
ViewSelectionManager Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ViewSelectionManager.

Public Properties
Public PropertySelectedTextReturns/sets the text included in the current selection.  
Public PropertySelectionEndReturns/sets the Infragistics.Documents.SnapshotPoint that represents the end of the selection.  
Public PropertySelectionEndNormalizedReturns the Infragistics.Documents.SnapshotPoint that represents the end of the selection after normalization. (read only)  
Public PropertySelectionLengthReturns the length of the current selection. (read only)  
Public PropertySelectionStartReturns/sets the Infragistics.Documents.SnapshotPoint that represents the start of the selection.  
Public PropertySelectionStartNormalizedReturns the Infragistics.Documents.SnapshotPoint that represents the start of the selection after normalization. (read only)  
Public Methods
Public MethodConvertToLowercaseConverts the currently selected text to lowercase.  
Public MethodConvertToUppercaseConverts the currently selected text to uppercase..  
Public MethodCopyCopies the currently selected text to the clipboard.  
Public MethodCutCuts the currently selected text to the clipboard.  
Public MethodDecreaseIndentDecreases the indent level of the line(s) containing the current selection or Caret position so that the line begins at the nearest tabstop position preceding the current line start position.  
Public MethodDeleteCurrentCharacterDeletes the character at the Caret location. If there is an active selection, the selected text is deleted.  
Public MethodDeletePreviousCharacterDeletes the character preceeding the Caret location. If there is an active selection, the selected text is deleted.  
Public MethodDeleteToBeginningOfCurrentWordDeletes all text from the Caret location to the beginning of the current word (if the Caret is in the middle of a word), or deletes the previous word if the Caret is at the beginning of a word. If there is an active selection, the selected text is deleted.  
Public MethodDeleteToEndOfCurrentWordDeletes all text from the Caret location to the end of the current word. If there is an active selection, the selected text is deleted.  
Public MethodIncreaseIndentIncreases the indent level of the line(s) containing the current selection or Caret position so that the line begins at the nearest tabstop position following the current line start position.  
Public MethodMoveDownMoves the Caret down one line.  
Public MethodMovePageDownMoves the Caret down one page.  
Public MethodMovePageUpMoves the Caret up one page.  
Public MethodMoveToBottomOfPageMoves the Caret to the last line on the current page.  
Public MethodMoveToEndOfDocumentMoves the Caret to the end of the Infragistics.Documents.TextDocument.  
Public MethodMoveToEndOfLineMoves the Caret to the end of the line containing the Caret.  
Public MethodMoveToFirstNonWhitespaceOnLineMoves the Caret to the first non-whitespace character on the line containing the Caret.  
Public MethodMoveToNextCharacterMoves the Caret to the next character position.  
Public MethodMoveToNextWordMoves the Caret to the next word.  
Public MethodMoveToPreviousCharacterMoves the Caret to the previous character position.  
Public MethodMoveToPreviousWordMoves the Caret to the previous word.  
Public MethodMoveToStartOfDocumentMoves the Caret to the start of the Infragistics.Documents.TextDocument.  
Public MethodMoveToStartOfLineMoves the Caret to the start of the line containing the Caret.  
Public MethodMoveToTopOfPageMoves the Caret to the first line on the current page.  
Public MethodMoveUpMoves the Caret up one line.  
Public MethodPastePaste the current clipboard text at the current Caret position. If there is an active selection, the selection is replaced with the clipboard text.  
Public MethodRedoRedo the last undone edit activity.  
Public MethodSelectDownMoves the Caret down one line, selecting all text in between the start and end position.  
Public MethodSelectLineSelect the entire line containing the Caret.  
Public MethodSelectNextCharacterMoves the selection end point one character position to the right.  
Public MethodSelectNextWordMoves the selection end point one word to the right.  
Public MethodSelectPageDownExtends the selection down one page.  
Public MethodSelectPageUpExtends the selection up one page.  
Public MethodSelectPreviousCharacterMoves the selection end point one character position to the left.  
Public MethodSelectPreviousWordMoves the selection end point one word to the left.  
Public MethodSelectToBottomOfPageExtends the selection to the bottom of the current page.  
Public MethodSelectToEndOfDocumentExtends the current selection to the end of the Infragistics.Documents.TextDocument.  
Public MethodSelectToEndOfLineExtends the current selection to the end of the line containing the Caret.  
Public MethodSelectToFirstNonWhitespaceOnLineExtends the current selection to the first non-whitespace character on the line containing the Caret.  
Public MethodSelectToStartOfDocumentExtends the current selection to the start of the document.  
Public MethodSelectToStartOfLineExtends the current selection to the start of the line containing the Caret.  
Public MethodSelectToTopOfPageExtends the selection to the top of the current page.  
Public MethodSelectUpMoves the Caret up one line, selecting all text in between the start and end position.  
Public MethodUndoUndo the last edit activity.  
Public Events
Public EventPropertyChangedEvent raised when a property on the object changes.  
See Also