
Infragistics.Calculations Namespace

ClassCalculationReferenceNode Defines a tree structure of references used by the formula editor to display to the user a list of fields/summaries or any other references in a data grid that can be used in a formula.
ClassCalculationResult Contains a CalculationValue object and sends notifications when its changed.
ClassCalculationResultsDictionary A read-only dictionary that returns the results of ItemCalculationBase.Formula calculations defined via an ItemCalculator's ItemCalculator.Calculations collection or a ListCalculator's ListCalculator.ListCalculations collection.
ClassControlCalculationSettings Used to specify formula and other calculation related settings on a control, like TextBox. This is also used to identify a control that will provide a source value for a formula.
ClassCustomCalculationFunction Used to create a custom calculation function using function delegates.
ClassCustomCalculationFunctionBase Abstract base class for CustomCalculationFunction class.
ClassDataAccessErrorEventArgs Event args for ItemCalculatorBase.ItemCalculatorBase.DataAccessError event.
ClassFormulaCalculationErrorEventArgs Event args for XamCalculationManager.FormulaCalculationError event of XamCalculationManager.
ClassFormulaCircularityErrorEventArgs Event args for XamCalculationManager.FormulaCircularityError event of an XamCalculationManager.
ClassFormulaErrorEventArgsBase Base class for event args for formula error events of XamCalculationManager.
ClassFormulaReferenceErrorEventArgs Event args for XamCalculationManager.FormulaCalculationError or XamCalculationManager.FormulaReferenceError events of a XamCalculationManager.
ClassFormulaSyntaxErrorEventArgs Event args for XamCalculationManager.FormulaSyntaxError event of an XamCalculationManager.
ClassItemCalculation Defines a calculation to be performed on a item.
ClassItemCalculationBase Defines a calculation to be performed on a item or list.
ClassItemCalculationBaseCollection<T> A collection of ItemCalculations or ListCalculations.
ClassItemCalculationCollection A collection of ItemCalculations that is exposed by an ItemCalculator or a ListCalculator
ClassItemCalculator An object that exposes a collection of ItemCalculations that will be used to calculate one or more values using properties exposed off of a single item as the source of the calculations.
ClassItemCalculatorBase Abstract base class for ItemCalculator and ListCalculator
ClassItemCalculatorElement Main purpose of this class is to allow one to be able to use ItemCalculator and provide the source item and calc manager using bindings. Also it exposes Results as a dictionary that supports notifications to allow one to bind to a calculation result.
ClassListCalculation Defines a calculation to be performed on a list of objects
ClassListCalculationCollection A collection of ListCalculations that is exposed by a ListCalculator
ClassListCalculator An object that exposes both a collection of ItemCalculations that will be used to calculate one or more values using properties exposed off of each item in the list as well a collection of ListCalculations that will be used to summarize values across all items in the list.
ClassListCalculatorElement Main purpose of this class is to allow one to be able to use ListCalculator and provide the source list and calc manager using bindings. Also it exposes Results as a dictionary that supports notifications to allow one to bind to a calculation result.
ClassNamedReference Used to refer to a predefined or a calculated value in formulas participating in a XamCalculationManager.
ClassNamedReferenceCollection Collection of NamedReference objects. Used to specify XamCalculationManager's XamCalculationManager.NamedReferences property.
ClassValueDirtiedEventArgs Base class for event args that have an associated row.
ClassXamCalculationManager Provides formula calculation functionality to controls.
InterfaceICalculationManager This is a support interface used for interaction between calc participants like XamDataGrid and calc manager.
InterfaceICalculationParticipant This is a support interface used for interaction between calc participants like XamDataGrid and calc manager. Interface implemented complex controls like XamDataGrid or XamGrid that want to participate in calculation manager and provide formulas capability for their sub objects.
InterfaceIFormulaProvider Interface used by the FormulaEditor to access calculation related information from an object.
EnumerationCalculationFrequency Determines how frequently the calculations are done by the the XamCalculationManager.
EnumerationReferenceNodeType Enumeration used to indicate the type of object that is represented by the CalculationReferenceNode
EnumerationValueDirtiedAction Indicates which type of action took place to dirty the Calculation Network
See Also