
TimeZoneInfoProvider.TimeAdjustmentRule Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by TimeZoneInfoProvider.TimeAdjustmentRule.

Public Constructors
Public Properties
Public PropertyDeltaReturns the time adjustment to apply between the transition start and end while this tt is in force. (read-only)  
Public PropertyEndReturns the end of the dateTime range where this tt is in force (read-only)  
Public PropertyStartReturns the start of the dateTime range where this tt is in force (read-only)  
Public PropertyTransitionEndReturns the end dateTime tt that idenifies when to transition back to standard time. (read-only)  
Public PropertyTransitionStartReturns the start dateTime tt that idenifies when to transition to the adjusted time. (read-only)  
Public Methods
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)CreateCreates and returns an instance of a TimeAdjustmentRule  
Public MethodEqualsOverloaded. Returns true if the object is equilavent to this  
Public MethodGetHashCodeReturns a code to use for hashing  
Public Operators
public Operator Equality Compares the values of two TimeZoneInfoProvider.TimeAdjustmentRule structures for equality
public Operator Inequality Compares the values of two TimeZoneInfoProvider.TimeAdjustmentRule structures for inequality
See Also