the numeric slider. However, you can also enter a value into the text box. This value is the size of the blub

Start Angle  — Set this value to an integer from 0 to 360. It specifies the start angle for the bar marker on a Radial gauge.

Segment Span  — The value of the segment span can be set from 0 to 100 using the numeric slider. However, you can also enter a value into the text box. This value is the percentage of the entire bar marker that each segment should occupy.

Wingauge's bar marker misc pane.
Wingauge's bar marker misc pane.