
ActivityBase Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ActivityBase.

Public Properties
Public PropertyActivityTypeGets the ActivityType of this activity.  
Public PropertyCategoriesSpecifies categories associated with this activity as a comma separated list of category id's.  
Public PropertyDataItemGets the underlying data item if any.  
Public PropertyDescriptionGets or sets the text associated with this activity.  
Public PropertyDurationGets the duration of the activity.  
Public PropertyEndSpecifies the time in UTC when the activity ends.  
Public PropertyEndTimeZoneIdThe time-zone id associated with the activity. The Start and End times are always in UTC.  
Public PropertyErrorGets or sets the error if any associated with the activity.  
Public PropertyIdGets or sets the appointment Id.  
Public PropertyIsLockedSpecifies whether the activity can be modified in the UI.  
Public PropertyIsOccurrenceReturns true if the ActivityBase is an occurrence of a recurring ActivityBase (read only).  
Public PropertyIsOccurrenceDeletedGets or sets a value indicating whether the occurrence has been deleted.  
Public PropertyIsRecurrenceRootReturns true if the ActivityBase is a recurring ActivityBase with a define set of RecurrenceBase rules (read only).  
Public PropertyIsTimeZoneNeutralSpecifies whether the activitiy's times are time-zone neutral or "floating".  
Public PropertyIsVarianceGets or sets a value indicating if the activity is a variance of an occurrence.  
Public PropertyIsVisibleGets or sets whether the activity is visible.  
Public PropertyIsVisibleResolvedGets the resolved value indicating whether the activity is visible.  
Public PropertyLastModifiedTimeGets or sets the time in UTC when the activity was last modified.  
Public PropertyMaxOccurrenceDateTimeA date-time value that's equal or greater than the date-time of the last occurrence of the recurring activity.  
Public PropertyMetadataReturns a MetadataPropertyValueStore object that's used for storing and retrieving metadata information.  
Public PropertyOriginalOccurrenceEndOnly applies to occurrences of a recurring activity. Specifies the original date-time as it was generated by the recurrence.  
Public PropertyOriginalOccurrenceStartOnly applies to occurrences of a recurring activity. Specifies the original date-time as it was generated by the recurrence.  
Public PropertyOwningCalendarGets or sets the calendar to which this activity belongs.  
Public PropertyOwningCalendarIdGets or sets the id of the calendar to which this activity belongs.  
Public PropertyOwningResourceGets or sets the owning resource.  
Public PropertyOwningResourceIdGets or sets the owning resource id.  
Public PropertyRecurrenceSpecifies recurrence rules.  
Public PropertyRecurrenceVersionSpecifies the recurrence version.  
Public PropertyReminderSpecifies the reminder information. Default value is null.  
Public PropertyReminderEnabledSpecifies whether the activitiy's reminder is enabled. Default value is false.  
Public PropertyReminderIntervalSpecifies the reminder interval.  
Public PropertyRootActivityGets the root activity. Only valid if this activity is an occurrence or a variance of a recurring activity.  
Public PropertyRootActivityIdIf this activity is an occurrence or a variance of a recurring activity, gets the id of the recurring activity.  
Public PropertyStartSpecifies the time in UTC when the activity starts.  
Public PropertyStartTimeZoneIdThe time-zone id associated with the activity. The Start and End field values are always in UTC.  
Public PropertySubjectGets or sets the subject associated with this activity.  
Public PropertyVariantPropertiesProperties of a variance that have been modified and thus will not be synchronized with the root activity.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyHasListenersGets whether there are any listeners for the Infragistics.Services.PropertyChangeNotifier.PropertyChanged event (Inherited from Infragistics.Services.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Public Methods
Public MethodGetEndLocalReturns the End relative to the specified TimeZoneToken  
Public MethodGetStartLocalReturns the Start relative to the specified TimeZoneToken  
Public MethodInitializeRootActivityInitializes the root activity of an occurrence instance.  
Public MethodSetEndLocalReturns the End relative to the specified TimeZoneToken  
Public MethodSetStartLocalReturns the Start relative to the specified TimeZoneToken  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodInitializeFromThis method is called after a clone operation to allow derived classes the ability to copy state over to the cloned activity  
Protected MethodOnFirstListenerAddingVirtual method called when the first listener is being added to the Infragistics.Services.PropertyChangeNotifier.PropertyChanged event. (Inherited from Infragistics.Services.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Protected MethodOnHasListenersChangedVirtual method called when the HasListeners property changes. (Inherited from Infragistics.Services.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Protected MethodOnPropertyChangedOverridden. Called when property changed event is raised. (Inherited from Infragistics.Services.PropertyChangeNotifierExtended)
Protected MethodRaisePropertyChangedEvent(String,Object,PropertyChangedEventArgs)Raises the PropertyChanged event (Inherited from Infragistics.Services.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Protected MethodSetField<T>Helper method used by property setters to change the value of a field and raise the PropertyChanged event. (Inherited from Infragistics.Services.PropertyChangeNotifierExtended)
Public Events
Public EventPropertyChangedRaised when a property has changed (Inherited from Infragistics.Services.PropertyChangeNotifier)
See Also