For a list of all members of this type, see Series members.
Name | Description | |
ActualAreaFillOpacityProperty | Identifies the ActualAreaFillOpacityPropertyName dependency property. | |
ActualBrushProperty | Identifies the ActualBrush dependency property. | |
ActualFocusBrushProperty | Identifies the ActualBrush dependency property. | |
ActualLegendItemBadgeBrushProperty | Identifies the ActualLegendItemBadgeBrush dependency property. | |
ActualLegendItemBadgeOutlineProperty | Identifies the ActualLegendItemBadgeOutline dependency property. | |
ActualLegendItemBadgeTemplateProperty | Identifies the ActualLegendItemBadgeTemplate dependency property. | |
ActualMarkerFillOpacityProperty | Identifies the ActualMarkerFillOpacityPropertyName dependency property. | |
ActualOutlineProperty | Identifies the ActualOutline dependency property. | |
ActualSelectionBrushProperty | Identifies the ActualBrush dependency property. | |
ActualThicknessProperty | Identifies the ActualThickness dependency property. | |
AreaFillOpacityProperty | Identifies the AreaFillOpacity dependency property. | |
AutoCalloutLabelFormatProperty | Identifies the AutoCalloutLabelFormat dependency property. | |
AutoCalloutLabelFormatSpecifiersProperty | Identifies the AutoCalloutLabelFormatSpecifiers dependency property. | |
AutoCalloutValueLabelFormatProperty | Identifies the AutoCalloutValueLabelFormat dependency property. | |
AutoCalloutValueLabelFormatSpecifiersProperty | Identifies the AutoCalloutValueLabelFormatSpecifiers dependency property. | |
BrushProperty | Identifies the Brush dependency property. | |
DashArrayProperty | Identifies the StrokeDashArray dependency property. | |
DashCapProperty | Identifies the DashCap dependency property. | |
DataLegendGroupProperty | Identifies the DataLegendGroup property. | |
DiscreteLegendItemTemplateProperty | Identifies the DiscreteLegendItemTemplate dependency property. | |
EndCapProperty | Identifies the EndCap dependency property. | |
FocusBrushProperty | Identifies the FocusBrush dependency property. | |
HighlightedItemsSourceProperty | Identifies the HighlightedItemsSource dependency property. | |
HighlightedLegendItemVisibilityProperty | Identifies the HighlightedLegendItemVisibility dependency property. | |
HighlightedTitleSuffixProperty | Identifies the HighlightedTitleSuffix dependency property. | |
HighlightedValuesDataLegendGroupProperty | Identifies the HighlightedValuesDataLegendGroup property. | |
HighlightedValuesDisplayModeProperty | Identifies the Stroke dependency property. | |
HighlightedValuesFadeOpacityProperty | Identifies the HighlightedValuesFadeOpacity dependency property. | |
HighlightingFadeOpacityProperty | Identifies the HighlightingFadeOpacity dependency property. | |
IndexProperty | Identifies the Index dependency property. | |
IsActualLegendFinancialProperty | Identifies the IsActualLegendFinancial dependency property. | |
IsComponentHighlightingModeIgnoredProperty | Identifies the IsComponentHighlightingModeIgnored dependency property. | |
IsDropShadowEnabledProperty | Identifies the IsDropShadowEnabled dependency property. | |
IsHighlightingEnabledProperty | Identifies the IsHighlightingEnabled dependency property. | |
ItemsSourceProperty | Identifies the ItemsSource dependency property. | |
LegendItemBadgeModeProperty | Identifies the LegendItemBadgeMode dependency property. | |
LegendItemBadgeShapeProperty | Identifies the LegendItemBadgeShape dependency property. | |
LegendItemBadgeTemplateProperty | Identifies the LegendItemBadgeTemplate dependency property. | |
LegendItemTemplateProperty | Identifies the LegendItemTemplate dependency property. | |
LegendItemVisibilityProperty | Identifies the LegendItemVisibility Dependency Property. | |
LegendProperty | Identifies the Legend dependency property. | |
LineJoinProperty | Identifies the Stroke dependency property. | |
MarkerFillOpacityProperty | Identifies the MarkerFillOpacity dependency property. | |
MiterLimitProperty | Identifies the Stroke dependency property. | |
MouseOverEnabledProperty | Identifies the MouseOverEnabled dependency property. | |
OutlineModeProperty | Identifies the OutlineMode dependency property. | |
OutlineProperty | Identifies the Outline dependency property. | |
ResolutionProperty | Identifies the Resolution dependency property. | |
SafeActualBrushProperty | Identifies the SafeActualBrush dependency property. | |
SelectionBrushProperty | Identifies the SelectionBrush dependency property. | |
ShadowBlurProperty | Identifies the ShadowBlur dependency property. | |
ShadowColorProperty | Identifies the ShadowColor dependency property. | |
ShadowDepthProperty | Identifies the ShadowDepth dependency property. | |
ShadowDirectionProperty | Identifies the ShadowDirection dependency property. | |
ShadowOpacityProperty | Identifies the ShadowOpacity dependency property. | |
ShouldAnimateOnDataSourceSwapProperty | Identifies the Stroke dependency property. | |
ShouldFreezeBrushesProperty | Identifies the StrokeShouldFreezeBrushes dependency property. | |
ShouldHideAutoCalloutsProperty | Identifies the ShouldHideAutoCallouts dependency property. | |
ShouldRemoveHighlightedDataOnLayerHiddenProperty | Identifies the ShouldRemoveHighlightedDataOnLayerHidden dependency property. | |
ShouldShiftOpacityForSafeActualBrushProperty | Identifies the ShouldShiftOpacityForSafeActualBrush dependency property. | |
ShowDefaultTooltipProperty | Identifies the ShowDefaultTooltip dependency property. | |
StartCapProperty | Identifies the StartCap dependency property. | |
ThicknessProperty | Identifies the Thickness dependency property. | |
TitleProperty | Identifies the Title dependency property. | |
ToolTipProperty | Identifies the ToolTip dependency property. | |
TransitionDurationProperty | Identifies the TransitionDuration dependency property. | |
TransitionEasingFunctionProperty | Identifies the TransitionEasingFunction dependency property. | |
TransitionInDurationProperty | Identifies the TransitionInDuration dependency property. | |
TransitionInEasingFunctionProperty | Identifies the TransitionOutEasingFunction dependency property. | |
TransitionInSpeedTypeProperty | Identifies the TransitionInSpeedType dependency property. | |
TransitionOutDurationProperty | Identifies the TransitionOutDuration dependency property. | |
TransitionOutEasingFunctionProperty | Identifies the TransitionOutEasingFunction dependency property. | |
TransitionOutSpeedTypeProperty | Identifies the TransitionOutSpeedType dependency property. | |
UseItemWiseColorsProperty | Identifies the UseItemWiseColors dependency property. | |
VisibleRangeMarginBottomProperty | Identifies the VisibleRAngeMarginBottom dependency property. | |
VisibleRangeMarginLeftProperty | Identifies the VisibleRangeMarginLeft dependency property. | |
VisibleRangeMarginRightProperty | Identifies the VisibleRAngeMarginRight dependency property. | |
VisibleRangeMarginTopProperty | Identifies the VisibleRangeMarginTop dependency property. | |
VisibleRangeModeProperty | Identifies the VisibleRangeMode dependency property. |
Name | Description | |
_indexedPropertyContext | ||
_tooltipResources | ||
ActualBrushPropertyName | Property name for the ActualBrush property. | |
ActualFocusBrushPropertyName | Property name for the ActualBrush property. | |
ActualLegendItemBadgeBrushPropertyName | Property name for the ActualLegendItemBadgeBrush property. | |
ActualLegendItemBadgeOutlinePropertyName | Property name for the ActualLegendItemBadgeOutline property. | |
ActualOutlinePropertyName | Property name for the ActualBrushOutline property. | |
ActualResolutionPropertyName | Property name for the ActualResolution property. | |
ActualSelectionBrushPropertyName | Property name for the ActualBrush property. | |
ActualThicknessPropertyName | Property name for the ActualThickness property. | |
AreaFillOpacityPropertyName | Property name for the AreaFillOpacity property | |
BrushPropertyName | Property name for the Brush property. | |
DashArrayPropertyName | Identifies the DashArray dependency property. | |
DashCapPropertyName | Identifies the DashCap dependency property. | |
FastItemsSourceProperty | Identifies the FastItemsSource dependency property. | |
FastItemsSourcePropertyName | The name of the FastItemsSource property. | |
FocusBrushPropertyName | Property name for the FocusBrush property. | |
HighlightedItemsSourcePropertyName | The name of the HighlightedItemsSource property. | |
HighlightedLegendItemVisibilityPropertyName | Property name for the HighlightedLegendItemVisibility property. | |
HighlightedTitleSuffixPropertyName | Property name for the HighlightedTitleSuffix property. | |
HighlightedValuesDisplayModePropertyName | Property name for the HighlightedValuesDisplayMode property. | |
IndexPropertyName | The name of the Index property. | |
ItemsSourcePropertyName | The name of the ItemsSource property. | |
LegendItemBadgeModePropertyName | Property name for the LegendItemBadgeMode property. | |
LegendItemBadgeShapePropertyName | Property name for the LegendItemBadgeShape property. | |
LegendItemBadgeTemplatePropertyName | Property name for the LegendItemBadgeTemplate property. | |
LegendItemTemplatePropertyName | Property name for the LegendItemTemplate property. | |
LegendItemVisibilityPropertyName | Property name for the LegendItemVisibility property. | |
LineJoinPropertyName | Property name for the LineJoin property. | |
MarkerFillOpacityPropertyName | Property name for the AreaFillOpacity property | |
MiterLimitPropertyName | Property name for the MiterLimit property. | |
OutlineModePropertyName | Property name for the OutlineMode property | |
OutlinePropertyName | Property name for the Outline property. | |
ResolutionPropertyName | Property name for the Resolution property. | |
SafeActualBrushPropertyName | Property name for the SafeActualBrush property. | |
SelectionBrushPropertyName | Property name for the SelectionBrush property. | |
SeriesViewerPropertyName | The name of the SeriesViewer property. | |
ShouldAnimateOnDataSourceSwapPropertyName | Property name for the ShouldAnimateOnDataSourceSwap property. | |
ShowDefaultTooltipPropertyName | Property name for the ShowDefaultTooltip property | |
SyncLinkPropertyName | The name of the SyncLink property. | |
ThicknessPropertyName | Property name for the Thickness property. | |
TitlePropertyName | Property name for the Title property. | |
TransitionDurationPropertyName | Property name for the TransitionDuration property. | |
TransitionInDurationPropertyName | Property name for the TransitionInDuration property. | |
TransitionInSpeedTypePropertyName | Property name for the TransitionInSpeedType property. | |
TransitionOutDurationPropertyName | Property name for the TransitionOutDuration property. | |
TransitionOutSpeedTypePropertyName | Property name for the TransitionOutSpeedType property. | |
TrendLineActualBrushPropertyName | Property name for the TrendLineActualBrush property. | |
TrendLineBrushPropertyName | Property name for the TrendLineBrush property. | |
TrendLineDashArrayPropertyName | Property name for the TrendLineDashArray property. | |
TrendLineDashCapPropertyName | Property name for the TrendLineDashCap property. | |
TrendLinePeriodPropertyName | Property name for the TrendLinePeriod property. | |
TrendLineThicknessPropertyName | Property name for the TrendLineThickness property. | |
TrendLineTypePropertyName | Property name for the TrendLineType property. | |
TrendLineZIndexPropertyName | Property name for the TrendLineZIndex property. | |
VisibilityProxyPropertyName | Property name for the VisibilityProxy property. | |
VisibleRangeMarginBottomPropertyName | Property name for the VisibleRangeMarginBottom property. | |
VisibleRangeMarginLeftPropertyName | Property name for the VisibleRangeMarginLeft property. | |
VisibleRangeMarginRightPropertyName | Property name for the VisibleRangeMarginRight property. | |
VisibleRangeMarginTopPropertyName | Property name for the VisibleRangeMarginTop property. |