For a list of all members of this type, see Field members.
Name | Description | |
AcceptsArrowKeysInEditMode | Returns or sets whether the editor uses arrows keys while in edit mode. | |
ActualPosition | Gets or sets the actual position of the field in the arrangement of fields in the field layout. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
AllowCellVirtualizationResolved | Determines if the cell uielement creation will be deferred until the cell is brought into view (read-only). (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
AllowCrossFieldRecordFiltering | Determines if this field will be included in the fields combobox inside the CustomFilterSelectionControl. Default is resolved to the AllowRecordFiltering setting. | |
AllowCrossFieldRecordFilteringResolved | Gets the resolved value of FieldSettings.AllowCrossFieldRecordFiltering property. | |
AllowEdit | Determines if the user can edit a cell. | |
AllowEditResolved | Determines if the user can edit a cell (read-only). | |
AllowFixing | Determines if the end user should be allowed to change the fixed state of the field and to which edges the field may be fixed. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
AllowFixingResolved | Returns the resolved value indicating whether a field's FieldItem.FixedLocation may be changed and to which edge the field may be fixed. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
AllowGroupBy | Determines if the user can initiate a group by operation thru the UI for this Field | |
AllowGroupByResolved | Determines if the user can initiate a group by operation thru the UI for this Field (read-only). | |
AllowHiding | Specifies whether the user can show or hide a field. It also controls whether the field is displayed in the field chooser control. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
AllowHidingResolved | Gets the resolved value of FieldSettings.AllowHiding property. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
AllowLabelVirtualizationResolved | Overridden. Determines if the LabelPresenter creation will be deferred until the label is brought into view (read-only). | |
AllowRecordFiltering | Enables the record filtering user interface. Default is null which resolves to False. | |
AllowRecordFilteringResolved | Gets the resolved value of FieldSettings.AllowRecordFiltering property. | |
AllowResize | Determines if the user can resize a cell or label in a FieldItem (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
AllowResizeResolved | Determines if the user can resize a cell or label in a FieldItem (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
AllowSorting | Determines if the user can sort this field. | |
AllowSortingResolved | Determines if the field is sortable (read-only). | |
AllowSummariesResolved | Determines if the summary calculation selection UI is enabled for the user to select one or more summary calculations to perform on field values (read-only). | |
AlternateBinding | Gets/sets a binding that will be used to bind each Cell's Value property | |
AlternateBindingRetentionMode | Specifies whether the field should auto-release binding objects or retain them after they are created. | |
AlwaysValidate | Specifies whether to validate the editor's value even if the user doesn't modify the value. Default value is null which will resolve to False where the editor only validates the value if the user modifies it. | |
AutoGenerated | Returns true if this Field was automatically generated (read-only). | |
BindingType | Determines how cell values are obtained. | |
CalculationSettings | Get/sets the calculation settings related to this field. This information is used for exposing cell data to a XamCalculationManager's network. | |
CellBindings | Returns a collection of CellBinding objects (read-only) | |
CellClickActionResolved | Gets the resolved relative clickAction of the cell to its field (read-only) | |
CellContentAlignmentResolved | Overridden. Gets the resolved relative position of the label to its field (read-only) | |
CellHeightResolved | The resolved height for this field's cells in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) | |
CellMaxHeightResolved | The resolved maximum height for this field's cells in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) | |
CellMaxWidthResolved | The resolved maximum width for this field's cells in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) | |
CellMinHeightResolved | The resolved minimum height for this field's cells in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) | |
CellMinWidthResolved | The resolved minimum width for this field's cells in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) | |
CellRecyclingId | A string used to identify the Fields with which the cells of this field may be recycled amongst. | |
CellValuePresenterStyle | The style for the CellValuePresenter | |
CellVisibilityWhenGroupedResolved | Gets the resolved CellVisibilityWhenGrouped property value. | |
CellWidthResolved | The resolved width for this field's cells in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) | |
CollapseWhenEmptyResolved | Returns/sets whether Views that support the collapsing of cells should collapse cells associated with this Field when the cells contain empty values (e.g. empty string/null for string, null for nullable types, and 0 for numeric types). | |
Column | The column in the grid in the FieldItem.Owner's generated template and optionally its FieldLayout.HeaderAreaTemplate where this Fields cells and labels should be placed. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
ColumnSpan | Determines how many logical columns this Field's cells span in the layout (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
Converter | Gets/sets a converter to use to convert the value of each cell represented by this Field | |
ConverterCulture | Gets/sets the culture to use with the Converter | |
ConverterCultureResolved | Returns the resolved culture to use with the Converter | |
ConverterParameter | Gets/sets a parameter to pass into the Converter's convert methods. | |
DataContext | Gets or sets the data context for a field that wants to participate in data binding. | |
DataItemUpdateTriggerResolved | Gets the resolved value of FieldSettings.DataItemUpdateTrigger property. | |
DataType | The data type of the field | |
DataValueChangedHistoryLimitResolved | Gets the resolved value of the FieldSettings.DataValueChangedHistoryLimit property for this Field. (read-only) | |
DataValueChangedNotificationsActiveResolved | Gets the resolved value of the FieldSettings.DataValueChangedNotificationsActive property for this Field. (read-only) | |
DataValueChangedScopeResolved | Gets the resolved value of the FieldSettings.DataValueChangedScope property for this Field. (read-only) | |
DependencyObjectType | Gets the System.Windows.DependencyObjectType that wraps the CLR type of this instance. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) | |
DisallowModificationViaClipboard | Returns or sets a value indicating whether clipboard operations that would attempt to modify the value of the cell should be skipped. | |
Dispatcher | Gets the System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher this System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject is associated with. (Inherited from System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject) | |
EditAsType | Gets/sets the type of editor to use for cell values. | |
EditAsTypeResolved | Gets the resolved edit-as-type for this field (read-only). This is the type that will be edited by the cell. | |
EditModeBehaviorOnDataUpdateResolved | Returns the resolved value of FieldSettings.EditModeBehaviorOnDataUpdate property. | |
EditorStyle | Gets/sets the style for editor in each cell. | |
EditorType | Gets/sets the type of editor to use for cell values. | |
EditorTypeResolved | Gets the resolved editor type for this field (read-only) | |
ExcelStyleFilterSearchOperatorResolved | Gets the resolved value of FieldSettings.ExcelStyleFilterSearchOperator property. | |
ExpandableFieldRecordExpansionModeResolved | Gets the resolved mode for how an ExpandableFieldRecordPresenter will be expanded (read-only). | |
ExpandableFieldRecordHeaderDisplayModeResolved | Gets the resolved mode for how an ExpandableFieldRecordPresenter will display a header (read-only). | |
ExpandGroupByRecordsByDefault | Determines whether GroupBy records for this Field are initially expanded. | |
FilterCellEditorStyleResolved | Gets the resolved editor style for a filter cell for this field (read-only) | |
FilterCellValuePresenterStyleResolved | Gets the resolved style for a FilterCellValuePresenter for this field (read-only) | |
FilterClearButtonVisibilityResolved | Gets the resolved value of FieldSettings.FilterClearButtonVisibility property. | |
FilterComparerResolved | Property used for specifying a custom comparer used to compare values as part of the filtering logic. | |
FilterConditionOptimizationThresholdResolved | Gets the resolved value of FieldSettings.FilterConditionOptimizationThreshold property. | |
FilterEvaluationTriggerResolved | Gets the resolved value of FieldSettings.FilterEvaluationTrigger property. | |
FilterEvaluatorResolved | Returns the resolved filter evaluator. | |
FilterOperandUITypeResolved | Gets the resolved value of FieldSettings.FilterOperandUIType property. | |
FilterOperatorDefaultValueResolved | Gets the resolved value of FieldSettings.FilterOperatorDefaultValue property. | |
FilterOperatorDropDownItemsResolved | Gets the resolved value of FieldSettings.FilterOperatorDropDownItems property. | |
FilterOperatorVisibilityResolved | Gets the resolved value indicating whether filter operator is visible in the filter cell associated with this field. | |
FilterStringComparisonTypeResolved | Gets the resolved value of FieldSettings.FilterStringComparisonType property. | |
FixedButtonVisibility | Returns a value indicating if the fixed button should be visibility for the field. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
FixedLocation | Indicates whether the field should be fixed and if so to which edge. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
Format | Specifies format used for converting between value and text. | |
FormatProvider | Specifies format provider used for converting between value and text. | |
GroupByComparerResolved | Gets the resolved comparer to sort groups for this field, may return null. | |
GroupByEvaluatorResolved | Gets the resolved evaluator to group records by this field. | |
GroupByMode | Determines how DataRecords are grouped | |
GroupByModeResolved | Gets the resolved mode for how DataRecords are grouped. | |
GroupByRecordPresenterStyleResolved | Gets the resolved GroupByRecordPresenter style for the records that are generated when grouping by this field. (read-only) | |
HasLabel | Returns true if FieldItem.Label property is set to a value other than null or an empty string. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
HasSettings | Returns true if a settings object has been allocated (read-only) | |
Height | Returns or sets a FieldLength instance that represents the height of the field. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
HorizontalContentAlignment | Specifies how the content within a cell will be aligned horizontally. | |
Index | The zero-based index of the field in its FieldCollection (read-only). | |
InvalidValueBehavior | Specifies what action to take when the user attempts to leave the editor with an invalid value. | |
InvalidValueBehaviorResolved | Gets the resolved value of the FieldSettings.InvalidValueBehavior property. | |
IsEnabled | Determines if cells of this field are enabled. | |
IsEnabledInAddRecord | Determines if cells of this field are enabled when in an add record. | |
IsExpandable | Determines if this Field's cells can be expanded. | |
IsExpandableResolved | Determines if this Field can be expanded (read-only). | |
IsFixed | Returns a boolean indicating if the field is fixed based on the FixedLocation and whether the current view supports fixing fields. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
IsFixedStateChanging | Returns a boolean indicating that the fixed state of the field will be changing. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
IsGroupBy | Returns true if this is a groupby field (read-only) | |
IsPlaceholderForTreeView | Returns whether this field is a placeholder for tree view (read-only) | |
IsPrimary | Gets/sets whether this is the Primary Field | |
IsReadOnly | Specifies whether the user is allowed to modify the value in the editor. Default value is null. | |
IsScrollTipField | Gets/sets whether this is the Field in the owning field layout that is used to provide the value for the scroll tip when the GridViewSettings.ScrollingMode is set to DeferredWithScrollTips. | |
IsSealed | Gets a value that indicates whether this instance is currently sealed (read-only). (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) | |
IsSelected | Gets/sets whether the Field is selected. | |
IsTabStop | Determines if cells of this field can be entered via the keyboard. | |
IsTabStopInAddRecord | Determines if cells of this field can be entered via the keyboard when in an add record. | |
IsTreeField | Returns whether this field will use TreeCellValuePresenter's to display expansion indicators and indent child records (read-only). | |
IsVisibleWhenParentGroupIsCollapsed | Determines if this FieldItem is visible when its FieldItem.ParentFieldGroup's FieldGroup.IsCollapsed property is true. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
Label | The label for the Field (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
LabelClickActionResolved | Gets the resolved relative clickAction of the label to its field (read-only) | |
LabelHeightResolved | The resolved height for this field's labels in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
LabelMaxHeightResolved | The resolved maximum height for this field's labels in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
LabelMaxWidthResolved | The resolved maximum width for this field's labels in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
LabelMinHeightResolved | The resolved minimum height for this field's labels in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
LabelMinWidthResolved | The resolved minimum width for this field's labels in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
LabelTextAlignment | Determines how text is aligned within the LabelPresenter. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
LabelTextAlignmentResolved | Overridden. Gets the resolved text alignment setting of the label to this field (read-only) | |
LabelTextTrimming | Determines how text is trimmed within the LabelPresenter if there isn't enough space to display it entirely. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
LabelTextTrimmingResolved | Overridden. Gets the resolved text trimming setting of the label to this field (read-only) | |
LabelTextWrapping | Determines whether text is wrapped within the LabelPresenter if there isn't enough width to display it on a single line. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
LabelTextWrappingResolved | Overridden. Gets the resolved wrapping setting of the label to its field (read-only) | |
LabelWidthResolved | The resolved width for this field's labels in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
MergedCellEvaluationCriteria | Determines which cells can be merged based on either the cell's value or its display text. | |
MergedCellEvaluator | A custom evaluator to determine if cells for 2 adjacent records can be merged. | |
MergedCellMode | Specifies if and how cell merging is performed. Default is resolved to Never. | |
MergedCellPresenterStyle | The style for the MergedCellPresenter | |
Name | The name of the Field which is used as its key into the FieldCollection. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
NonSpecificNotificationBehaviorResolved | Determines if values are refreshed when a notification is received that a change has occured for a DataRecord but the notification doesn't specify which field value has been changed. | |
OverallCellPosition | After a layout pass has completed this will return the resolved positon of the cell for this item. | |
OverallLabelPosition | After a layout pass has completed this will return the resolved positon of the label for this item. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
Owner | Overridden. Returns the FieldLayout that owns this field | |
ParentFieldGroup | Returns the parent, i.e. owning group or null if this is a top level Field or FieldGroup (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
Row | The row in the grid in the FieldItem.Owner's generated cell area template and optionally its FieldLayout.HeaderAreaTemplate where this Fields cells and labels should be placed. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
RowSpan | Determines how many logical rows this FieldItem's cells span in the layout (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
Settings | Gets/sets an object that holds specific settings for this field. | |
SortComparerResolved | Gets the resolved comparer to sort DataRecords by this Field. | |
SortComparisonTypeResolved | Gets the resolved comparison type for sorting DataRecords by this field. | |
SortStatus | Returns the current sort status of this field (read-only) | |
SortStatusGroupBy | Returns the current groupby sort status of this field (read-only) | |
SummaryStringFormats | Specifies string formats to use to format summary results for one or more calculator types. | |
SummaryUITypeResolved | Determines various options for the summary calculation selection UI (read-only). | |
Tag | Gets or sets an arbitrary object value that can be used to store custom information about this object. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
ToolTip | Specifies the tooltip for the field. It's displayed when the user hovers the mouse over the field label. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
ValueConstraint | Gets or sets the constraints for editor input. Default value is null. | |
ValueToTextConverter | Specifies the converter used for converting between text and value. | |
VerticalContentAlignment | Specifies how the content within a cell will be aligned vertically. | |
Visibility | Gets/sets whether this field will be visible. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) | |
VisibilityResolved | Overridden. Gets the resolved visibility for this field. | |
Width | Returns or sets a FieldLength instance that represents the width of the field. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldItem) |
Name | Description | |
DefaultEditAsType | Gets the default 'edit as' type for this field (read-only) | |
DefaultEditorType | Gets the default editor type for this field (read-only) | |
ExpandEnumerablesByDefault | This property determines whether types that implement IEnumerable are expandable by default |