
Infragistics.Controls.Maps Namespace

ClassArcGISOnlineMapImagery UI element class used to display ArcGIS Online Map imagery in the XamGeographicMap.
ClassBingMapsMapImagery UI element class used to display BingMapsMap imagery in the XamGeographicMap.
ClassBingResourceSet Represents a resource set for the Bing Maps imagery.
ClassBingResponse Represents a response for the Bing Maps imagery.
ClassCustomMapImagery Represents a CustomMapImagery MapImagery
ClassGeographicContourLineSeries Represents a class for Geographic Contour Series displayed on a map.
ClassGeographicHighDensityScatterSeries Series class for a geographic map with points marked at given locations.
ClassGeographicMapImagery Control class used for displaying multi-scale TileSource imagery. Designed to be used for background imagery in the XamGeographicMap.
ClassGeographicMapImageryView View class for GeographicMapImagery objects.
ClassGeographicMapSeriesHost Base class for hosting chart series in a XamGeographicMap.
ClassGeographicMarkerSeries Base class for creating marker series in a XamGeographicMap.
ClassGeographicPolylineSeries Series class used for displaying multiple polylines, in a geographic context, for datasources which contain multiple lists of points.
ClassGeographicProportionalSymbolSeries Series class for a geographic map with points marked at given locations.
ClassGeographicScatterAreaSeries Series class which draws a colored 2D surface, in a geographic context, based on a triangulation of XY data with numeric values assigned to each point.
ClassGeographicShapeControlSeries Series class which renders polygons as Controls, in a geographic context, based on lists of points in the ItemsSource.
ClassGeographicShapeSeries Series class which renders polygons as Paths, in a geographic context, based on lists of points in the ItemsSource.
ClassGeographicShapeSeriesBase Base class for series which render polygons on a map.
ClassGeographicSymbolSeries Series class for a geographic map with points marked at given locations.
ClassGeographicTileSeries Series class used for displaying a tile set, and using shapes to define the areas that should be rendered.
ClassGeographicXYTriangulatingSeries Base class for geographic series which triangulate XY data prior to rendering.
ClassImageryMetadata Represents a metadata for the Bing Maps imagery.
ClassImageUriConverter ValueConverter class which converts a Uri to an Image.
ClassLevelOfDetailResponseModel Data class representing level of detail metadata about a map tile.
ClassMapServerResponseModel Data class representing a response from a map tile server.
ClassOpenStreetMapImagery UI element class used to display OpenStreetMap imagery in the XamGeographicMap.
ClassResourceUriToFrozenImageBrushConverter ValueConverter class which converts a Uri to a frozen ImageBrush.
ClassSphericalMercatorHorizontalScaler Scaler class used for maps with spherical mercator projections.
ClassSphericalMercatorVerticalScaler Scaler class used for maps with spherical mercator projections.
ClassTileGeneratorMapImagery Represents a CustomMapImagery MapImagery
ClassTileInfoResponseModel Data class representing a map tile.
ClassTokenResponseModel Data class representing token information, used for communicating with a map tile server.
ClassXamGeographicMap Represents the Infragistics XamGeographicMap control.
ClassXamGeographicMapView Represents a view class associated with the XamGeographicMap control.
EnumerationBingMapsImageryStyle Describes available map styles for the Bing Maps imagery.
EnumerationMapBackgroundTilingMode Indicates the desired behavior for the map on resizing.
EnumerationMapResizeBehavior Indicates the desired behavior for the map on resizing.
See Also