
Infragistics.Services.Schedules Namespace

ClassActivityBaseSerializableItem A WCF serializable class which represents an activity.
ClassActivityCategorySerializableItem A WCF serializable class which represents an activity category.
ClassAppointmentSerializableItem A WCF serializable class which represents an appointment.
ClassCallContext The base class for client context information for all remote calls.
ClassCallResult The base class for remote call result data for all remote calls.
ClassDetailedItemSourceChangeInfo Represents detailed information about what has changed in an item source.
ClassGetInitialInfoContext The client context information and all paramters needed by the IWcfListConnectorService.GetInitialInfo operation contract.
ClassGetInitialInfoResult The result information for the IWcfListConnectorService.GetInitialInfo operation contract.
ClassItemSourceChange Represents a change which has occurred on an item source.
ClassItemSourceInfo A WCF serializable class which provides information about an items source from the server.
ClassJournalSerializableItem A WCF serializable class which represents a journal entry.
ClassListManagerVersionInfo Represents the version of a list manager and it's data.
ClassPerformActivityOperationContext The client context information and all paramters needed by the IWcfListConnectorService.PerformActivityOperation operation contract.
ClassPerformActivityOperationResult The result information for the IWcfListConnectorService.PerformActivityOperation operation contract.
ClassPollForItemSourceChangesContext The client context information and all paramters needed by the IWcfListConnectorService.PollForItemSourceChanges operation contract.
ClassPollForItemSourceChangesDetailedContext The client context information and all paramters needed by the IWcfListConnectorService.PollForItemSourceChangesDetailed operation contract.
ClassPollForItemSourceChangesDetailedResult The result information for the IWcfListConnectorService.PollForItemSourceChangesDetailed operation contract.
ClassPollForItemSourceChangesResult The result information for the IWcfListConnectorService.PollForItemSourceChanges operation contract.
ClassQueryActivitiesContext The client context information and all paramters needed by the IWcfListConnectorService.QueryActivities operation contract.
ClassQueryActivitiesResult The result information for the IWcfListConnectorService.QueryActivities operation contract.
ClassResourceCalendarSerializableItem A WCF serializable class which represents a resource calendar.
ClassResourceSerializableItem A WCF serializable class which represents a resource.
ClassSerializableItemBase A base class for any WCF serializable item.
ClassTaskSerializableItem A WCF serializable class which represents a task.
ClassValidateSecurityTokenEventArgs Event args associated with the WcfListConnectorService.ValidateSecurityToken event.
ClassWcfListConnectorService Base class for WCF services used for providing schedule data to a client over WCF services.
ClassWcfListConnectorServiceMulti A WCF service which provides list schedule data to client. A new instance of this service will be created for each remote call into the service and calls may be made on different threads. Because of this, the data sources provided to this service must be thread safe. Also, there is some overhead in setting up the service instance and hooking up the data sources on the calls where they are needed. So if only a relatively small number of clients will be connecting to the service, it is recommended that the WcfListConnectorServiceSingle is used instead, since the only one instance is ever created and the data sources only need to be hooked up once.
ClassWcfListConnectorServiceSingle A WCF service which provides list schedule data to client. Only one instance of this service class will be created and all remote calls will be run on the same thread. This reduces overhead on each remote call, but because of this, this service should only be used when it is known that a relatively small number of clients will be connecting to the service. If too many clients are connecting to this service and/or timeouts are occurring frequently on client machines, use the WcfListConnectorServiceMulti instead.
ClassWcfRemoteErrorInfo Represents an error thrown when processing a message.
InterfaceIWcfListConnectorService The contract for a service which communicates list data about schedule objects between a client and server.
EnumerationActivityListType Represents a type of activity list or items source.
EnumerationInitialInfoTypes Bit flags which specify types of information needed by a client.
EnumerationItemSourceChangeType Represents a type of change to an item source.
EnumerationItemSourceType Indentifies a type of item source.
See Also