
SphericalMercatorVerticalScaler Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by SphericalMercatorVerticalScaler.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorSphericalMercatorVerticalScaler ConstructorSphericalMercatorVerticalScaler constructor.  
Protected Fields
Protected FieldCachedActualMaximumValue (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Charts.NumericScaler)
Protected FieldCachedActualMinimumValue (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Charts.NumericScaler)
Public Properties
Public PropertyDependencyObjectTypeGets the System.Windows.DependencyObjectType that wraps the CLR type of this instance. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public PropertyDispatcherGets the System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher this System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject is associated with. (Inherited from System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject)
Public PropertyIsSealedGets a value that indicates whether this instance is currently sealed (read-only). (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)MaximumValueThe scale's maximum value.  
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)MinimumValueThe scale's minimum value.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyActualMaximumValue (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Charts.NumericScaler)
Protected PropertyActualMinimumValue (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Charts.NumericScaler)
Protected PropertyActualRange (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Charts.NumericScaler)
Public Methods
Public MethodCalculateRangeOverridden. Calculates the range of this axis scaler based on the given parameters.  
Public MethodClearValueOverloaded. Clears the local value of a property. The property to be cleared is specified by a System.Windows.DependencyProperty identifier. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public MethodCoerceValueCoerces the value of the specified dependency property. This is accomplished by invoking any System.Windows.CoerceValueCallback function specified in property metadata for the dependency property as it exists on the calling System.Windows.DependencyObject. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public MethodEquals (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public MethodGetHashCodeGets a hash code for this System.Windows.DependencyObject. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public MethodGetLocalValueEnumeratorCreates a specialized enumerator for determining which dependency properties have locally set values on this System.Windows.DependencyObject. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetProjectedValueReturns the given value projected as latitude.  
Public MethodGetScaledBucketValueList (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Charts.NumericScaler)
Public MethodGetScaledValueOverridden. Gets the scaled viewport value from an unscaled axis value.  
Public MethodGetScaledValueListOverridden. Get a list of scaled viewport values from a list of unscaled axis values.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetUnprojectedValueReturns the given value unprojected from a latitude value.  
Public MethodGetUnscaledValueOverridden. Gets the unscaled axis value from an scaled viewport value.  
Public MethodGetUnscaledValueList (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Charts.NumericScaler)
Public MethodGetValueReturns the current effective value of a dependency property on this instance of a System.Windows.DependencyObject. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public MethodInvalidateProperty (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public MethodReadLocalValueReturns the local value of a dependency property, if it exists. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public MethodSetCurrentValue (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public MethodSetValueOverloaded. Sets the local value of a dependency property, specified by its dependency property identifier. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodOnPropertyChangedOverloaded. Overridden. Called when a property value changes.  
Protected Internal MethodShouldSerializePropertyReturns a value that indicates whether serialization processes should serialize the value for the provided dependency property. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
See Also