
RichTextEditorCommandType Enumeration

An enumeration of available commands for the XamRichTextEditor control.
Public Enum RichTextEditorCommandType 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum RichTextEditorCommandType : System.Enum 
AlignParagraphContentCenterCenter aligns content in the paragraph(s) that intersect the current selection.
AlignParagraphContentJustifiedJustifies content in the paragraph(s) that intersect the current selection.
AlignParagraphContentLeftLeft aligns content in the paragraph(s) that intersect the current selection.
AlignParagraphContentRightRight aligns content in the paragraph(s) that intersect the current selection.
AllowEditAreaSplittingDisplay a mini-splitter that allows the editing area to be split vertically, creating two RichDocumentViews in the editing area of the control separated by a vertical splitter.
ApplyBoldFormattingAdd bold formatting to the selected text.
ApplyDoubleStrikethroughFormattingAdd double strikethrough formatting to the selected text.
ApplyItalicFormattingAdd italic formatting to the selected text.
ApplySingleStrikethroughFormattingAdd single strikethrough formatting to the selected text.
BackspaceRequests that a backspace be entered at the current position or over the current selection.
ContextMenuDisplays the control's context menu at the current caret position.
CopyCopies the currently selected text to the clipboard.
CutCuts the currently selected text to the clipboard.
DecreaseIndentLevelDecreases the indent level of the paragraph.
DecreaseListIndentLevelDecrease the indentation of the list that contains the selection start. If the selection start is not within a list then no action is performed.
DecreaseParagraphOrListIndentLevelIf the selection start is not within the first paragraph of a list, this command does the same thing as the DecreaseIndentLevel command. If the selection start is within the first paragraph of a list, this command does the same thing as the DecreaseListIndentLevel command.
DeleteDeletes the character at the current location. If there is a non-zero length selection, the selected text is deleted.
DeleteNextWordDeletes the next word if the caret is between words or deletes to the end of the current word if the caret is within a word. If there is a non-zero length selection, the selected text is deleted.
DeletePreviousWordDeletes the previous word if the caret is between words or deletes to the beginning of the current word if the caret is within a word. If there is a non-zero length selection, the selected text is deleted.
DisplayHiddenSymbolsDisplay paragraph marks and other hidden formatting symbols.
DoNotAllowEditAreaSplittingDo not display a mini-splitter that allows the editing area to be split into multiple views - a single RichDocumentView always occupies the entire editing area of the control.
GrowFontIncreases the font size.
HideHiddenSymbolsHide paragraph marks and other hidden formatting symbols.
IncreaseIndentLevelIncreases the indent level of the paragraph.
IncreaseListIndentLevelIncrease the indentation of the list that contains the selection start. If the selection start is not within a list then no action is performed.
IncreaseParagraphOrListIndentLevelIf the selection start is not within the first paragraph of a list, this command does the same thing as the IncreaseIndentLevel command. If the selection start is within the first paragraph of a list, this command does the same thing as the IncreaseListIndentLevel command.
MoveDownMoves the caret down one line.
MoveDownByPageMoves the caret down one page.
MoveToEndOfDocumentMoves the caret to the end of the document.
MoveToEndOfLineMoves the caret to the end of the current line.
MoveToNextCharacterMoves the caret rightone character.
MoveToNextWordMoves the caret to the start of the next word.
MoveToPreviousCharacterMoves the caret left one character.
MoveToPreviousWordMoves the caret to the start of the previous word.
MoveToStartOfDocumentMoves the caret to the start of the document.
MoveToStartOfLineMoves the caret to the start of the current line.
MoveUpMoves the caret up one line.
MoveUpByPageMoves the caret up one page.
PastePastes the current clipboard text at the current insertion point.
RedoRedo the last undone edit activity.
RemoveBoldFormattingRemove bold formatting from the selected text.
RemoveDoubleStrikethroughFormattingRemove double strikethrough formatting from the selected text.
RemoveItalicFormattingRemove italic formatting from the selected text.
RemoveSingleStrikethroughFormattingRemove single strikethrough formatting from the selected text.
RemoveSplitFromEditAreaRemove the split from the editing area - a single RichDocumentView will occupy the entire editing area of the control.
RemoveStrikethroughFormattingRemove strikethrough formatting from the selected text.
SelectAllSelects all the content in the Infragistics.Documents.RichText.RichTextDocument.
SelectDownExtends the selection down one line.
SelectDownByPageExtends the selection down one page.
SelectNextCharacterExtends the selection to include the next character.
SelectNextWordExtends the selection to include the next word.
SelectPreviousCharacterExtends the selection to include the previous character.
SelectPreviousWordExtends the selection to include the previous word.
SelectToEndOfDocumentExtends the selection to the end of the document.
SelectToEndOfLineExtends the selection to the end of the current line.
SelectToStartOfDocumentExtends the selection to the start of the document.
SelectToStartOfLineExtends the selection to the start of the current line.
SelectUpExtends the selection up one line.
SelectUpByPageExtends the selection up one page.
ShrinkFontDecreases the font size.
SplitEditAreaSplit the editing area horizontally, creating two RichDocumentViews in the editing area of the control separated by a horizontal splitter.
ToggleBoldFormattingToggles bold formatting on the selected text. If the selected text contains both bold and non-bold formatting, then bold formatting will be removed from all the text in the selection.
ToggleBulletsToggles bullet formatting on the line containing the caret or across the current selection.
ToggleDoubleStrikethroughFormattingToggle double strikethrough formatting in the selected text.
ToggleInsertToggles the typing mode between Insert and Overtype.
ToggleItalicFormattingToggles italic formatting on the selected text. If the selected text contains both italic and non-italic formatting, then italic formatting will be removed from all the text in the selection.
ToggleNumberingToggles number formatting on the line containing the caret or across the current selection.
ToggleSingleStrikethroughFormattingToggle single strikethrough formatting in the selected text.
ToggleSingleUnderlineFormattingToggle single underline formatting in the selected text.
ToggleSubscriptToggles the formatting of the selected text to subscript format.
ToggleSuperscriptToggles the formatting of the selected text to superscript format.
UndoUndo the last edit activity.

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also