
RowsManager Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by RowsManager.

Public Properties
Public PropertyAddNewRowBottomGets a specialized row representing the AddNewRow of the bottom of the row island.  
Public PropertyAddNewRowTopGets a specialized row representing the AddNewRow of the top of the row island.  
Public PropertyColumnLayoutGets the RowsManagerBase.ColumnLayout object that is associated with the RowsManagerBase. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowsManagerBase)
Public PropertyCurrentPageIndexGets / sets the page of data to be shown when the PagerSettings allows for paging.  
Public PropertyFilterRowBottomGets a specialized row representing the FilterRow UI at the bottom of the row island.  
Public PropertyFilterRowTopGets a specialized row representing the FilterRow UI at the top of the row island.  
Public PropertyFooterRowGets a reference to the FooterRow for this RowsManager  
Public PropertyGroupByLevelGets the level that a RowsManager is grouped at.  
Public PropertyGroupedColumnGets the Column that a RowsManager is grouped by.  
Public PropertyHeaderRowGets a reference to the HeaderRow for this RowsManager  
Public PropertyItemsSourceGets the data source for the RowsManagerBase.  
Public PropertyLevelGets the level in the hierarchy of the RowsManagerBase. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowsManagerBase)
Public PropertyPagerRowBottomGets a specialized row representing the pager of the bottom of the row island.  
Public PropertyPagerRowTopGets a specialized row representing the pager of the top of the row island.  
Public PropertyParentRowThe RowsManagerBase.ParentRow that owns this RowsManagerBase. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowsManagerBase)
Public PropertyRowFiltersCollectionGets a RowFiltersCollection object that contains the filters being applied to this ColumnLayout.  
Public PropertyRowFiltersCollectionResolvedGets the RowFiltersCollection that will be used by the RowsManager based on the FilteringScope of the ColumnLayout.  
Public PropertyRowsOverridden. Gets the collection of child rows that belongs to the RowsManager.  
Public PropertySummaryDefinitionCollectionGets a SummaryDefinitionCollection object that contains the filters being applied to this ColumnLayout.  
Public PropertySummaryDefinitionCollectionResolvedGets the SummaryDefinitionCollection that will be used by the RowsManager based on the SummaryScope of the ColumnLayout.  
Public PropertySummaryResultCollectionGets the collection of Infragistics.SummaryResult objects that will be displayed.  
Public PropertySummaryRowBottomGets a specialized row representing the Summary UI at the bottom of the row island.  
Public PropertySummaryRowTopGets a specialized row representing the Summary UI at the top of the row island.  
Protected Properties
Protected Internal PropertyCachedRowsGets a dictionary of rows that have already been created.  
Protected Internal PropertyChildrenShouldBeDisplayedResolvedResolves whether Child rows should be displayed.  
Protected PropertyConditionalFormatProxyCollectionGets the ConditionalFormatProxyCollection which contains the formats which will applied to the rows/  
Protected Internal PropertyConditionalFormattingProxyRulesResolvedGets the ConditionalFormatProxyCollection which will be applied.  
Protected Internal PropertyConditionalFormattingRulesResolvedGets the ConditionalFormatCollection which will be applied.  
Protected PropertyDataCountGets the amount of Rows in the RowsManager.  
Protected Internal PropertyDataManagerGets a reference to the Infragistics.DataManagerBase of the RowsManager.  
Protected PropertyFooterSupportedGets if the RowsManager supports showing the footer in the general rows body.  
Protected Internal PropertyFullRowCountOverridden. Gets the total amount of rows that can be displayed for the RowsManager.  
Protected PropertyHeaderSupportedGets if the RowsManager supports showing the header in the general rows body.  
Protected Internal PropertyPageCountGets the total number of pages available from the DataManager.  
Protected Internal PropertyRegisteredBottomRowsGets the RowBase object collection of rows that will be considered footer rows.  
Protected Internal PropertyRegisteredTopRowsGets the RowBase object collection of rows that will be considered header rows.  
Protected Internal PropertySummaryResultCollectionInternalGets the collection of Infragistics.SummaryResult objects that will be displayed.  
Protected Internal PropertyVisibleChildManagersGets a list of currently visible child RowsManagerBase objects. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowsManagerBase)
Public Methods
Public MethodDisposeOverloaded. Overridden. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the RowsManager and optionally releases the managed resources.  
Public MethodGetCellScopedConditionsOverridden. Creates a collection of IConditionalFormattingRuleProxy objects scoped to StyleScope.Cell for a given Column.  
Public MethodGetRowScopedConditionsOverridden. Creates a collection of IConditionalFormattingRuleProxy objects scoped to StyleScope.Row.  
Public MethodInvalidateRowsOverridden. Clears rows and child rows and lets the grid rerender.  
Public MethodInvalidateTopAndBottomRowsEvaluates all header and footer rows, and determines if they should be hidden or visible.  
Public MethodRefreshSummariesOverridden. Reevaluates the data for the summaries on the rows.  
Protected Methods
Protected Internal MethodAddItemAdds a row to the collection.  
Protected MethodCompareToOverridden. Compares the index of the parent row's ColumnLayout , to the parent row's ColumnLayout index of the other manager.  
Protected Internal MethodCreateItemOverloaded. Creates a new row object  
Protected MethodEnsureDataManagerThis method checks to ensure that a DataManagerBase is created for a given level and if not creates it for that level.  
Protected MethodGenerateColumnForFieldReturns a column for the specified Infragistics.DataField.  
Protected Internal MethodGenerateNewObjectCreates a new object from the Infragistics.DataManagerBase  
Protected MethodGetDataItemReturns the Row for the given index.  
Protected MethodInitializeDataLooks at the data provided for the RowsManager and generates ColumnBase objects if AutoGenerateColumns is true.  
Protected Internal MethodInsertItemInserts a row at a given index.  
Protected MethodInvalidateAddNewRowVisibilityDetermines if the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.AddNewRow should be visible, and registers/unregisters it accordingly.  
Protected MethodInvalidateConditionalFormattingUsed to invalidate due to conditional formatting.  
Protected MethodInvalidateDataOverridden. Triggers all Data operations such as sorting and GroupBy to be invalidated.  
Protected MethodInvalidateFilteringFilters the data based on it's current settings.  
Protected MethodInvalidateFilterRowVisibilityDetermines if the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.FilterRow should be visible, and registers/unregisters it accordingly.  
Protected MethodInvalidateFooterRowVisibilityDetermines if the FooterRow should be visible, and registers/unregisters it accordingly.  
Protected MethodInvalidateGroupByValidates whether a RowsManager needs to group its rows.  
Protected MethodInvalidateHeaderRowVisibilityDetermines if the HeaderRow should be visible, and registers/unregisters it accordingly.  
Protected MethodInvalidatePagerRowVisibilityDetermines if the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.PagerRow should be visible, and registers/unregisters it accordingly.  
Protected MethodInvalidateSortSorts the rows based on the values provided by the ColumnLayout object.  
Protected MethodInvalidateSummariesSums the data based on it's current settings.  
Protected MethodInvalidateSummaryRowVisibilityDetermines if the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.SummaryRow should be visible, and registers/unregisters it accordingly.  
Protected MethodOnChildColumnLayoutAddedRaised when a RowsManagerBase.ColumnLayout is added to the owning ColumnLayout's Columns collection. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowsManagerBase)
Protected MethodOnChildColumnLayoutRemovedOverridden. Raised when a ColumnLayout is removed from the owning ColumnLayout's Columns collection.  
Protected MethodOnChildColumnLayoutVisibilityChangedOverridden. Raised when a child ColumnLayout of the owning ColumnLayout, visibility changes.  
Protected MethodOnColumnLayoutAssignedOverridden. Called when a ColumnLayout is assigned to this RowsManager.  
Protected MethodOnColumnLayoutPropertyChangedOverridden. Raised when a property has changed on the ColumnLayout that this RowsManager represents.  
Protected MethodOnColumnLayoutResetOverridden. Raised when the ColumnLayout wasn't removed, but it's data has been reset.  
Protected MethodOnCurrentItemChangedRaised when the underlying data sources current item changes.  
Protected MethodOnItemsSourceChangedInvoked when the the underlying ItemsSource property changes.  
Protected MethodOnRegisteredAsVisibleChildManagerInvoked when a RowsManagerBase is now visible, meaning it's Parent row is expanded. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowsManagerBase)
Protected MethodOnUnregisteredAsVisibleChildManagerInvoked when a RowsManagerBase is no longer visible, meaning it's Parent row is collapsed. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowsManagerBase)
Protected MethodRegisterBottomRowRegisters a RowBase as a row that should be displayed below all other rows, such as the FooterRow  
Protected Internal MethodRegisterChildRowsManagerAdds the specified RowsManagerBase as a visible child manager, so that it will be considered in the rendering of rows. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowsManagerBase)
Protected MethodRegisterTopRowRegisters a RowBase as a row that should be displayed above all other rows, such as the HeaderRow  
Protected MethodRemoveItemOverloaded. Removes a row from the underlying ItemSource  
Protected MethodRemoveRangeRemoves the specified rows from the collection.  
Protected Internal MethodResetAddNewRowsAssigns a new data object to the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.AddNewRow object.  
Protected Internal MethodResetFilterRowsClears the underlying dataobject for the FilterRow UI.  
Protected MethodResetRowsClears the cached rows and invalidates the rows.  
Protected Internal MethodResolveGroupByLevelWalks up the RowsManager chain and checks to see if there are any other RowsManager above this level that have a GroupByLevel.  
Protected Internal MethodResolveIndentationReturns the amount of indentation that should be allocated for the RowsManagerBase. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowsManagerBase)
Protected Internal MethodResolveIndexForRowOverridden. Returns the index for a given row.  
Protected Internal MethodResolveRowForIndexOverridden. Returns the RowBase for the given index.  
Protected MethodSortVisibleChildManagersSorts the VisibleChildmanagers (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowsManagerBase)
Protected Internal MethodUnregisterAllChildRowsManagerRemoves all visible child managers, so that they will no longer be considered in the rendering of rows. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowsManagerBase)
Protected MethodUnregisterBottomRowUnregisters a RowBase that was registered to be displayed below all other rows.  
Protected Internal MethodUnregisterChildRowsManagerRemoves the specified RowsManagerBase as a visible child manager, so that it will no longer be considered in the rendering of rows. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowsManagerBase)
Protected Internal MethodUnregisterRowsManagerOverridden. When a RowsManager is no longer needed, this method should be called, to detach all events that are hooked up. To avoid Memory leaks.  
Protected MethodUnregisterTopRowUnregisters a RowBase that was registered to be displayed above of all other rows..  
Protected MethodValidatePagerInformationEnsures the Pager control's current page index is set correctly after changing the data source.  
See Also