
Infragistics.Controls.Editors.Primitives Namespace

ClassLargeDecreaseCommand A Infragistics.CommandBase object that will decrease decrease its ActiveThumb.Value property with LargeChange value.
ClassLargeIncreaseCommand A Infragistics.CommandBase object that will increase decrease its ActiveThumb.Value property with LargeCjhange value.
ClassSmallDecreaseCommand A Infragistics.CommandBase object that will decrease its ActiveThumb.Value property with SmallChange value.
ClassSmallIncreaseCommand A Infragistics.CommandBase object that will increase decrease its ActiveThumb.Value property with SmallChange value.
ClassTrackFill A control that provides track fill behavior.
ClassXamSliderBaseCommandBase Base class for all commands that deal with a Infragistics.Controls.Editors.XamSliderBase.
See Also