For a list of all members of this type, see GridView members.
Name | Description | |
AllowDrop | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this element can be used as the target of a drag-and-drop operation. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
AreAnyTouchesCaptured | Gets a value that indicates whether at least one touch is captured to this element. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
AreAnyTouchesCapturedWithin | Gets a value that indicates whether at least one touch is captured to this element or to any child elements in its visual tree. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
AreAnyTouchesDirectlyOver | Gets a value that indicates whether at least one touch is pressed over this element. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
AreAnyTouchesOver | Gets a value that indicates whether at least one touch is pressed over this element or any child elements in its visual tree. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
BindingGroup | Gets or sets the System.Windows.Data.BindingGroup that is used for the element. (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement) | |
CommandBindings | Gets a collection of System.Windows.Input.CommandBinding objects that are associated with this element. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
ContextMenu | Gets or sets the context menu element that should appear whenever the context menu is requested via user interface (UI) from within this element. (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement) | |
Cursor | Gets or sets the cursor that displays when the mouse pointer is over this element. (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement) | |
DataContext | Gets or sets the data context for an element when it participates in data binding. (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement) | |
DependencyObjectType | Gets the System.Windows.DependencyObjectType that wraps the CLR type of this instance. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) | |
Dispatcher | Gets the System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher this System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject is associated with. (Inherited from System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject) | |
Focusable | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the element can receive focus. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
FocusVisualStyle | Gets or sets an object that enables customization of appearance, effects, or other style characteristics that will apply to this element when it captures keyboard focus. (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement) | |
ForceCursor | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement should force the user interface (UI) to render the cursor as declared by this instance's System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement.Cursor property. (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement) | |
HasAnimatedProperties | Gets a value that indicates whether this element has any animated properties. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
InputBindings | Gets the collection of input bindings that are associated with this element. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
InputScope | Gets or sets the context for input used by this System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement. (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement) | |
InterRecordSpacingX | Returns the amount of space between records in the X dimension (used for resizing logic). (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) | |
InterRecordSpacingY | Returns the amount of space between records in the Y dimension (used for resizing logic). (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) | |
IsEnabled | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this element is enabled in the user interface (UI). (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
IsFocused | Gets a value that determines whether this element has logical focus. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
IsInitialized | Gets a value indicating whether this element has been initialized, either by being loaded as Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML), or by explicitly having its System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement.EndInit method called. (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement) | |
IsInputMethodEnabled | Gets a value that indicates whether an input method system, such as an Input Method Editor (IME), is enabled for processing the input to this element. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
IsKeyboardFocused | Gets a value that indicates whether this element has keyboard focus. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
IsKeyboardFocusWithin | Gets a value that indicates whether keyboard focus is anywhere within the element or child elements. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
IsLoaded | Gets a value indicating whether this element has been loaded for presentation. (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement) | |
IsMouseCaptured | Gets a value that indicates whether the mouse is captured by this element. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
IsMouseCaptureWithin | Gets a value that determines whether mouse capture is held by this element or by child elements in its element tree. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
IsMouseDirectlyOver | Gets a value that indicates whether the position of the mouse pointer corresponds to hit test results, which take element compositing into account. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
IsMouseOver | Gets a value that indicates whether the mouse pointer is located over this element (including visual child elements, or its control compositing). (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
IsSealed | Gets a value that indicates whether this instance is currently sealed (read-only). (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) | |
IsStylusCaptured | Gets a value that indicates whether the stylus is captured to this element. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
IsStylusCaptureWithin | Gets a value that determines whether stylus capture is held by this element, including child elements and control compositing. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
IsStylusDirectlyOver | Gets a value that indicates whether the stylus position corresponds to hit test results, which take element compositing into account. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
IsStylusOver | Gets a value that indicates whether the stylus is located over this element (including visual child elements). (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
Language | Gets or sets localization/globalization language information that applies to an individual element. (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement) | |
Name | Gets or sets the identifying name of the element. The name provides an instance reference so that programmatic code-behind, such as event handler code, can refer to an element once it is constructed during parsing of XAML. (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement) | |
OverridesDefaultStyle | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element incorporates style properties from theme styles. (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement) | |
Parent | Gets the parent in the logical tree for this element. (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement) | |
Resources | Gets or sets the current locally-defined resource dictionary. (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement) | |
Style | Gets or sets the style to be used by this element. (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement) | |
Tag | Gets or sets an arbitrary object value that can be used to store custom information about this element. (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement) | |
TemplatedParent | Gets a reference to the template parent of this element. This property is not relevant if the element was not created through a template. (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement) | |
ToolTip | Gets or sets the tool-tip object that is displayed for this element in the user interface (UI). (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement) | |
TouchesCaptured | Gets all touch devices that are captured to this element. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
TouchesCapturedWithin | Gets all touch devices that are captured to this element or any child elements in its visual tree. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
TouchesDirectlyOver | Gets all touch devices that are over this element. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
TouchesOver | Gets all touch devices that are over this element or any child elements in its visual tree. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
ViewSettings | Returns/sets the GridViewSettings object for this GridView. |
Name | Description | |
AutoFitToRecord | Returns a boolean indicating whether the cell area of a DataRecordPresenter will be auto sized to the RecordPresenter itself or based on the root RecordListControl when DataPresenterBase.AutoFitResolved is true. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.GridViewBase) | |
CellPresentation | Returns the type of GridViewBase.CellPresentation used by the view which determines the default manner in which the cells within each row are laid out by the FieldLayoutTemplateGenerator. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.GridViewBase) | |
DefaultAutoArrangeCells | Returns the default value for AutoArrangeCells for field layout templates generated on behalf of the View. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.GridViewBase) | |
DefaultAutoArrangeMaxColumns | Returns the default maximum number of columns of cells to auto-generate in the field layout templates. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) | |
DefaultAutoArrangeMaxRows | Returns the default maximum number of rows of cells to auto-generate in the field layout templates. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) | |
DefaultAutoFit | Returns the default value for the resolved value for the DataPresenterBase.AutoFit if that property is set to null (Nothing in VB), its default value. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) | |
DefaultCellClickAction | Returns the default CellClickAction for cells in the View. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) | |
DefaultCellContentAlignment | Returns the default CellContentAlignment for Cell content in the View. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) | |
DefaultDataRecordSizingMode | Returns the default DataRecordSizingMode for data records in the View. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) | |
DefaultLabelClickAction | Returns the default LabelClickAction for cells in the View. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) | |
DefaultLabelLocation | Returns the default LabelLocation for Field Labels in the View. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) | |
DefaultShouldCollapseCards | Returns a default value for whether the View should collapse Cards. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) | |
DefaultShouldCollapseEmptyCells | Returns a default value for whether the View should collapse Cells with empty values. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) | |
DefaultStyleKey | Gets or sets the key to use to find the style template for this control in themes. (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement) | |
HasLogicalOrientation | Returns a value that indicates whether this View arranges its descendants in a particular dimension. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.GridViewBase) | |
HorizontalScrollBarVisibility | Returns a value that indicates when the horizontal scrollbar should be shown in this view. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) | |
IsAddNewRecordSupported | Determines if the DataPresenterBase allows an AddNew record to be displayed in the View. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) | |
IsAutoFitHeightSupported | Overridden. Returns true if the height of the cells within in each row should be adjusted so that all cells will fit within the vertical space available for the row. | |
IsAutoFitWidthSupported | Overridden. Returns true if the width of the cells within in each row should be adjusted so that all cells will fit within the horizontal space available for the row. | |
IsChildRecordsDisplayOrderSupported | Returns true if the view supports the ability to control where the child records are ordered relative to the parent record. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.GridViewBase) | |
IsCrossLevelSelectionSupported | Returns true if the view supports the ability to select a range of records or cells that span indent levels. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) | |
IsEmptyCellCollapsingSupported | Returns true if the View supports the collapsing of Cells with empty values. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) | |
IsEnabledCore | Gets a value that becomes the return value of System.Windows.ContentElement.IsEnabled in derived classes. (Inherited from System.Windows.ContentElement) | |
IsFilterRecordSupported | Returns true if the DataPresenterBase should display filter records. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.GridViewBase) | |
IsFixedFieldsSupported | Returns true if the DataPresenterBase should allow fields to be fixed. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.GridViewBase) | |
IsFixedRecordsSupported | Returns true if the DataPresenterBase should allow records to be fixed at the top or bottom of the UI. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.GridViewBase) | |
IsFixingSupportedForNestedRecords | Overridden. Returns true if the DataPresenterBase should allow records to be fixed at the top of the UI for nested (i.e. non-root) records. | |
IsGroupBySupported | Returns true if the DataPresenterBase should display the GroupByArea by default and allow programmatic grouping of records. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) | |
IsLogicalFieldHeightResizingAllowed | Returns true if the DataPresenterBase UI should allow logical field heights in this View to be resized. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) | |
IsLogicalFieldWidthResizingAllowed | Returns true if the DataPresenterBase UI should allow fields in this View to be resized. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) | |
IsNestedPanelsSupported | Returns true if the View supports nested panels to display hierarchical data. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) | |
IsPanningModeSupported | Returns true if the RecordListControl should coerce its ScrollViewer.PanningMode property to enable standard flick scrolling on touch enabled systems. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.GridViewBase) | |
IsSummaryRecordSupported | Returns true if the DataPresenterBase should display summary records. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) | |
ItemsPanelType | Overridden. Returns the type of System.Windows.Controls.Panel used by the view to layout items in the list. | |
LogicalChildren | Gets an enumerator for the logical child elements of this element. (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement) | |
LogicalOrientation | Overridden. The System.Windows.Controls.Orientation of the View, if the view only supports layout in a particular dimension. | |
RecordPresenterContainerType | Returns the type used as the container (if any) for RecordPresenters in the View. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) | |
ShouldDisplayRecordSelectors | Returns true if the DataPresenterBase should generate and display a record selector for each record in the View. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) | |
SupportedDataDisplayMode | Overridden. Returns a value that indicates the DataDisplayMode supported by the View. | |
VerticalScrollBarVisibility | Returns a value that indicates when the vertical scrollbar should be shown in this view. (Inherited from Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.ViewBase) |