Version 24.2 (latest)

Infragistics.Controls.Charts Namespace

ClassConnectionDefinition Represents a class for connection definition that applies over the connections generated from NodeDefinition.ChildrenMemberPath and NodeDefinition.ChildKeysMemberPath.
ClassConnectionDefinitionBase Represents a base class for diagram connection definition.
ClassConnectionDefinitionCollection Collection class for connection definitions.
ClassConnectionPointDefinition Represents a class for connection point definition.
ClassConnectionPointDefinitionCollection Represents a collection of ConnectionPointDefinition objects.
ClassConnectionSourceDefinition Represents a class for connection definition that applies on the connections generated from the XamDiagram.ConnectionsSource.
ClassDiagramCommandExecutedEventArgs Represents the argument that is passed to the XamDiagram.CommandExecutedEvent event.
ClassDiagramCommandExecutingEventArgs Represents the argument that is passed to the XamDiagram.CommandExecutingEvent event.
ClassDiagramCommands Provides a set of XamDiagram related commands.
ClassDiagramConnection Represents a connection visualized in the XamDiagram control.
ClassDiagramConnectionCapPresenter Represents a cap for DiagramConnection within XamDiagram control.
ClassDiagramConnectionConnectedEventArgs Represents the argument that is passed to the XamDiagram.ConnectionConnected event.
ClassDiagramConnectionConnectingEventArgs Represents the argument that is passed to the XamDiagram.ConnectionSConnecting event.
ClassDiagramConnectionMovedEventArgs Represents the argument that is passed to the XamDiagram.ConnectionMoved event.
ClassDiagramConnectionMovingEventArgs Represents the argument that is passed to the XamDiagram.ConnectionMoving event.
ClassDiagramConnectionPoint An object representing a point on a DiagramNode where connections start and end.
ClassDiagramConnectionPointCollection A collection of DiagramConnectionPoint objects.
ClassDiagramEditModeEnteredEventArgs Represents the argument that is passed to the XamDiagram.EditModeEnteredEvent event.
ClassDiagramEditModeEnteringEventArgs Represents the argument that is passed to the XamDiagram.EditModeEnteringEvent event.
ClassDiagramEditModeExitedEventArgs Represents the argument that is passed to the XamDiagram.EditModeExitedEvent event.
ClassDiagramEditModeExitingEventArgs Represents the argument that is passed to the XamDiagram.EditModeExitingEvent event.
ClassDiagramItem Provides a model for an item visualized within XamDiagram control.
ClassDiagramItemAddedEventArgs Represents the argument that is passed to the XamDiagram.ItemAdded event.
ClassDiagramItemAddingEventArgs Represents the argument that is passed to the XamDiagram.ItemAdding event.
ClassDiagramItemRemovedEventArgs Represents the argument that is passed to the XamDiagram.ItemRemoved event.
ClassDiagramItemRemovingEventArgs Represents the argument that is passed to the XamDiagram.ItemRemoving event.
ClassDiagramItemsCollection Represents a collection of DiagramItem instances.
ClassDiagramNode Represents a node visualized in the XamDiagram control.
ClassDiagramNodeMovedEventArgs Represents the argument that is passed to the XamDiagram.NodeMoved event.
ClassDiagramNodeMovingEventArgs Represents the argument that is passed to the XamDiagram.NodeMoving event.
ClassDiagramNodeResizedEventArgs Represents the argument that is passed to the XamDiagram.NodeResized event.
ClassDiagramNodeResizingEventArgs Represents the argument that is passed to the XamDiagram.NodeResizing event.
ClassDiagramSelectionChangedEventArgs A class listing the information needed when the selected items change.
ClassDiagramToolboxCategory Represents a category of one or more DiagramToolboxItems.
ClassDiagramToolboxCategoryAddedEventArgs Provides data for the XamDiagramToolbox.CategoryAdded event.
ClassDiagramToolboxCategoryAddingEventArgs Provides data for the XamDiagramToolbox.CategoryAdding event.
ClassDiagramToolboxCategoryCollection Represents a dynamic collection of DiagramToolboxCategory.
ClassDiagramToolboxItem Represents an item visualized by Infragistics.Controls.Charts.Primitives.DiagramToolboxCategoryItemsControl.
ClassDiagramToolboxItemsPanel Custom panel for the Infragistics.Controls.Charts.Primitives.DiagramToolboxCategoryItem. Works similarly to a wrap panel, however it places everything in aligned columns and rows.
ClassDiagramToolboxItemsPanel.DiagramToolboxItemsPanelVisualData Represents visual data for DiagramToolboxItemsPanel.
ClassForceDirectedGraphDiagramLayout Force-directed graph layout using the Fruchterman–Reingold algorithm.
ClassGridDiagramLayout A simple layout arranging diagram nodes in a grid. No collision detection and no special arrangement tactics are applied.
ClassNodeDefinition Represents a class for node definition.
ClassNodeDefinitionCollection Collection class for node definitions.
ClassReadOnlyDiagramConnectionCollection Read-only collection class for diagram connections.
ClassSelectedDiagramItemCollection Represents a modifiable collection of DiagramItem objects which have been selected.
ClassTreeDiagramLayout Arranges the nodes in a XamDiagram in a tree layout.
ClassXamDiagram Represents an Infragistics' diagramming control.
ClassXamDiagramToolbox Represents an Infragistics diagramming toolbox control.
InterfaceIDiagramLayout Exposes a method for arranging the items in a diagram.
EnumerationConnectionLineJumps Determines the style of line jumps between two intersecting connections.
EnumerationDiagramConnectionCapType Specifies the shape a DiagramConnection starts/ends with as controlled by its DiagramConnection.StartCapType and DiagramConnection.EndCapType properties respectively.
EnumerationDiagramConnectionHandleType Indicates the type of the connection handle.
EnumerationDiagramConnectionPointsDisplayMode Specifies the display mode of a node's connection points.
EnumerationDiagramConnectionType Indicates the type of the line drawn for a DiagramConnection.
EnumerationDiagramDragInteraction Specifies the mouse-left-button drag interaction for XamDiagram.
EnumerationDiagramItemContentLayoutBehavior Indicates how the content of an element will be sized when the height of the content is greater than the element's height.
EnumerationDiagramOptionsPaneMode Specifies whether the diagram items edited by a Infragistics.Controls.Charts.Primitives.DiagramOptionsPane are DiagramNodes, DiagramConnections or both.
This is determined by the contents of the DiagramOptionsPaneDataContext.Items collection.
EnumerationDiagramOptionsPanePlacementMode Describes how the options pane is positioned relative to the selected diagram items.
EnumerationDiagramSelectionMode Specifies the selection behavior for a XamDiagram.
EnumerationDiagramShapeType Specifies the preferred geometry shape for a node.
EnumerationDiagramTool Specifies the tool used in a XamDiagram. Mostly this determines how the mouse interacts with the diagram surface and items, however it could also affect some other aspects of the XamDiagram such as the visibility of nodes' connection points.
EnumerationEnterKeyBehavior Determines the behavior of the XamDiagram when the user presses the enter key and one its DiagramItems is in edit mode.
EnumerationTreeDiagramLayoutArrangementMode Determines how a TreeDiagramLayout arranges the child nodes.
EnumerationTreeDiagramLayoutNodeFlowDirection Determines where child nodes are placed in relation to their parent when arranged though the TreeDiagramLayout.
See Also