Version 24.2 (latest)

Infragistics.Controls.Interactions Namespace

ClassContextualHelpSettings Represents the settings which allow for the customization of contextual help.
ClassFormulaEditorBase Abstract base class for the XamFormulaEditor and FormulaEditorDialog.
ClassFormulaEditorDialog Displays a detailed user interface for viewing and editing a formula in a Infragistics.Calculations.XamCalculationManager.
ClassFormulaEditorDialogClosingEventArgs The event arguments for the XamFormulaEditor.FormulaEditorDialogDisplaying event.
ClassFormulaEditorDialogDisplayingEventArgs The event arguments for the XamFormulaEditor.FormulaEditorDialogDisplaying event.
ClassFormulaEditorDialogEventArgs Base class for event arguments relating to a FormulaEditorDialog.
ClassXamFormulaEditor An editor for viewing and editing a formula in a Infragistics.Calculations.XamCalculationManager.
EnumerationFunctionSearchType Represents the various ways in which the function search can be applied.
EnumerationOperandSearchType Represents the various ways in which the operand search can be applied.
EnumerationPreferredAutoCompleteReferencesType Represents the various types of references which can be preferred in the auto-complete list of contextual help.
See Also