For a list of all members of this type, see FieldLayout members.
Name | Description | |
AddNewRecordLocationResolved | Determines how the add record UI is presented to the user (read-only) | |
AllowAddNewResolved | Determines whether the user can add records (read-only). | |
AllowDeleteResolved | Determines whether the user can delete records (read-only). | |
AllowFieldMovingResolved | Determines whether the user can re-arrange fields. | |
AllowRecordFixingResolved | Determines whether the user can fix records thru the UI (read-only). | |
AutoFitToHeight | Returns a boolean indicating if the layout is auto fit vertically | |
AutoFitToWidth | Returns a boolean indicating if the layout is auto fit horizontally | |
AutoGenerateFieldsResolved | Determines whether Fields collection will be automatically populated with Fields for every property in the underlying data (read-only) | |
CalculationReferenceId | Gets/sets the id that will be used to reference Fields and SummaryDefinitions inside a XamCalculationManager network. | |
CellPresentation | Returns the CellPresentation of the generated styles | |
ChildRecordsDisplayOrderResolved | Gets the resolved value of the FieldLayoutSettings.ChildRecordsDisplayOrder for the FieldLayout. | |
CrossFieldRecordFilters | Gets/sets a CrossFieldRecordFilterGroup containing a logical operator and a collection of filters. | |
DataContext | Gets or sets the data context for a FieldLayout that wants to participate in data binding. | |
DataErrorDisplayModeResolved | Gets the resolved value of FieldLayoutSettings.DataErrorDisplayMode property. | |
DataPresenter | Returns the DataPresenterBase that owns this FieldLayout. | |
DataRecordChildIndentResolved | Gets the resolved indentation amount within their parent for DataRecords that are children of a DataRecord (read-only) | |
DataRecordSizingModeResolved | Determines how DataRecords are sized and if they can resized by the user (read-only). | |
DependencyObjectType | Gets the System.Windows.DependencyObjectType that wraps the CLR type of this instance. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) | |
Description | Gets/sets the description for this FieldLayout | |
Dispatcher | Gets the System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher this System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject is associated with. (Inherited from System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject) | |
ExpandableFieldRecordChildIndentResolved | Gets the resolved indentation amount within their parent for DataRecords that are children of an ExpandableFieldRecord (read-only) | |
FieldItems | Returns the collection of FieldItem objects that represent the top level fields and field groups (read-only). | |
FieldMovingMaxColumnsResolved | Determines the maximum number of logical columns of fields the user is allowed to create when re-arranging fields. | |
FieldMovingMaxRowsResolved | Determines the maximum number of logical rows of fields the user is allowed to create when re-arranging fields. | |
Fields | Returns the collection of Field objects | |
FieldSettings | Holds the default settings for all fields in the Fields collection. | |
FilterActionResolved | Gets the resolved value of FieldLayoutSettings.FilterAction property. | |
FilterClearButtonLocationResolved | Gets the resolved value of FieldLayoutSettings.FilterClearButtonLocation property. | |
FilterRecordLocationResolved | Gets the resolved value of FieldLayoutSettings.FilterRecordLocation property. | |
FilterUITypeResolved | Gets the resolved value of FieldLayoutSettings.FilterUIType property. | |
FixedFieldUITypeResolved | Indicates the resolved ui that will be displayed to allow changing the FixedLocation of the fields in the layout. | |
FixedRecordLimitResolved | Indicates how many sibling records can be fixed at a time. (read-only). | |
FixedRecordSortOrderResolved | Indicates the order of fixed records relative to each other (read-only). | |
FixedRecordUITypeResolved | Indicates the resolved ui that will be displayed to allow changing the Record.FixedLocation of the records in the layout. | |
GroupByExpansionIndicatorVisibilityResolved | Determines if expansion indicators will be displayed in groupby records. | |
GroupByRecordChildIndentResolved | Gets the resolved indentation amount within their parent for DataRecords that are children of a GroupByRecord (read-only) | |
GroupBySummaryDisplayModeResolved | Determines whether the user can add records (read-only). | |
HasFieldSettings | Returns true if a FieldSettings object has been allocated (read-only). | |
HasGroupBySortFields | Returns true if there are any FieldSortDescriptions in the SortedFields collection whose FieldSortDescription.IsGroupBy property is true (read-only). | |
HasSeparateHeader | Returns true if a separate header style has been generated for use in a GridViewPanel (read-only) | |
HasSettings | Returns true if a FieldLayoutSettings object has been allocated (read-only). | |
HasSortedFields | Returns true if there are any FieldSortDescriptions in the SortedFields collection (read-only). | |
HeaderAreaTemplate | Returns the generated header template (read-only) | |
HeaderPlacementInGroupByResolved | Determines the placement of headers when records are grouped (read-only). | |
HeaderPlacementResolved | Determines the placement of headers (read-only). | |
HeaderPrefixAreaDisplayModeResolved | Gets the resolved value of FieldLayoutSettings.HeaderPrefixAreaDisplayMode property. | |
HeaderPrefixAreaMenuOptionsResolved | Gets the resolved value of FieldLayoutSettings.HeaderPrefixAreaMenuOptions property. | |
HighlightAlternateRecordsResolved | Determines whether the RecordPresenter and DataItemPresenterRecordPresenter.IsAlternate properties will return true on every other Record (read-only). | |
HighlightPrimaryFieldResolved | Determines whether the primary field will be highlighted (read-only). | |
IsDefault | Gets/sets whether this is the 'default' FieldLayout. The default FieldLayout is used by the old style GroupByArea UI (not the newer and preferred GroupByAreaMulti) to determine which FieldLayout to use when populating the list of Fields available for grouping in the GroupByArea. | |
IsInitialized | Gets whether this FieldLayout has been initialized (read-only) | |
IsSealed | Gets a value that indicates whether this instance is currently sealed (read-only). (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) | |
Key | The key into the DataPresenterBase.FieldLayouts collection | |
KeyMatchingEnforced | Gets/sets whether the Key property must match the data item provider's key when assiging the FieldLayout to the associated DataRecord. | |
LabelLocationResolved | Returns the preferred location of the labels (read-only) | |
MaxFieldsToAutoGenerateResolved | Returns the maximum number of cells that can be selected at any time (read-only). | |
MaxSelectedCellsResolved | Returns the maximum number of cells that can be selected at any time (read-only). | |
MaxSelectedRecordsResolved | Returns the maximum number of records that can be selected at any time (read-only). | |
ParentField | Returns the parent Field or null. | |
ParentFieldLayout | Returns the parent FieldLayout or null. | |
ParentFieldLayoutKey | Gets/sets the key of the parent FieldLayout | |
ParentFieldName | Gets/sets the name of the parent Field | |
PrimaryField | Returns the primary Field | |
RecordFilters | Specifies the filter criteria with which to filter records. | |
RecordFiltersLogicalOperatorResolved | Gets the resolved value of FieldLayoutSettings.RecordFiltersLogicalOperator property. | |
RecordSelectorExtentResolved | Gets the extent for the RecordSelector (read-only) | |
RecordSelectorLocationResolved | Determines if and where RecordSelectors will be displayed relative to a Record's cell area (read-only). | |
RecordSelectorNumberFormatResolved | Determines the format of the number displayed inside of the RecordSelectorNumber element. (read-only). | |
RecordSelectorNumberStartResolved | Determines the start number to use for record number's displayed inside of the RecordSelectorNumber element. (read-only). | |
RecordSelectorNumberTypeResolved | Determines what number, if any, to display inside of the RecordSelectorNumber element. (read-only). | |
ReevaluateFiltersOnDataChangeResolved | Gets the resolved value of FieldLayoutSettings.ReevaluateFiltersOnDataChange property. | |
ReevaluateFiltersOnRecordsAddedResolved | Gets the resolved value of FieldLayoutSettings.ReevaluateFiltersOnRecordsAdded property. | |
ResizingModeResolved | Determines if and how cells and labels are resized by the user (read-only). | |
ScrollTipField | Returns the Field whose information is displayed in a scroll tip when the GridViewSettings.ScrollingMode is set to DeferredWithScrollTips. | |
SelectionTypeCellResolved | Determines hows Cells can be selected (read-only). | |
SelectionTypeFieldResolved | Determines hows Fields can be selected (read-only). | |
SelectionTypeRecordResolved | Determines hows Records can be selected (read-only). | |
Settings | Gets/sets an object that holds this FieldLayout's specific settings | |
SortedFields | Returns the collection of FieldSortDescription objects that determine sort order and groupby status (read-only). | |
SummaryDefinitions | Gets the summaries collection for this field layout. These summaries will be calculated for each RecordCollection associated with the field layout. | |
SummaryDescriptionMask | Specifies what to display in the header of the summary record. | |
SummaryDescriptionMaskInGroupBy | Specifies the what to display in the header of the summary record. | |
Tag | Gets or sets an arbitrary object value that can be used to store custom information about this object. | |
ToolTip | Specifies the tooltip for the field layout. It's displayed when the user hovers the mouse over the field layout label. | |
TotalColumnsGenerated | Return the total number of columns generated | |
TotalRowsGenerated | Return the total number of rows generated |