Class | Description | |
ActivitiesDraggedEventArgs | Event arguments for the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivitiesDragged event | |
ActivitiesDraggingEventArgs | Event arguments for the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivitiesDragging event | |
ActivitiesEventArgs | Base class for an event that potentially involves multiple ActivityBase instances | |
ActivityAddedEventArgs | Event args associated with the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityAdded event. | |
ActivityAddingEventArgs | Event args associated with the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityAdding event. | |
ActivityBase | Base class for activity classes, like Appointment, Journal or Task. | |
ActivityCategory | Represents an activity category. | |
ActivityCategoryCollection | Used by the Resource's Resource.CustomActivityCategories property. | |
ActivityCategoryPropertyMapping | Used for mapping a field in the data source to a property of the ActivityCategory object. | |
ActivityCategoryPropertyMappingCollection | Collection used for specifying field mappings for ActivityCategory object. | |
ActivityChangedEventArgs | Event args associated with the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityChanged event. | |
ActivityChangingEventArgs | Event args associated with the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityChanging event. | |
ActivityDialogDisplayingEventArgs | Event args associated with the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityDialogDisplaying event. | |
ActivityEventArgs | Base class for activity event args. | |
ActivityOperationResult | Result of an activity operation that may be performed asynchronously. | |
ActivityQuery | Represents an activity query. | |
ActivityQueryResult | Represents results of an activity query. | |
ActivityRecurrenceChooserDialogDisplayingEventArgs | Event arguments for the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityRecurrenceChooserDialogDisplaying event. | |
ActivityRecurrenceDialogDisplayingEventArgs | Event args associated with the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityRecurrenceDialogDisplaying event. | |
ActivityRemovedEventArgs | Event args associated with the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityRemoved event. | |
ActivityRemovingEventArgs | Event args associated with the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityRemoving event. | |
ActivityResizedEventArgs | Event arguments for the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityResized event | |
ActivityResizingEventArgs | Event arguments for the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityResizing event | |
ActivitySettings | Contains settings information regarding the operations that the user can perform on activities. | |
ActivityTypeChooserDialogDisplayingEventArgs | Event arguments for the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityTypeChooserDialogDisplaying event. | |
Appointment | Represents an appointment in a schedule. | |
AppointmentPropertyMapping | Used for mapping a field in the data source to a property of the Appointment object. | |
AppointmentPropertyMappingCollection | Collection used for specifying field mappings for Appointment object. | |
AppointmentSettings | Contains settings information regarding the operations that the user can perform on appointment. | |
CalendarColorScheme | Handles coordination of CalendarBrushCaches for ResourceCalendars. | |
CalendarGroup | Represents a group of one or more ResourceCalendar instances | |
CalendarGroupBase | Base class for an object that contains one or more ResourceCalendar instances | |
CalendarGroupCollection | Represents a collection of CalendarGroup instances | |
CancellableActivitiesEventArgs | Base class for a cancellable event that potentially involves multiple ActivityBase instances | |
CancellableActivityEventArgs | Base class for activity event args that are cancellable. | |
CurrentViewModeChangingEventArgs | Event arguments for the XamOutlookCalendarView.CurrentViewModeChanging event | |
CustomScheduleColorScheme | Custom CalendarColorScheme | |
CustomTimeZoneInfoProvider | A class used to load custom time zone information for date time conversions to and from utc date times. | |
DateRecurrence | Contains information that defines a recurring date-time. | |
DateRecurrenceCalculatorBase | Evaluates date recurrence rules contained in DateRecurrence object and generates recurrences. | |
DateRecurrenceRuleBase | Base class for date recurrence rule. | |
DayOfMonthRecurrenceRule | Rule that matches day of month. | |
DayOfWeekRecurrenceRule | Rule that matches day of week or a relative day of week within month or year. | |
DayOfYearRecurrenceRule | Rule that matches day of year. | |
DaySettings | Used for specifying settings for a specific day. | |
DaySettingsOverride | Used for specifying settings for a specific date or a recurring date. | |
DaySettingsOverrideCollection | Collection of DaySettingsOverride objects. | |
DefaultDateRecurrenceCalculator | An implementation of a DateRecurrenceCalculatorBase that calculates occurrence information for a specified RecurrenceInfo | |
ErrorDisplayingEventArgs | Event arguments for the XamScheduleDataManager.ErrorDisplaying event | |
ErrorEventArgs | Event args associated with the XamScheduleDataManager.Error event. | |
HourRecurrenceRule | Rule that matches hour of day. | |
IGColorScheme | Handles coordination of CalendarBrushProviders for the 'IGTheme' color scheme. | |
ItemOperationResult<T> | Result of an operation performed on an item. The operation may be performed asynchronously. | |
Journal | Represents a journal or a note in a schedule. | |
JournalPropertyMapping | Used for mapping a field in the data source to a property of the Journal object. | |
JournalPropertyMappingCollection | Collection used for specifying field mappings for Journal object. | |
JournalSettings | Contains settings information regarding the operations that the user can perform on journals. | |
ListScheduleDataConnector | Used for providing schedule data from various data sources to XamScheduleDataManager. | |
MetadataPropertyValueStore | Used to store extra field values. | |
MinuteRecurrenceRule | Rule that matches minute of hour. | |
MonthOfYearRecurrenceRule | Rule that matches a month. | |
Office2007ColorScheme | Handles coordination of CalendarBrushProviders for Office 2007 color schemes. | |
Office2010ColorScheme | Handles coordination of CalendarBrushProviders for Office 2010 color schemes. | |
OfficeColorSchemeBase | Handles coordination of CalendarBrushProviders for Office color schemes. | |
OSTimeZoneInfoProvider | A class used to provide time zone information for date time conversions to and from utc date times from the information provided by the Windows OS. | |
RecurrenceBase | Abstract base class for a class that specifies rules that define recurring date-time. | |
RecurrenceCalculatorFactoryBase | Provides logic for generating recurrences. | |
RecurrenceInfo | Used to pass along recurrence information to the RecurrenceCalculatorFactoryBase.GetCalculator method. | |
Reminder | Contains information regarding the reminder that's displayed when an activity is due. | |
ReminderActivatedEventArgs | Event args associated with the XamScheduleDataManager.ReminderActivated event. | |
ReminderDialogDisplayingEventArgs | Event args associated with the XamScheduleDataManager.ReminderDialogDisplaying event. | |
ReminderInfo | Contains information regarding an invoked reminder. | |
ReminderSubscriber | A class used to get notified of reminders. | |
Resource | Represents a resource (owner) in a schedule. | |
ResourceCalendar | Represents a calendar. | |
ResourceCalendarCollection | Collection of ResourceCalendar objects. | |
ResourceCalendarPropertyMapping | Used for mapping a field in the data source to a property of the ResourceCalendar object. | |
ResourceCalendarPropertyMappingCollection | Collection used for specifying field mappings for ResourceCalendar object. | |
ResourceCollection | Collection of Resource objects. | |
ResourceOperationResult | Result of a resource operation that may be performed asynchronously. | |
ResourcePropertyMapping | Used for mapping a field in the data source to a property of the Resource object. | |
ResourcePropertyMappingCollection | Collection used for specifying field mappings for Resource object. | |
ScheduleControlBase | Custom control used to display XamSchedule related information. | |
ScheduleDataConnectorBase | An abstract base class that is used to provide schedule data to the XamScheduleDataManager. | |
ScheduleDayOfWeek | Used for specifying settings for a specific day of week. | |
ScheduleDaysOfWeek | Contains ScheduleDayOfWeek objects for the seven days of week. Each ScheduleDayOfWeek object is used to specify settings for the corresponding day of week. | |
ScheduleDialogFactoryBase | Abstract base class for all XamSchedule dialog factories. | |
ScheduleHeaderClickEventArgs | Event arguments for an event in a ScheduleControlBase involving a header representing a date associated with a given ResourceCalendar | |
ScheduleSettings | Contains schedule settings information. | |
ScheduleTimeControlBase | Base class for a control used to display appointments relative to the associated time slots. | |
SecondRecurrenceRule | Rule that matches second of a minute. | |
SelectedActivitiesChangedEventArgs | Event args associated with the ScheduleControlBase.SelectedActivitiesChanged event. | |
SelectedActivityCollection | Represents a collection of ActivityBase instances | |
SubsetRecurrenceRule | Rule that matches a subset of matches within an interval. | |
Task | Represents a task (to-do) in a schedule. | |
TaskPropertyMapping | Used for mapping a field in the data source to a property of the Task object. | |
TaskPropertyMappingCollection | Collection used for specifying field mappings for Task object. | |
TaskSettings | Contains settings information regarding the operations that the user can perform on tasks. | |
TimeZoneInfoProvider | Abstract base class used to provide time zone information for dateTime time conversions to and from utc dateTime times. | |
TimeZoneInfoProvider.TimeAdjustmentRule | A class that describes the rule for when to transition into and out of daylight savings time | |
TimeZoneToken | A class that represents a specific time zone | |
WcfListScheduleDataConnector | Used for providing schedule data from a server over WCF services. | |
WcfServiceException | Represents an exception that occurs during a remote service call. | |
WeekOfYearRecurrenceRule | Rule that matches week number of a year. | |
WorkingHoursCollection | Collection used for specifying working hours. | |
XamDateNavigator | A custom control used to display one or more months. | |
XamDayView | Custom control used to display activity relative to time slots in a vertical arrangement. | |
XamMonthView | Custom control used to display activity relative to the weeks they occupy. | |
XamOutlookCalendarView | A custom control that uses the various calendar views to provide an Microsoft Outlook like interface | |
XamScheduleDataManager | XamScheduleDataManager class manages schedule data. | |
XamScheduleView | Custom control used to display activity relative to time slots in a horizontal arrangement. |
Interface | Description | |
IOutlookDateNavigator | Interface used to coordinate selection between a month calendar control and a XamOutlookCalendarView |
Structure | Description | |
TimeZoneInfoProvider.TransitionTime | Represents a tt for transitioning to or from daylight savings times |
Enumeration | Description | |
ActivityCategoryCommand | An enumeration of available commands that apply to ActivityCategorys. | |
ActivityCategoryDialogCommand | An enumeration of available commands for the Infragistics.Controls.Schedules.Primitives.ActivityCategoryDialog object. | |
ActivityCategoryProperty | Lists ActivityCategory properties that can be mapped to underlying data source. | |
ActivityDialogCoreCommand | An enumeration of available commands for the Infragistics.Controls.Schedules.Primitives.ActivityDialogCore object. | |
ActivityFeature | Used to specify which activityfeatures are supported. | |
ActivityOperation | Enum that lists operations that can be performed on an activity. | |
ActivityQueryRequestedDataFlags | Used to specify ActivityQuery's ActivityQuery.RequestedInformation property. | |
ActivityType | Enum that lists the four activity types. | |
ActivityTypeChooserReason | Enumeration indicating the reason for which the Infragistics.Controls.Schedules.Primitives.ActivityTypeChooserDialog is being displayed. | |
ActivityTypes | Flagged enum that lists the four activity types. | |
AllowActivityDragging | Used to specify ActivitySettings.AllowDragging property. | |
AllowActivityResizing | Indicates whether an activity may be resized in the ui and if so what types of resizing are allowed. | |
AppointmentProperty | Lists Appointment properties that can be mapped to underlying data source. | |
CalendarDisplayMode | Determines how calendars are displayed within a ScheduleControlBase | |
CalendarHeaderCommand | An enumeration of available commands for the Infragistics.Controls.Schedules.Primitives.CalendarHeader object. | |
DateRecurrenceFrequency | Enum used to specifiy DateRecurrence.Frequency property. | |
EditableActivityProperty | Represents properties can be edited or read-only depending on the state of an activity. | |
HighlightDayCriteria | Determines which days, if any, are highlighted. | |
JournalProperty | Lists Journal properties that can be mapped to underlying data source. | |
OfficeColorScheme | Determines the overall color scheme to use for all controls associated with a specific XamScheduleDataManager | |
OfficeEmulationMode | Enumeration used to describe the layout and behavior of the schedule views. | |
OutlookCalendarViewMode | Enumeration used to describe the current view of the XamOutlookCalendarView | |
PromptForLocalTimeZone | Determines if a dialog will be displayed asking the user to select a local time zone. | |
RecurrenceChooserAction | An enumeration used to determine whether the dialog should be displayed and if so which action should be taken. | |
RecurrenceChooserChoice | An enumeration indicating the choice that was made in the Infragistics.Controls.Schedules.Primitives.ActivityRecurrenceChooserDialog. | |
RecurrenceChooserType | An enumeration of the different types of Infragistics.Controls.Schedules.Primitives.ActivityRecurrenceChooserDialogs. | |
RecurrenceDialogCoreCommand | An enumeration of available commands for the Infragistics.Controls.Schedules.Primitives.ActivityRecurrenceDialogCore object. | |
RecurringTaskGenerationBehavior | Represents the different ways in which recurring tasks can have their occurrences generated. | |
ReminderDialogCommand | An enumeration of available commands for the Infragistics.Controls.Schedules.Primitives.ReminderDialog object. | |
ResourceCalendarProperty | Lists ResourceCalendar properties that can be mapped to underlying data source. | |
ResourceFeature | Used to specify which resource features are supported. | |
ResourceProperty | Lists Resource properties that can be mapped to underlying data source. | |
ScheduleControlCommand | An enumeration of available commands for the ScheduleControlBase object. | |
ScheduleDialogCommand | An enumeration of available commands for schedule dialogs | |
ScheduleErrorDisplayType | An enumeration used to indicate the type of ui containing the error information that will be displayed to the end user. | |
TaskProperty | Lists Task properties that can be mapped to underlying data source. | |
WcfSchedulePollingMode | Represents the various polling modes available on the WcfListScheduleDataConnector to poll for changes from the server. Polling only works when the item sources on the service send out list change notifications. | |
WeekDisplayMode | Enumeration used to determine which dates are displayed within the ScheduleTimeControlBase | |
WorkingHoursSource | Used to determine what objects are considered when calculating the working hours and work day information. | |
XamOutlookCalendarViewCommand | Enumeration used to identify a given XamOutlookCalendarView command |