
CalendarBrushId Enumeration

Identifies a specific brush
Public Enum CalendarBrushId 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum CalendarBrushId : System.Enum 
ActivityCategoryCheckedMenuItemBackgroundThe background for the checkmark of a checked menu item representing an ActivityCategory.
ActivityCategoryCheckedMenuItemBorderThe border for the checkmark of a checked menu item representing an ActivityCategory.
ActivityCategoryColorPickerDropDownBackgroundThe background for the dropdown portion of the ActivityCategoryColorPicker
ActivityCategoryColorPickerDropDownBorderThe border for the dropdown portion of the ActivityCategoryColorPicker
AlternateMonthDayBackgroundBackground for days in alternate months
AppointmentBackgroundBackground for appointments
AppointmentBorderBorder around appointments
AppointmentDateTimeForegroundForeground for appointment date times
AppointmentForegroundForeground for appointments
AppointmentForegroundOverlayedForeground for appointments that are not owned by the selected calendar.
BlockingErrorBackgroundBackground for a blocking error message
BlockingErrorForegroundForeground for a blocking error message
BlockingErrorHeaderForegroundForeground for a blocking error message header
CalendarBorderBorder around calendars
CalendarHeaderBackgroundBackground for calendar headers
CalendarHeaderForegroundForeground for calendar headers
CurrentDayBorderBorder around the currect day
CurrentDayBorderMonthCalendarBorder around the currect day in the XamMonthCalendar
CurrentDayHeaderBackgroundBackground for the current day header
CurrentDayHeaderForegroundForeground for the current day header
CurrentTimeIndicatorBackgroundBackfround for the current time
CurrentTimeIndicatorBorderBorder around the current time
DayBackgroundBackground for days
DayBorderBorder for days
DayHeaderBackgroundBackground for day headers
DayHeaderForgroundForeground for day headers
DialogBackgroundBackground for XamSchedule dialogs
DialogForegroundForeground for XamSchedule dialogs
HotTrackingMoreActivityIndicatorFillBrush used to fill the MoreActivityIndicator when the mouse is over the element
JournalBackgroundBackground for journals
JournalBorderBorder around journals
JournalDateTimeForegroundForeground for journal date times
JournalForegroundForeground for journals
JournalForegroundOverlayedForeground for journal entries that are not owned by the selected calendar.
MonthViewBackgroundBackground for XamMonthView
MonthViewDayOfWeekHeaderBackgroundBackground for the day of week header in XamMonthView
MonthViewDayOfWeekHeaderBorderBorder for the day of week header in XamMonthView
MonthViewDayOfWeekHeaderForegroundForeground for the day of week header in XamMonthView
MoreActivityIndicatorFillBrush used to fill the MoreActivityIndicator
MoreActivityIndicatorStrokeBrush used to draw the edge of the MoreActivityIndicator
MultiDayActivityAreaBackgroundBackground for the multi day activity area
NavigationButtonBackgroundDefault background for the navigation buttons in a XamOutlookCalendarView
NavigationButtonForegroundDefault foreground for the navigation buttons in a XamOutlookCalendarView
NavigationButtonHoverBackgroundBackground for the navigation buttons in a XamOutlookCalendarView when the mouse is over the element
NavigationButtonPressedBackgroundBackground for the navigation buttons in a XamOutlookCalendarView when pressed.
NonWorkingHourTimeslotBackgroundBackground for timeslots that are not within the working hour range
NonWorkingHourTimeslotMinorBorderBorder brush for timeslots that are not on an hour border and are not within the working hour range
ResizerBarPreviewBackgroundThe background for the ScheduleResizerBar preview shown during a resize of a CalendarGroup.
RibbonLiteBackgroundBrushBackground brush for the ActivityDialogRibbonLite
RibbonLiteGroupInnerBorderBrushBorder brush for Group inner borders in the ActivityDialogRibbonLite
RibbonLiteGroupOuterBorderBrushBorder brush for Group outer borders in the ActivityDialogRibbonLite
SelectedActivityBorderBorder brush for selected activities
SelectedDayBackgroundMonthViewBackground for selected days in the XamMonthView
SelectedMultiDayActivityAreaBackgroundBackground for selected all day event area
SelectedTimeslotBackgroundBackground for selected timeslots
TaskBackgroundBackground for tasks
TaskBorderBorder around tasks
TaskDateTimeForegroundForeground for task date times
TaskForegroundForeground for tasks
TaskForegroundOverlayedForeground for tasks that are not owned by the selected calendar.
TimeslotDayBorderBorder brush for timeslots that border a day
TimeslotHeaderAreaBackgroundDayViewBrush for background of the DayViewTimeslotHeaderArea
TimeslotHeaderAreaBackgroundScheduleViewBrush for background of the ScheduleViewTimeslotHeaderArea
TimeslotHeaderAreaSeparatorThe border separating the TimeslotHeaderArea in a ScheduleTimeControlBase
TimeslotHeaderForegroundDayViewBrush for timeslot Foreground in the XamDayView
TimeslotHeaderForegroundScheduleViewBrush for timeslot Foreground in the XamScheduleView
TimeslotHeaderTickmarkDayViewBrush for timeslot Tickmarks in the XamDayView
TimeslotHeaderTickmarkScheduleViewBrush for timeslot Tickmarks in the XamScheduleView
TimeslotMajorBorderBorder brush for timeslots that are on an hour border
ToolTipBackgroundBackground for tooltips
ToolTipBorderBrush for the border of tooltips
ToolTipErrorForegroundForeground for error text in tooltips
ToolTipForegroundForeground for tooltips
WeekHeaderBackgroundBackground of week headers
WeekHeaderBorderBorder around week headers
WeekHeaderForegroundForeground for week headers
WorkingHourTimeslotBackgroundBackground for timeslots that are within the working hour range
WorkingHourTimeslotMinorBorderBorder brush for timeslots that are not on an hour border and are within the working hour range

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also