
Infragistics.Controls.Charts Namespace

ClassColorMapper The ColorMapper adds color to the nodes of the xamTreemap depending on a specified value. It maps some property of the data to a property of the node – for example the fill color or foreground color. From and To – these two properties determine the range in which the color is determined depending on the value of each node.
ClassDoubleMapper The DoubleMapper sets a numeric value to the nodes’ template of the xamTreemap depending on a specified property from the nodes’ data context. From and To – these two properties determine the range of the value which will be applied to the node’s template.
ClassGroupValueMapper The GroupValueMapper groups the nodes of the xamTreemap depending on a specified value. The similar nodes gain the same group value.
ClassLayoutOrientationChangedEventArgs The event arguments of layout orientation changed event.
ClassLayoutTypeChangedEventArgs The event arguments of layout type changed event.
ClassNodeBinder This class bindes the value, text and items source properties of a treemap item to the provided data. Paths should be provided which are the names of the properties of the data. The data sould be of TargetTypeName type. NodeStyle is applied as a style of the bound node.
ClassNodeBinderCollection This is a collection that contains the binders of the treemap.
ClassNodesPanel A panel that contains the children nodes of a node and is responsible for their sizes and positions.
ClassRadialColorMapper The RadialColorMapper adds color with a radial gradient brush to the nodes of the xamTreemap depending on a specified value. It maps some property of the data to a property of the node – for example the fill color or foreground color. From and To – these two properties determine the range in which the color is determined depending on the value of each node.
ClassRangeMapper Value mapper that maps to values in the range between DataMinimum and DataMaximum
ClassTreemapNode The treemap node is the visual representation of a data item.
ClassTreemapNodeClickEventArgs The event arguments of the events fired when a node is clicked.
ClassTreemapNodeMouseEventArgs The event arguments of the mouse events of a node.
ClassTreemapNodeMouseWheelEventArgs The event arguments of the mouse wheel events of a node.
ClassValueMapper Base class that provides mapping of some data of the tree map items source to a property of the corresponding tree map item.
ClassValueMapperCollection The collection of all value mappers used by a treemap
ClassXamTreemap The Treemap control. Treemaps display hierarchical (tree-structured) data as a set of nested nodes. Each branch of the tree is given a treemap node, which is then tiled with smaller nodes representing sub-branches. Each node's rectangle has an area proportional to a specified dimension on the data. Often the nodes are colored to show a separate dimension of the data.
EnumerationLayoutType The types of layout algorithm
EnumerationMappingMode Determines whether the leaves or all nodes will be mapped.
See Also