
Add a PopupMenu Tool to a Toolbar

A PopupMenu allows you to display a menu of tools. This topic demonstrates how to add a PopupMenu to the Toolbar and how to add a Button and a Textbox Tool to the Popup menu. The Button and TextBox tool can be added in the same manner on the ToolBar level. This Popup Menu tool has a Toolbar PopupStyle, can be torn away, floated and segmented.

At Design-Time

  1. To configure the WinToolbarsManager™ component, open the design-time customizer by right-clicking on the UltraToolbarManager element and selecting "Customize".

  2. To create a new Tool, click the "Tools" tab in the customizer, and then the "New…​" button.

  3. Select Popup Menu as your Tool Type and click on the Add button.

  4. Set DropDownArrowStyle to Segmented in order to specify a segmented Popup tool.

  5. Enable AllowTearaway on the Popup Menu.

  6. To specify the PopupStyle as Menu select the PopupStyle of the Settings Property.

  7. Select Button Tool as your Tool Type and click on the Add button.

  8. Select TextBox Tool as your Tool Type and click on the Add button.

  9. Click the "ToolBars" tab in the customizer, and then the "New…​" button.

  10. click the "Tools" tab and drag the Popup Menu Tool to the ToolBar residing on the form.

  11. Drag the Button Tool to the Popup Menu Tool.

  12. Drag the Text Tool to the Popup Menu Tool.

At Run-Time

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars
Private Sub Add_a_Popup_Menu_to_a_Toolbar_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
  ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
	Dim popupmenutool As New PopupMenuTool("popupmenutool")
	' Adds the tool to the Toolbar Manager's Tools collection
	popupmenutool.SharedProps.DisplayStyle = ToolDisplayStyle.ImageAndText
	' Specifies a segmented Popup menu
	popupmenutool.DropDownArrowStyle = DropDownArrowStyle.Segmented
	' Specifies the Popup Style as Menu
	popupmenutool.Settings.PopupStyle = PopupStyle.Menu
	' Specifies the Popup menu to be torn away and floated.
	popupmenutool.AllowTearaway = True
	Dim textbox As New TextBoxTool("textbox")
	textbox.Text = "TextBox1"
	' Adds the TextBox to the Popup menu
	Dim button As New ButtonTool("button")
	' Adds a button tool the the Tools collection
	button.SharedProps.AppearancesSmall.Appearance.BackColor = Color.RosyBrown
	button.SharedProps.Caption = "Button1"
	button.SharedProps.DisplayStyle = ToolDisplayStyle.TextOnlyAlways
	' Adds the Button to the Popup menu
End Sub

In C#:

using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars;
private void Add_a_Popup_Menu_to_a_Toolbar_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
	PopupMenuTool popupmenutool = new PopupMenuTool("popupmenutool");
	popupmenutool.SharedProps.DisplayStyle = ToolDisplayStyle.ImageAndText;
	// Specifies a segmented Popup menu
	popupmenutool.DropDownArrowStyle = DropDownArrowStyle.Segmented;
	// Specifies the Popup Style as Menu
	popupmenutool.Settings.PopupStyle = PopupStyle.Menu;
	// Specifies the Popup menu to be torn away and floated.
	popupmenutool.AllowTearaway = true;
	// Adds the tool to the Toolbar Manager's Tools collection
	TextBoxTool textbox = new TextBoxTool("textbox");
	textbox.Text = "TextBox1";
	// Adds the TextBox to the Popup menu
	ButtonTool button = new ButtonTool("button");
	// Adds a button tool the the Tools collection
	button.SharedProps.AppearancesSmall.Appearance.BackColor = Color.RosyBrown;
	button.SharedProps.Caption = "Button1";
	button.SharedProps.DisplayStyle = ToolDisplayStyle.TextOnlyAlways;
	// Adds the Button to the Popup menu