
FieldMenuDataItem Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by FieldMenuDataItem.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorFieldMenuDataItem ConstructorInitializes a new FieldMenuDataItem  
Public Properties
Public PropertyCommandReturns or sets the command that should be executed when the item is clicked.  
Public PropertyCommandParameterReturns or sets the object to use as the parameter when invoking the Command  
Public PropertyHasResizableItemsReturns a boolean indicating if any of the items in the Items collection have their IsResizable set to true.  
Public PropertyHeaderReturns or sets a value to display as the header for the item.  
Public PropertyImageSourceReturns or sets the image that should be displayed within the menu.  
Public PropertyIsCheckableReturns or sets a boolean indicating if the item is considered checkable, that is that its IsChecked property may be changed.  
Public PropertyIsCheckedReturns or sets a boolean indicating if the item is considered checked.  
Public PropertyIsControlHostReturns or sets a boolean indicating if the item contains a control that should receive focus.  
Public PropertyIsResizableReturns or sets a boolean indicating if the contents of the item may be resized.  
Public PropertyIsSeparatorReturns or sets a boolean indicating if the item represents a separator.  
Public PropertyItemsReturns a collection of child menu items.  
Public PropertyStaysOpenOnClickReturns or sets a boolean indicating if the submenu in which the menu item is located should not close when the item is clicked.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyHasListeners (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodOnFirstListenerAdding (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Protected MethodOnHasListenersChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Protected MethodOnPropertyChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Protected MethodRaisePropertyChangedEvent (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Public Events
Public EventPropertyChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifier)
See Also