
DiagramOptionsPaneVisualData Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by DiagramOptionsPaneVisualData.

Public Constructors
Public Properties
Public PropertyConnectionEndCapSizeGets or sets the connections' end cap size.  
Public PropertyConnectionEndCapTypeGets or sets the connections' end cap type.  
Public PropertyConnectionEndXGets or sets the connections' end x.  
Public PropertyConnectionEndYGets or sets the connections' end y.  
Public PropertyConnectionStartCapSizeGets or sets the connections' start cap size.  
Public PropertyConnectionStartCapTypeGets or sets the connections' start cap type.  
Public PropertyConnectionStartXGets or sets the connections' start x.  
Public PropertyConnectionStartYGets or sets the connections' start y.  
Public PropertyHeightGets or sets the height.  
Public PropertyIsConnectionStraightGets or sets the connections are straight.  
Public PropertyIsCopyEnabledGets or sets a value indicating whether the Copy command enabled.  
Public PropertyIsCutEnabledGets or sets a value indicating whether the Cut command enabled.  
Public PropertyIsDeleteEnabledGets or sets a value indicating whether the Cut command enabled.  
Public PropertyIsPasteEnabledGets or sets a value indicating whether the Paste command enabled.  
Public PropertyIsTextBoldGets or sets the items' text is bold.  
Public PropertyIsTextItalicGets or sets the items' text is italic.  
Public PropertyIsVisibleGets or sets a value indicating whether the options pane is visible.  
Public PropertyItemDashTypeGets or sets the items' stroke dash array.  
Public PropertyItemFillGets or sets the items' fill.  
Public PropertyItemFontFamilyGets or sets the items' font family.  
Public PropertyItemFontSizeGets or sets the items' font size.  
Public PropertyItemOpacityGets or sets the items' fill.  
Public PropertyItemStrokeGets or sets the items' stroke.  
Public PropertyItemStrokeThicknessGets or sets the items' stroke thickness.  
Public PropertyItemTextGets or sets the items' text.  
Public PropertyItemTextColorGets or sets the items' font brush.  
Public PropertyNodeHeightGets or sets the height of the nodes.  
Public PropertyNodeWidthGets or sets the width of the nodes.  
Public PropertyNodeXGets or sets the node x-axis position of the nodes.  
Public PropertyNodeYGets or sets the node y-axis position of the nodes.  
Public PropertyWidthGets or sets the width.  
Public PropertyXGets or sets the x-axis position of the pane.  
Public PropertyYGets or sets the y-axis position of the pane.  
See Also