
Infragistics.Controls.Editors Namespace

ClassDateTimeSliderTickMarks class that provides SliderTickMarks from DateType type.
ClassSliderTickMarks A class that provides SliderTickMarks from double type.
ClassSliderTickMarks<T> A generic class that implements tick marks maintenance
ClassSliderTickMarksBase A base class that implements tick marks maintenance
ClassThumbComparer<T> Custom generic comparer class, used to compare generic thumbs
ClassThumbValueChangedEventArgs<T> A class listing the information needed during the XamSliderBase<T>.ThumbValueChanged event
ClassTickMarksPanel<T> A generic Panel, used to arrange the SliderTickMarks<T>.
ClassTrackClickEventArgs<T> A class listing the information needed during the XamSliderBase<T>.TrackClick event
ClassTrackFillChangedEventArgs<T> A class listing the information needed during the XamRangeSlider<T>.TrackFillDragCompleted event
ClassXamDateTimeRangeSlider A control that provides XamRangeSlider from DateTime type.
ClassXamDateTimeSlider A control that provides simple slider from DateTime type.
ClassXamNumericRangeSlider A control that provides XamRangeSlider from double type.
ClassXamNumericSlider A control that provides simple slider from double type.
ClassXamRangeSlider<T> A control that provides generic slider with multiple thumbs (handles) behavior.
ClassXamSimpleSliderBase<T> A control that provides generic simple slider behavior.
ClassXamSliderBase An object that describes base class for different types of sliders
ClassXamSliderBase<T> A control that provides generic slider behavior.
ClassXamSliderBaseCommandSource The command source object for XamSliderBase object.
ClassXamSliderDateTimeThumb A control that provides XamSliderThumb from DateTime type.
ClassXamSliderNumericThumb A control that provides XamSliderThumb from double type.
ClassXamSliderThumb<T> An object that describes generic class for the slider thumb
ClassXamSliderThumbBase An object that describes base class for the slider thumb
EnumerationFrequencyType An Enum that describes the type of the frequency for DateTimeSLiderTickMarks.
EnumerationSliderThumbInteractionMode An Enum that describes the interaction between sliders
EnumerationSliderTrackClickAction An Enum that describes the behavior after click on the slider track.
EnumerationXamSliderBaseCommand An Enum that describes the type of the XamSliderBaseCommandBase command
See Also