
InteractionHelper Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by InteractionHelper.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorInteractionHelper ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the InteractionHelper class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyClickCountGets the number of times the control was clicked.  
Public PropertyControlGets the control the InteractionHelper is targeting.  
Public PropertyIsFocusedGets a value indicating whether the control has focus.  
Public PropertyIsMouseOverGets a value indicating whether the mouse is over the control.  
Public PropertyIsPressedGets a value indicating whether the mouse button is pressed down over the control.  
Public PropertyIsReadOnlyGets a value indicating whether the read-only property is set.  
Public Methods
Public MethodAllowGotFocusCheck if the control's GotFocus event should be handled.  
Public MethodAllowKeyDownCheck if the control's KeyDown event should be handled.  
Public MethodAllowKeyUpCheck if the control's KeyUp event should be handled.  
Public MethodAllowLostFocusCheck if the control's LostFocus event should be handled.  
Public MethodAllowMouseEnterCheck if the control's MouseEnter event should be handled.  
Public MethodAllowMouseLeaveCheck if the control's MouseLeave event should be handled.  
Public MethodAllowMouseLeftButtonDownCheck if the control's MouseLeftButtonDown event should be handled.  
Public MethodAllowMouseLeftButtonUpCheck if the control's MouseLeftButtonUp event should be handled.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetLogicalKeyTranslates keys for proper RightToLeft mode support.  
Public MethodOnApplyTemplateBaseUpdate the visual state of the control when its template is changed.  
Public MethodOnGotFocusBaseBase implementation of the virtual GotFocus event handler.  
Public MethodOnIsReadOnlyChangedHandles changes to the control's IsReadOnly property.  
Public MethodOnLostFocusBaseBase implementation of the virtual LostFocus event handler.  
Public MethodOnMouseEnterBaseBase implementation of the virtual MouseEnter event handler.  
Public MethodOnMouseLeaveBaseBase implementation of the virtual MouseLeave event handler.  
Public MethodOnMouseLeftButtonDownBaseBase implementation of the virtual MouseLeftButtonDown event handler.  
Public MethodOnMouseLeftButtonUpBaseBase implementation of the virtual MouseLeftButtonUp event handler.  
Public MethodUpdateVisualStateBaseUpdate the visual state of the control.  
See Also