
DraggingTool Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by DraggingTool.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorDraggingTool ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the DraggingTool class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyLastInput (Inherited from Infragistics.Tool)
Public PropertyView (Inherited from Infragistics.Tool)
Public Methods
Public MethodCanStartOverloaded. Overridden. Determines whether this tool can start.  
Public MethodKeyDown (Inherited from Infragistics.Tool)
Public MethodKeyUp (Inherited from Infragistics.Tool)
Public MethodMouseLeftButtonDown (Inherited from Infragistics.Tool)
Public MethodMouseLeftButtonUpOverridden. Called when this tool is started and the left mouse button is up.  
Public MethodMouseMoveOverridden. Called when this tool is started and the mouse is moved.  
Public MethodOnMouseLeftButtonDoubleClick (Inherited from Infragistics.Tool)
Public MethodStart (Inherited from Infragistics.Tool)
Public MethodStop (Inherited from Infragistics.Tool)
Public MethodStopTool (Inherited from Infragistics.Tool)
See Also