
Determining What Node was clicked

When working with the WinTree™ control, a common task would be to determine which node was clicked, and respond accordingly.

The following code shows you how to find out the node that was clicked by checking the SelectEventArgs object, which contains data related to the event. The SelectEventArgs object’s NewSelections property contains a collection of the currently selected nodes. In this case, we expect to click on one node at a time; therefore we can access the first element in the collection.


Clicking a node will select it therefore causing the AfterSelect event to fire. Clicking the same exact node again will not cause the AfterSelect event to fire. A different node will have to be clicked in order for the AfterSelect event to fire.

In Visual Basic:

Private Sub ultraTree1_AfterSelect(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SelectEventArgs) Handles ultraTree1.AfterSelect
    	Dim node As UltraTreeNode = e.NewSelections(0)
    	'Determine by checking the key of the selected node
      'Determine by checking the Text property
      'Determine the Level of the node; Root nodes are level 0. Children of 'the root are Level 1, etc.
 End Sub

In C#:

private void ultraTree1_AfterSelect(object sender, SelectEventArgs e)
            UltraTreeNode node = e.NewSelections[0];
           //Determine by checking the key of the selected node
            //Determine by checking the Text property
           //Determine the Level of the node; Root nodes are level 0. //Children of the root are Level 1, etc.