
Infragistics.Calculations.Engine Namespace

ClassCalculationErrorValue Provides methods and properties used to define and manage a calculation error value.
ClassCalculationException Generic Calc Exception. All Calc Exceptions derive from this so that a developer can easily turn off our exceptions during debugging.
ClassCalculationFunction Base class for formula functions.
ClassCalculationNumberStack Stack of CalculationValue instances used to evaluate formulas.
ClassCalculationReferenceError Implementation of ICalculationReference interface that denotes a reference error
ClassCalculationValue Provides methods that manage a composite data type representing a value.
ClassCalculationValueException Calc value Exception
ClassRefBase This abstract base class is used to implement the ICalculationReference interface for an object with a complex hierarchy of referencable elements.
ClassRefParser A RefParser is a parsed representation of a Reference Path. It contains a RefTuple array representing each element in the Reference Path.
ClassRefParser.NameValuePair Class for representing a name value pair.
ClassRefRange RefRange is a generic Range Reference
ClassRefTuple This class represents a element identifier and a scope.
ClassRefUnAnchored RefUnAnchored is a wrapper for a RefBase reference that keeps a parsed representation of the reference string used to create the reference. There can be multiple RefUnAnchored instances wrapping the same anchored reference.
InterfaceICalculationFormula Interface implemented by the formula object.
InterfaceICalculationReference The Primary Reference Inteface.
InterfaceICalculationReferenceCollection Collection of ICalculationReference objects
EnumerationCalculationEngineAction Enum used for specifying the first paramter to Infragistics.Calculations.ICalculationManager.PerformAction method.
EnumerationCalculationErrorCode Enumeration of error codes assigned to CalculationErrorValue.
EnumerationChildReferenceType Used for specifying the referenceType parameter to the ICalculationReference.GetChildReferences method.
EnumerationRefTuple.RefScope The different scopes.
EnumerationRefTuple.RefType The different types of elements.
EnumerationResolveReferenceType Specifies the type of reference being resolved in the ICalculationReference.ResolveReference method.
See Also