
DockManagerBrushKeys Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by DockManagerBrushKeys.

Public Fields
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)AeroDockingIndicatorGroupHottrackCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabItemOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)AeroDockingIndicatorGroupHottrackInnerBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabItemOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)AeroDockingIndicatorGroupHottrackOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabItemOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)AeroDockingIndicatorGroupNormalCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabItemOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)AeroDockingIndicatorGroupNormalInnerBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabItemOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)AeroDockingIndicatorGroupNormalOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabItemOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ButtonActiveCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the ButtonActiveCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ButtonActiveOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the ButtonActiveOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ButtonHottrackCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the ButtonHottrackCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ButtonHottrackOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the ButtonHottrackOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ButtonPressedCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the ButtonPressedCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ButtonPressedOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the ButtonPressedOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ContentPaneBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the ContentPaneBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DarkBrushKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the DarkBrush. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DockingIndicatorBackgroundHottrackBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the DockingIndicatorGroupMiddleIconInnerLightFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DockingIndicatorBackgroundHottrackCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the DockingIndicatorGroupMiddleIconInnerLightFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DockingIndicatorBackgroundNormalBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the DockingIndicatorGroupMiddleIconInnerLightFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DockingIndicatorBackgroundNormalCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the DockingIndicatorGroupMiddleIconInnerLightFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DockingIndicatorDotsFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the DockingIndicatorGroupMiddleIconInnerLightFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DockingIndicatorGlyphFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabItemOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DockingIndicatorGroupMiddleIconInnerLightFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the DockingIndicatorGroupMiddleIconInnerLightFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DockingIndicatorGroupRightIcon1BlueGradientFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the DockingIndicatorGroupRightIcon1BlueGradientFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DockingIndicatorGroupRightIcon2BlueGradientFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the DockingIndicatorGroupRightIcon2BlueGradientFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DockingIndicatorGroupRightIconDarkGradientFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the DockingIndicatorGroupRightIconDarkGradientFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DockingIndicatorGroupRightIconInnerDarkFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the DockingIndicatorGroupRightIconInnerDarkFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DockingIndicatorGroupRightIconInnerLightFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the DockingIndicatorGroupRightIconInnerLightFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DockingIndicatorGroupRightIconOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the DockingIndicatorGroupRightIconOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GrayTextBrushKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the GrayTextBrushKey. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)LightBrushKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the LightBrush. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)MenuItemCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the MenuItemCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)MenuItemCheckmarkBoxHottrackCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the MenuItemCheckmarkBoxHottrackCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)MenuItemCheckmarkBoxHottrackOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the MenuItemCheckmarkBoxHottrackOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)MenuItemCheckmarkBoxNormalCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the MenuItemCheckmarkBoxNormalCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)MenuItemCheckmarkBoxNormalOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the MenuItemCheckmarkBoxNormalOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)MenuItemIconGroupBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the MenuItemIconGroupBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)MenuItemIconGroupCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the MenuItemIconGroupCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)MenuItemOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the MenuItemOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)MenuItemSeparatorDarkFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabFlyoutSplitterDarkStrokeFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)MenuItemSeparatorLightFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabFlyoutSplitterDarkStrokeFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)MenuSelectionCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the MenuSelectionCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)MenuSelectionHottrackTextFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the MenuSelectionHottrackTextFillKey. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)MenuSelectionInnerBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the MenuSelectionInnerBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)MenuSelectionOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the MenuSelectionOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PaneActiveCaptionFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the PaneActiveCaptionFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PaneActiveCaptionInnerBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the PaneActiveCaptionInnerBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PaneCaptionButtonActiveGlyphFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the PaneCaptionButtonActiveGlyphFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PaneCaptionButtonHottrackCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the PaneCaptionButtonHottrackCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PaneCaptionButtonHottrackOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the PaneCaptionButtonHottrackOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PaneCaptionButtonNotActiveGlyphFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the PaneCaptionButtonNotActiveGlyphFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PaneCaptionButtonNotActiveHottrackCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the PaneCaptionButtonNotActiveHottrackCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PaneCaptionButtonNotActiveHottrackOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the PaneCaptionButtonNotActiveHottrackOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PaneCaptionButtonPressedCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the PaneCaptionButtonPressedCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PaneCaptionButtonPressedOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the PaneCaptionButtonPressedOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PaneHeaderActiveTextFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the PaneHeaderActiveTextFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PaneHeaderNotActiveTextFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the PaneHeaderNotActiveTextFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PaneNavigatorCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the DockingIndicatorGroupMiddleIconInnerLightFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PaneNavigatorDarkTextFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the DockingIndicatorGroupMiddleIconInnerLightFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PaneNavigatorFooterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the DockingIndicatorGroupMiddleIconInnerLightFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PaneNavigatorHeaderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the DockingIndicatorGroupMiddleIconInnerLightFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PaneNavigatorItemHottrackCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the DockingIndicatorGroupMiddleIconInnerLightFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PaneNavigatorItemHottrackInnerBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the DockingIndicatorGroupMiddleIconInnerLightFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PaneNavigatorItemHottrackOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the DockingIndicatorGroupMiddleIconInnerLightFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PaneNavigatorLightTextFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the DockingIndicatorGroupMiddleIconInnerLightFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PaneNavigatorOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the DockingIndicatorGroupMiddleIconInnerLightFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PaneNotActiveCaptionFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the PaneNotActiveCaptionFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PaneNotActiveCaptionInnerBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the PaneNotActiveCaptionInnerBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SplitViewTabActiveCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the SplitViewTabActiveCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SplitViewTabActiveOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the SplitViewTabActiveOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SplitViewTabNotActiveCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the SplitViewTabNotActiveCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SplitViewTabNotActiveOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the SplitViewTabNotActiveOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedDocumentActiveCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedDocumentActiveCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedDocumentActiveInnerBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedDocumentActiveInnerBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedDocumentActiveOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedDocumentActiveOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedDocumentGlyphFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedDocumentGlyphFillKey. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedDocumentGlyphHottrackFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedDocumentGlyphHottrackFillKey. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedDocumentGroupFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedDocumentHottrackCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedDocumentHottrackCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedDocumentHottrackCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedDocumentHottrackInnerBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedDocumentHottrackInnerBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedDocumentHottrackOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedDocumentHottrackOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedDocumentHottrackTextFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedDocumentHottrackTextFillKey. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedDocumentNotActiveCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedDocumentNotActiveCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedDocumentNotActiveInnerBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedDocumentNotActiveInnerBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedDocumentNotActiveOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedDocumentNotActiveOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListActiveBottomCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedListActiveCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListActiveInnerBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedListActiveInnerBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListActiveLeftCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedListActiveCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListActiveOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedListActiveOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListActiveRightCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedListActiveCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListActiveTextFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedListActiveTextFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListActiveTopCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedListActiveCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListGroupFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedDocumentHottrackCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListHighlightBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedListHighlightBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListHighlightFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedListHighlightFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListHottrackBottomCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedListHottrackCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListHottrackInnerBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedListHottrackInnerBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListHottrackLeftCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedListHottrackCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListHottrackOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedListHottrackOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListHottrackRightCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedListHottrackCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListHottrackTextFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedListHottrackTextFillKey. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListHottrackTopCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedListHottrackCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListNotActiveBottomCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedListNotActiveCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListNotActiveInnerBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedListNotActiveInnerBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListNotActiveLeftCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedListNotActiveCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListNotActiveOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedListNotActiveOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListNotActiveRightCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedListNotActiveCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListNotActiveTextFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedListNotActiveTextFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedListNotActiveTopCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedListNotActiveCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedPaneCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedPaneCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedPaneInnerBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedPaneInnerBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabbedPaneOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the TabbedPaneOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TabGroupPaneGlyphFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the ToolbarCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ThemeColorTextFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the LightBrush. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ToolTipCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the ToolTipCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ToolTipOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the ToolTipOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)UnpinnedTabFlyoutSplitterDarkStrokeFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabFlyoutSplitterDarkStrokeFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)UnpinnedTabFlyoutSplitterLightStrokeFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabFlyoutSplitterLightStrokeFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)UnpinnedTabItemBottomCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabItemCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)UnpinnedTabItemBottomHottrackCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabItemHottrackCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)UnpinnedTabItemHighlightBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabItemHighlightBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)UnpinnedTabItemHighlightFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabItemHighlightFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)UnpinnedTabItemHottrackHighlightFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabItemHottrackHighlightFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)UnpinnedTabItemHottrackOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabItemHottrackOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)UnpinnedTabItemLeftCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabItemCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)UnpinnedTabItemLeftHottrackCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabItemHottrackCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)UnpinnedTabItemOuterBorderFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabItemOuterBorderFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)UnpinnedTabItemRightCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabItemCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)UnpinnedTabItemRightHottrackCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabItemHottrackCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)UnpinnedTabItemTopCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabItemCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)UnpinnedTabItemTopHottrackCenterFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the UnpinnedTabItemHottrackCenterFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)XamDockManagerBackgroundFillKeyThe key that identifies a resource to be used as the XamDockManagerBackgroundFill. Look here DockManagerBrushKeys for an explanation of how these keys are used.  
See Also