
Adding Tools to the Dynamically Created TaskPane Toolbar (Part 2 of 2)

This topic looks at how to create a TaskPaneTool dynamically and add a tool to the TaskPaneTool. This topic is a continuation of Creating a TaskPane Toolbar Dynamically (Part 1 of 2).

  1. Now that you have created the UltraTaskPaneToolbar you are ready to add TaskPaneTools.

In Visual Basic:

' Create a new TaskPaneTool
Dim myTaskPaneTool1 As New TaskPaneTool("ToDoBar")
' Set the Caption on the TaskPaneTool
myTaskPaneTool1.SharedProps.Caption = "To-Do Bar"
' Add the TaskPaneTool to the UltraToolbarsManager to its tools collection
' Add the TaskPaneTool to the TaskPaneToolbar
myTaskPaneToolbar.Tools.AddRange(New ToolBase() {myTaskPaneTool1})

In C#:

// Create a new TaskPaneTool
TaskPaneTool myTaskPaneTool1 = new TaskPaneTool("ToDoBar");
// Set the Caption on the TaskPaneTool
myTaskPaneTool1.SharedProps.Caption = "To-Do Bar";
// Add the TaskPaneTool to the UltraToolbarsManager to its tools collection
// Add the TaskPaneTool to the TaskPaneToolbar
myTaskPaneToolbar.Tools.AddRange(new ToolBase[] { myTaskPaneTool1});
  1. This is really all there is to setting up a basic TaskPaneTool and adding it to the UltraTaskPaneToolbar, in code.

  2. Now you are ready to add a control to your TaskPaneTool. We are adding a Panel control that contains a WinMonthViewMulti control.

In Visual Basic:

' Create a general Control to put into the TaskPaneTool
Dim myPanel As New Panel
' Set the control the TaskPaneTool will host
myTaskPaneTool1.Control = myPanel
' Add a WinMonthView to the Panel
Dim myMonthView As New UltraMonthViewMulti()
' Set the Selected TaskPaneTool
myTaskPaneToolbar.SelectedTaskPaneTool = myTaskPaneTool1

In C#:

// Create a general Control to put into the TaskPaneTool
System.Windows.Forms.Panel myPanel = new Panel();
// Set the control the TaskPaneTool will host
myTaskPaneTool1.Control = myPanel;
// Add a WinMonthView to the Panel
UltraMonthViewMulti myMonthView = new UltraMonthViewMulti();
// Set the Selected TaskPaneTool
myTaskPaneToolbar.SelectedTaskPaneTool = myTaskPaneTool1;
  1. If you build and run your project now you should see a TaskPaneToolbar Docked on the Right, which has a TaskPaneTool that is hosting a Panel control.

ultratoolbarsmanager with a taskpane toolbar created entirely in code.

you can only add one control to the TaskPaneTool, so if you wanted to add several different controls you would have to place them in a panel or a groupbox and then select that as the control in the TaskPaneTool. An example of this would be if you wanted to have a couple buttons and several textboxes, you would have to make a panel or groupbox with all those controls placed inside it and then select the panel or groupbox as the control for the TaskPaneTool.