
Infragistics.Controls.Maps Namespace

ClassNetworkNodeClickEventArgs The event arguments of the events fired when a node is clicked.
ClassNetworkNodeConnection An object that represents a single connection data object in the XamNetworkNode.
ClassNetworkNodeEventArgs The event arguments of the events of a node.
ClassNetworkNodeLayoutAssignedEventArgs The event arguments of the events fired when a node layout is assinged.
ClassNetworkNodeMouseEventArgs The event arguments of the mouse events of a node.
ClassNetworkNodeMouseWheelEventArgs The event arguments of the mouse wheel events of a node.
ClassNetworkNodeNode An object that represents a single node data object in the XamNetworkNode.
ClassNetworkNodeNodeAutomationPeer The automation peer for the NetworkNodeNodeControl
ClassNetworkNodeNodeControl An object that acts as the visual representaion of a NetworkNodeNode objects.
ClassNetworkNodeNodeLayout This class binds the value, text and items source properties of a NetworkNode item to the provided data. Paths should be provided which are the names of the properties of the data. The data should be of TargetTypeName type.
ClassNetworkNodeNodeLayoutCollection Collection class for node layouts.
ClassNetworkNodeNodesPanel Represents a panel containing the XamNetworkNode nodes.
ClassNetworkNodeSelectionEventArgs A class listing the information needed when the selected nodes change.
ClassNodeExpansionChangedEventArgs The event arguments of the events fired when a node is expanded or collapsed.
ClassSelectedNetworkNodesCollection Represents a modifiable collection of NetworkNodeNode objects which have been selected.
ClassXamNetworkNode Represents the XamNetworkNode control.
ClassXamNetworkNodeAutomationPeer The automation peer for the XamNetworkNode
EnumerationNetworkNodeInvokeAction An enumeration of different interactions.
EnumerationNetworkNodeSelectionType Describes the type of selection that should be performed.
See Also