
SurfaceChartVisualData Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by SurfaceChartVisualData.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorSurfaceChartVisualData ConstructorCreates an instance of visual data  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAspectGets or sets Aspect Ratio  
Public PropertyCubeMaterialGets or sets CubeMaterial  
Public PropertyFloorMaterialGets or sets MeshMaterial  
Public PropertyLightDirectionGets or sets LightIntensity  
Public PropertyLightIntensityGets or sets LightIntensity  
Public PropertyMarkersGets or sets Series  
Public PropertyNameThe name of the visual element. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Charts.VisualData.SurfacePrimitiveVisualData)
Public PropertyPerspectiveGets or sets Perspective  
Public PropertyRotationGets or sets Rotation  
Public PropertyScaleGets or sets Scale  
Public PropertySeriesGets or sets Series  
Public PropertyShininessGets or sets Shininess  
Public PropertyTypeThe type of the visual element. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Charts.VisualData.SurfacePrimitiveVisualData)
Public PropertyWireframeMaterialGets or sets WireframeMaterial  
Public Methods
Public MethodSerializeOverridden. Serializes visual data to a string  
See Also