Version 24.2 (latest)

Infragistics.Controls.Editors.Primitives Namespace

ClassCalendarCommand Base class for all commands that deal with a Infragistics.Controls.Editors.CalendarBase.
ClassCalendarCommandSource The command source object for CalendarCommand object.
ClassCalendarDateRangeCollection A collection of Infragistics.DateRange instances.
ClassCalendarDay Represents a specific date in a CalendarItemGroup
ClassCalendarDayOfWeek Represents a specific DayOfWeek in the header area of the CalendarItemGroup
ClassCalendarDayOfWeekPanel A specialized panel that that arranges CalendarDayOfWeek elements for a CalendarItemArea
ClassCalendarDimensionsConverter Type converter for the CalendarDimensions structure
ClassCalendarItem Represents an item within the CalendarItemGroup
ClassCalendarItemArea A custom element used to display CalendarItem instances within a CalendarItemGroup
ClassCalendarItemAreaPanel A custom element used to display a CalendarItemArea within a CalendarItemGroup to perform animations.
ClassCalendarItemGroup Represents a group of calendar items within a Infragistics.Controls.Editors.CalendarBase - e.g. a specific month of the year.
ClassCalendarItemGroupPanel Custom element used to create and position CalendarItemGroup instances for a Infragistics.Controls.Editors.CalendarBase
ClassCalendarItemGroupTitle Represents the header for a specific CalendarItemGroup in a Infragistics.Controls.Editors.CalendarBase
ClassCalendarResourceString Class that represents a string resource loaded from the Schedule assembly
ClassCalendarWeekNumber Represents a specific week number header in the CalendarItemGroup
ClassCalendarWeekNumberPanel A specialized panel that that arranges CalendarWeekNumber elements for a CalendarItemArea
StructureCalendarDimensions Structure used to indicate the preferred rows/columns of CalendarItemGroup instances within a Infragistics.Controls.Editors.CalendarBase
See Also