For a list of all members of this type, see FieldLayoutSettings members.
Name | Description | |
AddNewRecordLocation | Determines how the add record UI is presented to the user. | |
AllowActiveRecordToBeFiltered | Gets/sets whether any current filter criteria will be applied to the active record on a cell change once the user has exited edit mode. If left to its default of null will resolve to false. | |
AllowAddNew | Gets/sets whether the user can add records. | |
AllowClipboardOperations | Returns or sets which clipboard operations can be performed. | |
AllowDelete | Gets/sets whether the user can delete records. | |
AllowFieldGroupCollapsing | Gets/sets whether the user can collapse field groups in the UI. | |
AllowFieldMoving | Specifies whether the user is allowed to re-arrange fields by dragging and dropping fields. Default is resolved to Yes. | |
AllowRecordFixing | Specifies whether the user is allowed to fix records. Default is resolved to No. | |
AssumeFilteredOutUntilInitialCalculationsComplete | Gets/sets whether a record with pending calculations will be considered to not meet existing filter criteria until the calulation engine has had a chance to set all calculated cells at least once for the record. If left to its default of null will resolve to false. | |
AutoArrangeCells | Determines how Fields are laid out by default | |
AutoArrangeMaxColumns | Gets/sets the maximum number of logical columns in the generated templates. | |
AutoArrangeMaxRows | Gets/sets the maximum number of logical rows in the generated templates. | |
AutoArrangePrimaryFieldReservation | Determines if the first row, column or cell is reserved for the primary field in the generated templates. | |
AutoFitMode | Returns or sets a value indicating which fields should be resized when AutoFit is enabled. | |
AutoGenerateFields | Gets/sets whether the Fields collection will be automatically populated with Fields for every property in the underlying data. | |
CalculationScope | Controls which records and in which order they are traversed when calculating summaries. More importantly controls whether visible records are used for calculating summaries or all records. | |
ChildRecordsDisplayOrder | Returns or sets a value that indicates how child records will be displayed relative to their parent record when it is expanded. | |
CopyFieldLabelsToClipboard | Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the field labels associated with the cells being copied should be included in the output placed on the clipboard. | |
DataErrorDisplayMode | Specifies if and how to display cell and record data error information. | |
DataRecordCellAreaGridTemplate | Gets/sets the panel template used to generate the cell area | |
DataRecordCellAreaStyle | Gets/sets the style for a Record's cell area | |
DataRecordCellAreaStyleSelector | A callback used for supplying styles for a Record's cell area | |
DataRecordChildIndent | Gets/sets the indentation amount within their parent for records that are children of a DataRecord | |
DataRecordPresenterStyle | Gets/sets the style for RecordPresenters | |
DataRecordPresenterStyleSelector | A callback used for supplying styles for RecordPresenters | |
DataRecordSizingMode | Determines how DataRecords are sized and if they can resized by the user. The default is SizedToContentAndFixed. | |
DefaultColumnDefinition | Gets/sets the default column definition used by the generated grid in the cell area | |
DefaultRowDefinition | Gets/sets the default row definition used by the generated grid in the cell area | |
DependencyObjectType | Gets the System.Windows.DependencyObjectType that wraps the CLR type of this instance. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) | |
Dispatcher | Gets the System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher this System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject is associated with. (Inherited from System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject) | |
ExpandableFieldRecordChildIndent | Gets/sets the indentation amount within their parent for records that are children of an ExpandableFieldRecord | |
ExpansionIndicatorDisplayMode | Determines whether an expansion indicator is displayed in each Record. | |
FieldGroupLabelPresenterStyle | Gets/sets the style for a FieldGroupLabelPresenter. | |
FieldMovingMaxColumns | Specifies the maximum number of logical columns of fields the user is allowed to create when re-arranging fields. | |
FieldMovingMaxRows | Specifies the maximum number of logical rows of fields the user is allowed to create when re-arranging fields. | |
FieldResizingArea | Specifies which areas the end user may use to resize a field. Default is resolved to LabelsAndCells. | |
FilterAction | Specifies what action to take on records that are filtered out. Default is resolved to Hide. | |
FilterClearButtonLocation | Specifies if and where to display the filter clear button. Default is resolved to RecordSelectorAndFilterCell. | |
FilterEvaluationMode | Specifies how the data presenter will perform filtering operation. | |
FilterRecordLocation | Specifies the location of the filter record. Default is resolved to OnTopFixed. | |
FilterUIType | Specifies the user interface type for letting the user filter records. Default is resolved to FilterRecord. | |
FixedFieldUIType | Determines the type of ui displayed to allow the end user to change the FixedLocation of the fields. | |
FixedRecordLimit | Determines how many sibling records can be fixed at a time. | |
FixedRecordSortOrder | Determines the order of fixed records relative to each other. | |
FixedRecordUIType | Determines the type of ui displayed to allow the end user to change the Record.FixedLocation of a record. | |
GroupByEvaluationMode | Specifies how the data presenter will perform grouping operation. | |
GroupByExpansionIndicatorVisibility | Determines if expansion indicators will be displayed in groupby records. | |
GroupByRecordChildIndent | Gets/sets the indentation amount within their parent for records that are children of a GroupByRecord | |
GroupBySummaryDisplayMode | Specifies how to display summary results inside each group-by record. Default is resolved to SummaryCells. | |
HeaderLabelAreaStyle | Gets/sets the style for a header's label area | |
HeaderPlacement | Gets/sets the placement of headers | |
HeaderPlacementInGroupBy | Gets/sets the placement of headers when records are grouped | |
HeaderPrefixAreaDisplayMode | Specifies what to display in the header prefix area. Header prefix area is the area that is by default left of field labels, above the record selectors. Default is resolved to None. | |
HeaderPrefixAreaMenuOptions | Specifies which options are displayed in the menu in the header prefix area. Header prefix area is the area that is by default left of field labels, above the record selectors. Default is resolved to All. | |
HeaderPrefixAreaStyle | Gets/sets the style for a header's prefix area | |
HeaderPresenterStyle | The style for the header area | |
HighlightAlternateRecords | Gets/sets whether the RecordPresenter and DataItemPresenterRecordPresenter.IsAlternate properties will return true on every other Record. | |
HighlightPrimaryField | Gets/sets whether the primary field will be highlighted | |
IsSealed | Gets a value that indicates whether this instance is currently sealed (read-only). (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) | |
LabelLocation | Gets/sets the preferred location of the labels | |
MaxFieldsToAutoGenerate | Gets/sets the maximum number of fields to auto-generate in the generated templates. | |
MaxSelectedCells | Gets/sets the maximum number of cells that can be selected at any time. | |
MaxSelectedRecords | Gets/sets the maximum number of records that can be selected at any time. | |
RecordFilterScope | Determines whether record filtering is done at the field-layout level or individual record collection level for child field layouts. Default is resolved to SiblingDataRecords. | |
RecordFiltersLogicalOperator | Specifies whether filter conditions across fields are to be combined using logical 'Or' or 'And'. Default is resolved to 'And'. | |
RecordListControlStyle | Gets/sets the style used for RecordListControls created to display objects using this field layout | |
RecordResizingArea | Specifies which areas the end user may use to resize the record. Default is resolved to CellsOnly. | |
RecordSelectorExtent | Gets/sets the extent for the RecordSelector | |
RecordSelectorLocation | Determines if and where RecordSelectors will be displayed relative to a Record's cell area. | |
RecordSelectorNumberFormat | Determines the format of the number to display inside of the RecordSelectorNumber element | |
RecordSelectorNumberStart | Determines the start number to use for record number's displayed inside of the RecordSelectorNumber element. | |
RecordSelectorNumberStyle | Gets/sets the style for RecordSelectorNumbers | |
RecordSelectorNumberStyleSelector | A callback used for supplying styles for RecordSelectorNumbers | |
RecordSelectorNumberType | Determines what number, if any, to display inside of the RecordSelectorNumber element | |
RecordSelectorStyle | Gets/sets the style for RecordSelectors | |
RecordSelectorStyleSelector | A callback used for supplying styles for RecordSelectors | |
RecordSeparatorLocation | Specifies if and where to display record separators. By default separator is displayed between fixed and non-fixed records. | |
ReevaluateFiltersOnDataChange | Specifies whether to re-evaluate record filters when cell data changes. Default is resolved to True. | |
ReevaluateFiltersOnRecordsAdded | Specifies whether to evaluate filter criteria on records that are added via the UI (template add-record) or the data source. Default is resolved to True. | |
ResizingMode | Determines if and how cells and labels are resized by the user. | |
SelectionTypeCell | Determines how Cells can be selected | |
SelectionTypeField | Determines how Fields can be selected | |
SelectionTypeRecord | Determines how Records can be selected | |
SortEvaluationMode | Specifies how the data presenter will perform sorting operation. | |
SpecialRecordOrder | Specifies the order of special records, like filter record, summary record, add-record. | |
SummaryDescriptionVisibility | Specifies whether summary records display description. Default is resolved to Collapsed. | |
SummaryEvaluationMode | Specifies how summaries are calculated by the data presenter. | |
SupportDataErrorInfo | Specifies whether to display error information provided by the IDataErrorInfo implementation of the underlying data items from the bound data source. Default value is resolved to None. |