
Infragistics.Controls.Editors.Primitives Namespace

ClassAcceptColorCommand A ColorSlidersCommandBase which will set the SelectedColor from the CurrentColor.
ClassAdvancedColorShadePicker A control containing a hue selection area along with sliders for color selection.
ClassByteSliderThumb A control that provides XamSliderThumb from double type.
ClassCancelColorCommand A ColorSlidersCommandBase which will refresh the SelectedColor.
ClassCMYKCommand A ColorSlidersCommandBase which will show the CMYK sliders.
ClassColorItem A class which represents a single color in a ColorStrip.
ClassColorPickerDialog A dialog control for the Infragistics.Controls.Editors.XamColorPicker.
ClassColorSlidersCommandBase An abstract base class for other AdvancedColorShadePicker commands.
ClassColorStripManager An internal control mechanism which combines multiple ColorStrip objects for selection purposes.
ClassHSLCommand A ColorSlidersCommandBase which will show the HSL sliders.
ClassNextPaletteCommand A PickerCommandBase which will move to the next Infragistics.Controls.Editors.ColorPalette.
ClassNullableColorConverter An System.Windows.Data.IValueConverter for bindings off the SelectedColor property which can be null.
ClassOpenAdvanceEditorCommand A PickerCommandBase which will open the advanced editor.
ClassPickerCloseCommand A PickerCommandBase which will close the Infragistics.Controls.Editors.XamColorPicker dropdown.
ClassPickerCommandBase An abstract base class for other commands used by the Infragistics.Controls.Editors.XamColorPicker.
ClassPickerToggleCommand A PickerCommandBase which will open the Infragistics.Controls.Editors.XamColorPicker dropdown if closed and close it if open.
ClassPreviousPaletteCommand A PickerCommandBase which will move to the previous Infragistics.Controls.Editors.ColorPalette.
ClassRGBCommand A ColorSlidersCommandBase which will show the RBG sliders.
ClassSpecializedTextBoxValueConverter A System.Windows.Data.IValueConverter which will format the text to a two digit float.
ClassTransparencyBackgroundControl For Internal use only.
See Also