Version 24.2 (latest)

PropertyGridCommandType Enumeration

An enumeration of available commands for the XamPropertyGrid control.
public enum PropertyGridCommandType : System.Enum 
AddListEntryAdds an entry to the list represented by the PropertyGridPropertyItem passed as the commmand parameter.
ClearFilterTextClears filter text (if any) entered by the user.
CollapseSelectedItemCollapses the currently selected item. If no item is currently selected, then no action is taken.
CreateExpandableObjectCreates an object instance of the appropriate type and assigns it to the expandable property represented by the PropertyGridPropertyItem passed as the commmand parameter.
EnterEditModeEnter edit mode on the currently selected item. If no item is currently selected or the currently selected item is already in edit mode, then no action is taken.
ExitEditModeExit edit mode on the currently selected item. If no item is currently selected or the currently selected item is not in edit mode, then no action is taken.
ExpandSelectedItemExpands the currently selected item. If no item is currently selected, then no action is taken.
MoveToEndMoves the selection and display to the last item.
MoveToHomeMoves the selection and display to the first item.
RemoveListEntryRemoves the list entry represented by the PropertyGridPropertyItem passed as the commmand parameter.
ResetPropertyValueResets the value of the property represented by the PropertyGridPropertyItem passed as the commmand parameter. This command is enabled if the property has a DefaultValueAttribute which specifies a value that is different than the property's current value, or if the source object that contains the property exposes a ShouldSerialize[propname] method that returns true along with a Reset[propname] method.
ScrollLineDownMoves the selection down one item.
ScrollLineUpMoves the selection up one item.
ScrollPageDownMoves the selection down one page.
ScrollPageUpMoves the selection up one page.
SelectNextItemSelects the next displayable item (if any). If no item is currently selected, then no action is taken.
SelectPreviousItemSelects the previous displayable item (if any). If no item is currently selected, then no action is taken.
ShowOptionsMenuDisplays the options menu for the property represented by the PropertyGridPropertyItem passed as the commmand parameter.
SortAlphabeticallySorts the list of properties by category.
SortByCategorySorts the list of properties alphabetically.
ToggleFilterAreaFocusToggles the focused state of the filter area.
ToggleSelectedItemExpandedStateToggles the expanded state of the currently selected item. If no item is currently selected, then no action is taken.
ToggleSortTypeToggles the sort type between alphabetic and categorized.

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also